January 05, 2022




Sins Removed, but Account Required of All we Have Done-Contradiction

Question details

How does one reconcile when the Bible says our sins will be removed as far as the east is from the west, and yet we are also told we will give account for all we have done. [Psalm 103:12, Jeremiah 31:34, Matthew 12:36, Luke 6:45, I Corinthians 11:30]





Adam, Eve, Giants, Nephilim

Question details

Do you think that Adam & Eve could've lived with dinosaurs, and perhaps giant people (Nephilim), from whence came Goliath? [Genesis 6, Job 4-41].







Contradiction About When Jesus Went to Heaven

Question details

Can you help me reconcile two seemingly contradictory statements about when the thief would meet Jesus in paradise and when he told Mary He had not yet ascended into heaven? [Luke 23:43, John 20:17, 2 Corinthians 12:4, John 20:17],