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Topic: Idealist View (of Rev)

Episode Topic Audio

The 144,000 & the Two Witnesses: From a partial-preterist view, who are the 144,000 and the two witnesses? Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures on Revelation. [Revelation 7, Revelation 14:1-5].
Double Fulfillment in Revelation: What are the chances of the prophecies in Revelation having double fulfillment? [Revelation 11].

Date of Writing of Revelation: How do they determine the differing date of writing for the book of Revelation (relative to one's Amillennial view)? Rec: Introduction to the Commentary: "Four Views of Revelation."

Great White Throne Judgment: Does the "Great White Throne Judgment" happen for all people? [Revelation 20:11ff, Matthew 25:31].
Amilliennial View of the Future: Which events are still to come in the Amillennial view of end times? [Revelation 11:1-14, Revelation 20, Revelation 21].
Mental Illness & Scripture: What do you think about mental illness relative to scripture? Rec topical lectures; "Biblical Counsel for a Change."

Revelation Already Happened (Mostly): Could you talk about what has already happened in Revelation? [Rec: Steve's commentary: "Revelation-Four Views" or verse-by-verse Revelation.

Teaching Revelation as Applied to Us Today: What do you think about Malcolm Smith's teaching on the book of Revelation and placing the application to us to day, not the future. Recommends the commentary: "Revelation-Four Views" by Steve Gregg, or the free topical lectures at the website; "When Shall These Things Be?".

Progressive Parallelism-Revelation Have you heard of the "Progressive Parallelism of the book of Revelation"?
Revelation's 144,000: Why did you abandon the idealist position about the 144, 000? (Steve's commentary; Four Views of Revelation).

Calvinism & Hell: Caller commends Steve for his work on Israel, but disagrees with him on Hell and Calvinism.
Revelation: "Preterism" vs "Idealism": Why I left "Preterism" for "Idealism" regarding the Book of Revelation. [Revelation 17:10].
Preterists & Josephus: Are not Preterists making a mistake in using "Josephus" just like Dispensationalists use newspapers today?

"Idealist View" of Revelation-Recommended Book: Was it the book "More Than Conquerers" by William Hendriksen the one you recommended on "Idealism"?
Fold-out Timeline: Are you familiar with fold-out timeline, "Adams Synchronological Chart or Map of History"?

Revelation View of Steve Gregg: Which view of the book of Revelation is the view that you hold and why? Recommended verse-by-verse on Revelation.

Idealist and Amillennial Views of Revelation: Could you talk about how the book, "More Than Conquerors" by William Henriksen, helped you change your views of Dispensationalism? Recommended books; "The Time is at Hand" by Jay Adams, and "The Parousia" by James Stuart Russell

Idealist View of Revelation: Would you help me understand the "Idealist" view of Revelation?
Praying in the Spirit: How does one pray in the spirit, if they don't speak in tongues? [Jude 20, I Corinthians 14:14, Ephesians 6:18].

Exchanging Testimonies with Mormons: Mormon sharing their testimonies or sharing your testimony.
Correct Revelation Model of Interpretation: Caller doesn't think it needs to be either-or of a certain model of Revelation to believe.

Idealist View of Revelation: Been studying Gregory Beale's book on Revelation regarding the Idealist View & was just wondering why the word "signified" is so important in Revelation. [Revelation 1:1].

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