Is there any significant difference from when Nathanael immediately knew who Jesus and when Peter seemed to later understand? [John 1:48-51, Matthew 16:17-19, John 4:42].
Isn't the Catholic idea that Peter is the foundation of the church a misunderstanding, as Jesus is saying that upon "faith," not Peter, is the church built? [Matthew 16:15-19, Luke 9:20, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:4f, Revelation 21:19-20].
Could you explain the Matthew verses that Catholics relate to the "infallibility of the Pope?" [Matthew 16:17-19, Matthew 18:18, Ephesians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:4-5, Isaiah 28:16, Revelation 21:14, Matthew 7:24-25].
What is your view of the scripture about "keys to the kingdom" and "whatsoever you bind and loose" will be done in heaven? [Matthew 16:19, Acts 2, Matthew 18:18].
How do I best approach someone who doesn't think that Jesus is the Messiah come, but a teacher, even in light of "I am"? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 13:13, Matthew 16:13-20].
How do you understand the verse about "remitting and retaining" sin and how the Catholics came to having a priest to forgive sin? Is this similar to "binding and loosing"? [John 20:22-23, Luke 24:46-47, Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18].
What kind of power and authority does Christian actually have, such as commanding things to happen, directing angels, binding demons, etc.? [Romans 4, Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:18].
Could you help me understand the phrases about "forgiving, remitting and retaining sins", and "binding and losing" things on earth? [Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18, John 20:23].
Have you ever heard of the ISV, international standard version? If you haven't, you should check it out. I'll give 2 examples of how accurate it is. [Ephesians 5:18, Matthew 16:19]
You just fielded a question about Philip not being able to lay hands on people for the Holy Spirit except when he got some of the original 12 Apostles. I'd like to explain a theory of why: That Peter has the Keys to the Kingdom. [Matthew 16:19]