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Topic: Fulfill (Fulfillment)

Showing 1 to 37 of 37.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-18 The 144,000 & the Two Witnesses: From a partial-preterist view, who are the 144,000 and the two witnesses? Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures on Revelation. [Revelation 7, Revelation 14:1-5].
Double Fulfillment in Revelation: What are the chances of the prophecies in Revelation having double fulfillment? [Revelation 11].
2024-01-26 Steve's Chart Where can I find the chart about fullfilled prophecy (The Kingdom Charts)? Rec: Charts/ "Old Testament Descriptions of the Messianic Era (The Kingdom Age) fulfilled in the New Testament."
2024-01-25 The Bible Compared to the Quran: What are the best evidences of fulfilled prophecy? [Isaiah 44:27, Isaiah Isaiah 45:1]
Evidence Against Fulfilled Prophecy: What are the best evidences against fulfilled prophecy?
2023-11-29 Bible is Untrue if Modern Israel Falls: What about someone that claims the Bible and Jesus is not true if modern Israel is wiped off the face of the earth? [Matthew 5:17, Luke 5:17, Luke 21:20-22, Mark 1:2-3, Matthew 4:17, Galatians 1:8]
2023-11-21 A Great Revival in End Times: Am I missing something because I can't find anything in scripture about the often predicted "Great Revival" that is supposed to come before Christ's return? [Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:16-21].
End Times Upon Us: Do you think we are near the end and Jesus' Second Coming? [Acts 1:6, Matthew 24:46].
2023-10-30 Old Testament Fulfilled: Is it correct to see the Old Testament as completely fulfilled? [Matthew 5:17, Psalm 40:8, Hebrews 10:7].
2023-09-26 The Timing of Messiah: Why was Jesus sent when He was ... not earlier or later? [Galatians 3:24-27, Galatians 4:4, Genesis 15:6, Romans 3:25].
2023-08-11 Typological Fulfillments: Doesn't the original prophetic "type" have to make sense to those immediately involved? [Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 8:8 Luke 24:45, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Corinthians 3:14, Romans 16:25-26, 1 Corinthians 2:8-11, Ephesians 3:1-6, Colossians 1:26, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:15].
2023-07-18 Dual Fulfillment Prophecy: Could you shed some light on dual fulfillment prophecies and how we would identify them? [Isaiah 7, 2 Samuel 7, Matthew 1].
2023-04-12 Contemporary Prophesy Fulfilled-Revelation: Could you shed some light on claims that the 200 million army and the drying of the Euphrates River is being fullfilled now? [Revelation 10:16, Revelation 16:12, Revelation 16:19, Revelation 11:8, Isaiah 45:1].
2023-03-08 Christ's Coming Fulfilling Prophecy in Habakkuk: Do you think that the prophecy in Habakkuk "as waters covered the sea" was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus? [Habakkuk 2:14, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Matthew 5:18].
2023-01-11 Passing Away of the Law: What do you think of my take on the verse about the passing away of the law? [Matthew 5:18].
2022-11-09 Promises to Israel: How do you interpret the passages in Romans 11, that says that the promises to Israel still stand? [Romans 11:5, Acts 13:46].
Defining the Church: Is it the faithful remnant of Israel and the believing gentiles that make up the church? Recommended topical lecture; "What are We to Make of Israel?" [Romans 9:6, Romans 8:27, Romans 9-11, Isaiah 10:22, Ezekiel 18:20].
2022-09-30 Promises to Israel Fulfilled in Christ: When will Christ return to "rule with a rod of iron?" [Revelation 2:27, Revelation 19:15, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Romans 8:19-23, Revelation 20].
Steve Gregg-False Teacher: My pastor thinks you are a false teacher because of your eschatology?
2022-09-01 Fullness of the Gentiles: Could the "fullness of the Gentiles" simply be referring to the inclusion of the Gentiles in the benefits of salvation, thus fulflling prophecy? [Romans 11:25-26, Luke 21:24, Jeremiah 11:16, Romans 11:7, Amos 9].
2022-05-27 Losing One's Salvation by Not Keeping the Law: Could you talk about keeping of the law and if it causes one to be in the danger of loses one's salvation? [Matthew 5:17-20, Hebrews 8:13, John 17:4].
2022-04-04 "Seed" vs "Seeds": Is this "progressive revelation" when there is the distinguishing of "seed" vs. "seeds"? [Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:28-29, Ephesians 3:1-6]
2022-03-16 Zelenskyy's Jewish Heritage: How does my Jewishness fit into the current events in Ukraine and Zelenskyy and prophecy?
2022-02-11 Tresgressing the Law: I don't think you would say Christians need to obey the ten commandments, so what is the law that we must obey that is being referred to in Romans 4? [Romans 4:13, Romans 13:8-13, Galatians 5:14, I Corinthians 9:19-21, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 6:2, James 2:8].
2022-01-17 Mental Illness in Family Member: How do I look at a diagnosis of my ex-wife's mental illness (Bipolar) in light of scripture, particularly relative to my daughter? Topical lecture recommended; "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
Thanks to Steve & The Narrow Path Ministry: Caller thanks Steve for causing him to reexamine what he has been taught, which has made him grow in his faith. [Proverbs 18:17].
All Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think that all prophecies have been, or where, fulfilled by 70A.D.? [Daniel 2:35].
2022-01-10 Jesus' Teaching of the Law: Were the words of Jesus about the teaching of the law only applicable to His 3.5 years of His ministry? [Matthew 5:18-19, Matthew 11:12].
Jesus Teaching the Ten Commandments: Did Jesus teach the Ten Commandments? [Mark 7:15, Matthew 15:11].
2021-12-31 Dispensationalism as Heresy: Where would you place Dispensationalism on the scale of heretical doctrines? [Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 12:28, Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 11:4].
2021-12-08 "Double Fulfillment" or "Mountaintop" Prophecy: Would you comment on "Double Fulfillment Prophecy" and "Mountaintop Prophecy"? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8:1-10, Matthew 1:23, 2 Samuel 7:12-14, Joel 2:28-32].
2021-11-03 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Is "Once saved, always saved" a true statement? [Matthew 15:1-6, Romans 11:22, I John 5:11-12, Hebrews 3:12].
Dispensationalism: Would you define "Dispensationalism"? Recommended resources: for the topical calls.
Replacement Theology: What is "Replacement Theology?" [Hebrews 8:13].
2021-10-20 Obeying the Law: How does one explain Matthew 5:19, about the necessity of obeying the law? [Matthew 5:17-19, John 5:46].
2016-09-12 Double-fulfillment Prophecy: So this is a double fulfillment in Matthew, both applying to Israel & Christ? [Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:14-15]
The Second Coming in the OT: Are these verses the first time the Second Coming is mentioned or was it mentioned in the Old Testament as well? [Acts 1:9-11]
2016-08-16 Double Fulfillment for Dispensationalists: Dispensationalists rely heavily on double fulfillment. Can Steve comment on that?
2016-07-15 Numeric Symbolism (390 & 40 Years): What do the 390 & 40 years, for a total of 430 years mean? What is the symbolism of laying on the left side & right sides? [Ezekiel 4:1-6]
2013-12-02 Dual Fulfillment Prophecies (Olivet Discourse): Is it possible that prophecies in the Olivet Discourse that were fulfilled in the past, are to be fulfilled a second time [Matthew 24]
2013-11-07 Inner Peace & Fulfillment: Michael the Buddhist wanted to talk about having inner peace & fulfillment & a discussion ensues about the contrasts between Buddhism & Christianity.
2013-09-09 Olivet Discourse: If the signs given in the Olivet Discourse were referring to the destruction of 70 AD, what signs are we now supposed to look for His Second Coming?
The Gospel Being Preached to the World: What about, "the gospel shall be preached to all the world & then the end shall come"? Couldn't that be considered a "sign"? [Matthew 24:14]
"Until the Times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled": What about the says, "until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled"? Isn't that a sign? [Luke 21:24]
2013-09-04 "Fulness of the Gentiles be come in": What does the "fulness of the Gentiles be come in" mean? [Romans 11:25b]
2013-08-05 Prophecies Fulfilled & the Kingdom of God: Hasn't the Kingdom of God been established & all the prophecies fulfilled?
2013-07-11 Promises & Prophecies Not Yet Fulfilled: Are thre any promises or prophecies that haven't yet been fulfilled yet?
2013-06-05 Fulfillment of "Their" Law: Who's law is being referred to in John 18? [John 18:18-25]
Mistaken Types of Christ: Is it possible that "types of Christ" are often mistakenly attributed?
2013-04-26 Sabbath Fulfilled: Can you tell me how you think that Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath? [Hebrews 4:9-10, Psalm 95, Hebrews 10, Colossians 2:16-17].
Ten Commandments: Do we just dispense with the 4th commandment of the ten? Do we not obey the ten commandment at all? [Hebrews 8:13].
2013-02-20 Realized (Inaugurated) Eschatology: Could you explain "realized eschatology" (or inaugurated eschatology)? [Daniel 2:35, Colossian 1:13, Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:9-11].
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