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Topic: Shroud of Turin

Showing 1 to 11 of 11.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-22 DNA & the Shroud of Turin: Shouldn't we be able to do a DNA test on the Shroud of Turin to determine the contributors?
God's Responsibility for Evil: Doesn't God bear responsibility for evil, since He created the devil? [Revelation 21:1-4].
2024-04-15 Shroud of Turin Could the image on the Shroud of Turin possibly be authentic? Is that how they wrapped the bodies?
2024-02-15 Shroud of Turin: Do you have an opinion about the Shroud of Turin?
2023-07-27 Christian Counterculture: What do you mean by "Radically Christian Counterculture?"
Dispensationalism's Evolution: Has Dispensationalism evolved from its inception?
Shroud of Turin: What do you think about the "Shroud of Turin?"
2020-02-03 Shroud of Turin: Wasn't the burial shroud of Jesus' in two pieces? Does that refute the Shroud of Turin? [John 20:7].
2020-01-31 Sanctification = More Human: What do you think about an author who claims that the birth of Jesus was the end of the world, and sanctification is us becoming more human?
Shroud of Turin: What do you think about the "Shroud of Turin"?
2019-08-07 Shroud of Turin: I think the Shroud of Turin is authentic, and I know it intuitively.
Third Temple: I believe there is going to be a 3rd temple.
Adamic Curse: I think we are still under the Adamic curse, and there will be another holocaust.
2019-08-05 Shroud of Turin: Is the Shroud of Turin the authentic shroud of Jesus?
Third Temple: Will there be a third temple in Jerusalem? [Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 14, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation].
Second Coming: What will trigger the lasts days and the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:14, Ephesians 4:13, Mark 4:29].
2017-09-29 Relics & Artifacts: Relics & artifacts of significance, how do we view them (ark of the covenant, chalice, cross, shroud), magical & superstitious vs supernatural? [Jeremiah 3:16]
2013-03-15 Painting Portrait of Jesus: Do you think that perhaps someone painted a picture of Jesus, so we know what He looks like?
Talking Serpent: If God can make a donkey talk, why could God make a snake talk?
2012-01-04 Language and Semantics: Caller comments on using the term "person" for God.
Shroud of Turin: What do you think about the "Shroud of Turin?"
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