Apocalypic Literature or Language

Showing 1 - 28 of 28

Those Left Behind (Post Rapture)

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Does Revelation 9 suggest that the tormented people left behind won't even be able to kill themselves if they miss the rapture? Rec: Steve's book "Revelation Four Views." [Revelation 9:5-6].

Symbolic Visions (Zechariah 14)

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Could you explain (the visions in) Zechariah 14? Rec: Verse-by-verse lecturesh. [Zechariah 13:7, Zechariah 12-14, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:1, Zechariah 14:1-2, Zephaniah 1:14-15, Zephaniah 2:3, Zephaniah 3:15, Hebrews 12:22-23].

Another Man in the Garden of Eden

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Are you saying that there was another man in the Garden of Eden? If not, what could it possibly mean to say that the King of Tyre was a cherub in the garden of Eden if this is not about Satan? [Ezekiel 28:12-14, Isaiah 14:4, Isaiah 14:16].

Hermeneutics in Bible Study

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How can you assess a proper hermeneutics? Rec: Topical lecture. "When Shall These Things Be?" [Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13].

Olivet Discourse

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Could you explain the meaning of "the sign of his coming" in Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse)? Rec: Matthew713.com for Steve's Bible study notes. [Matthew 24:3, Isaiah 19:1, Revelation 2:4-5, Acts 1:11].

Flaming Fire

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Does Jesus raise the unrighteous dead to be destroyed in the fire of judgment? [2 Thessalonians 1:8, Revelation 20:9-13, Matthew 25:31].

Dispensational View of the Prophecy in Zechariah 14

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What is your take on the prophecies in Zechariah 14 in contrast to the Dispensational view that it cannot be taken as something past? Rec: verse-by-verse studies at the website. [Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26:31, Zechariah 14:8, John 7:38, Zechariah 13:1, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 14:4, Ezekiel 8-11, Ezekiel 11:23, Matthew 23:38, Ezekiel 40-47, Zechariah 4:7].

Marriage Supper of the Lamb

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Can you interpret the symbolism in "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb?" [Revelation 21:9, Revelation 1:16, Deuteronomy 32:21]

Prophecy: The World Turns Against Israel

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When scripture says that the "world" will move against Israel, is it talking about the world now, or the world then? [Zechariah 12:1-3, Zechariah 14:1-2, Zechariah 11:12-13, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:1, Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26:31].

"Not Until All These Things Pass Away"

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Can you help me understand Matthew 24:34 and Jesus' reference to "not until all these things pass away?" [Matthew 24:3, Matthew 24:33-34, Matthew 24:26-30, Isaiah 19:1].

Seeing 70 A.D. in Matthew 24

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Considering Matthew 24 as taking place in 70 A.D., how does one understand the verses about the apocalypse, like the "sun being darkened," etc? [Matthew 24:29, Luke 21:20, Isaiah 13:10, Isaiah 19:1].

Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols

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In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].