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Topic: Birth Defects

Showing 1 to 5 of 5.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-08-24 Destined to Hell: Do you think some people are born evil and are destined to hell?
2019-06-24 Intermarriage Consequences in Adamic Period: Why were there not more birth defects in the early days of Adam and Eve, when there was so much intermarriage within families?
2017-06-09 Word of Faith Mentality: Word of faith people think that we are lacking faith that our child is going to have challenges when born.
2016-01-15 Dwarfs, Hunchbacks & Defects in the Eye: So people who are dwarfs, have hunchbacks or defects in their eye, they were less of a person than everyone else & couldn't go into the Temple? Can you please explain this because my daughter is a dwarf, & I've hesitated to mention this passage of Scripture to her. [Leviticus 21:16-23]
2013-12-24 Having a Destiny: Do you think everyone has a destiny?
4 Temperments: Are people born with 1 of the 4 temperments that Tim LaHaye prescribed to back in the 70s?
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