We are saved by faith, but not works, but I've always struggled w/ that because then a person thinks they can live a life of sin, & just have faith. What do you say? [James 2:14-15]
In the verses that indicate that we will have all that we want and pray for as long as we have enough faith, how does this work? Understanding hyperbole. [Mark 11:22-24]
God loves it when we trust Him, rely on Him. The Psalms are very comforting. But why do bad things happen to Christians, those promises in Psalms not seeming to be in accord with reality? [Psalms 90, 91, Ecclesiastes 8:11-13, Revelation 6:9-11]
Mike extends gratitude to Steve for helping to lead him out of Mormonism, while maintaining strong faith in Christ, instead of becoming an atheist, agnostic, or embracing other errors of the faith.
Listener isn't sure if she'd believe in Christianity if Jesus was born in this day & age. Immaculate Conception, Son of God, a Savior, Atonement, Resurrection, it all sounds crazy to her, & if she wouldn't believe that it happened today if it did, why would she believe it happened 2,000 years ago either?
Surely this faith that is listed in the Spiritual Gifts can't be talking about the initial faith to be saved, can it? It's talking about another, deeper kind of faith, right? [1 Corinthians 12:9]
Do the following verses prove that regeneration precedes faith? [John 1:12-13, Philippians 1:29, I John 5:1, Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 3, Luke 15:11-32, Hebrews 4, James 1:17].
Doesn't it say in James that if we pray for people who need to be healed, that if they are prayed over & they believe it, it will for sure happen? doesn't it say that will happen? [James 5:14]