Caller shares thoughts about God's ability to create things in a finished state with reference to evolution. REC: Topical lectures, "Creation and Evolution."
Can we open portals to Satan and invite his activity in into our lives by things we do or see? NOTE: "Empire of the Risen Son" is now available in Spanish at Amazon. [Ephesians 4:26-27, 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, Psalm 101:3, Deuteronomy 7:26].
If Israel is not still special and destined to play a role in the future, how do you explain the way it has been seemingly providentally protected? REC: Topical lecture series "What are We to Make of Israel?"[Exodus 19:5, Matthew 21:43, Matthew 5:45]
Do you know good books to help with the broadening disenchantment with the modern institutional church? Are you familiar with "9Marks Ministries" (Mark Dever, Author of "Nine Marks of a Healthy Church"). REC: Book, "Pagan Christianity" and topical lecture series "Some Assembly Required."
Does this verse about being known in the womb before birth in Jeremiah apply to all of us? Can it be applied to abortion? [Jeremiah 1:4-5, Galatians 1:15-17, Luke 1:41-45].
Could you explain how the pre-millennialist views and justifies the irrational ideas of life in the Millennium? [Revelation 19-20, Isaiah 65, Psalm 2:9, 2 Peter 3:10-13, Romans 8:19-23, Matthew 25:46].
Could you explain the passage about when Jesus preached to the spirits in prison in Hades during the time of Noah? Is this the same event in 1 Peter 4, referencing preaching to the dead? [1 Peter 3:19-20, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Peter 2:5].
What do you think about the position of a "Pastor" or "Senior Pastor" in modern churches, since the Greek word for "elder" and "pastor" is the same? [James 5:14, Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:2-3, 1 Corinthians 1:3, 3 John ].
Why a "Judgment Day?" Is it necessarily a public event? If so, why? [Matthew 12:36, Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation 20, Matthew 13:48, Daniel 12:12, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12-15 ].
What are some good scriptures to prove that "Once saved, always saved" is not true? REC: Topical lecture series "Content of the Gospel", "Eternal Security." [Ephesians 1:13, John 15:6].
How do we express the necessity of no continuing in sinful behavior if one is justifying it as a sin already covered by God's forgiveness? [1 John 2:1].
Could you respond to the theological debate over the question of whether the Holy Spirit came from the Father or the Son (Filioque Debatre) and use mandated of icons? [John 14:16, Act 2:33, John 15:26].
Could you shed light on the story of Ananias & Sapphira and whether God actually brought this judgment on them? [Acts 5:1-11, 1 Corinthians 11, Acts 12:23, Jude 1:7].
How do I respond to my brother (a Jehovah's Witness) who argues that God cannot die? REC: Topical lecture series "Knowing God, lecture "The Trinity." [Genesis 3:22-32, 1 Timothy 3:16, Genesis 18:1, Hebrews 2:9].