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Topic: Pacifism (Non-resistance)

Episode Topic Audio

Resistance & Violence: What is your view on non-resistance, government involvement, and violence? [James 4:17, Matthew 5:39, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 26:52].

Self-Defense: If we are attacked by an enemy, do we have the right to defend ourselves? Rec: Topical articles, "On the Believer’s use of Forcible Resistance." [Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31].

"Just War" Theory: How does the Bible line up with "Just War" Theory? Rec: Article "On the Believer’s Use of Forcible Resistance" at the website. [James 4:17].

Gun Ownership vs Trusting God: Is gun ownership in contrast to trusting God?

Murder: Abortion & War: Isn't both "abortion" and "war" the same as murder? [Matthew 5:9].
Stopping War: Can't we be peacemakers and stop this war in the Ukraine? [Matthew 5:9].

Pacifism & Self-Defense: Could you expound on the topic of self-defense in light of these particular verses? [Psalm 82:3-4, Exodus 22:2, Acts 7:60, Acts 26:14, Mar 12:31, Romans 12:19].

Guns for Christians: Do you think it is acceptable to have guns as a Christian? [Matthew 5:39, James 4:17].

Relationships Between Nations (Governments): Do the rules about interpersonal relationship relate to the relationships between nations? [Romans 13:1-7, 2 Corinthians 10:4-15, James 4:17, Matthew 5:44, Mark 12:31].
Just War: Does the Bible support just war or pacifism? [2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Ephesians 6:12, Matthew 5:44, Mark 12:31].

The Sword, War & Self-Defense: What is your take on when Jesus told them to take a sword and is it related to self-defense? [Luke 22:35-38].

Resisting Evil (Governments, etc.): Would you comment on Matthew 5:39 and our resistance to evil (even the government)? [Matthew 5:39, Romans 12, James 4:7].

Deadly Force in Defense: As a believer, do I have the right to defend myself and my family using deadly force? [Luke 6:29-30, Matthew 5:38-48].

River Flowing & Splitting Mountain in Ezekiel: Are the verses in Ezekiel about the river "flowing out from Jerusalem" and the splitting of the mountain,literal or symbolic? [Ezekiel 47, Zechariah 14:4, 8, Joel 3:18, John 7:37-39, Hebrews 12, Isaiah 32:14-15].
Christian Discipleship & War: Would you help me understand being a disciple of Christ, and the idea that Christians should not parcipitate in war?

Self-defense & Pacifism: Why is the west so quick to use self-defense when it doesn't seem to have been commonly practiced in the early church?

Tower of Babel: Would you comment on the building of the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 11:3-6, 9:1, 10:9-10].
Turn the other cheek and self defense: What does it mean to turn the other cheek relative to self-defense? [Matthew 5:38-48].

Is There Just War?: Is there "just" war? Does scripture support the idea of going to war? [Matthew 5:44, 22:39, Isaiah 42].

Christians Defending Themselves: It seems like non-western Christians seem to not defend themselves like those in the west do. What do you think the reason is?

Turning the Other Cheek: Love everyone & don't condone violence/revenge against people sinning against you, insulting you, type thing, but not real violent crime against you, that you can defend against that?

"Turning the other Cheek": Where is that found, where Jesus said to Turn the Other Cheek? But at some point you need to take action. Is that true? [Matthew 5:38-39]

Abraham & Melchizedek: God was behind the war that Abraham fought, Melchizedek praising him for his victory, & does that do away w/ Pacifism? [Genesis 14:18-20]

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