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Topic: Noah (Noah's Ark)

Showing 1 to 50 of 141.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-20 The Flood Cleansing the World of Sin & the Curse on Noah's Sons: Why is the story about Noah getting drunk told when the world has just been cleansed of sin? What did Ham and Canaan do that deserved a curse? [Genesis 9:20].
2024-06-18 "Spirits in Prison": Why would Christ preach to "spirits in prison?" [1 Peter 3:19-20].
2024-05-17 Symbolism of the Ark to Salvation: Is Noah's Ark a symbol for salvation? [Matthew 24, Job 38, 1 Peter 3:19-21].
2024-05-09 Hiding Baby Moses, Faith & Noah's Ark: What kind of faith did it take to put Moses in the basket? Could the basket that Moses was saved in also be a type of Christ as was Noah’s Ark? {Exodus 2:3, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 11:23, 1 Peter 3:19-20]
The Brain, Mind & Mental Illness: Concerning your lecture “Biblical Counsel for a Change” what is your knowledge of the difference between the mind and brain relative to mental health?
2024-05-02 The Epic of Gilgamesh & Biblical Flood Accounts: Have you looked at the similarities between the two flood accounts in the Bible and The Gilgamesh Epic and do you think they could be the same flood?
2024-05-02 Survivors of the Flood Besides Noah's Family: Weren't there survivors of the Flood besides the people who were in the ark?
2024-04-30 Noah's Sons Populating the Earth: Where did Noah's sons get their wives?
Defiled Bloodlines of Noah from Fallen Angels: What do you think about the defiling of the bloodlines of Noah's generation having come from the fallen angels having children with humans? [Genesis 6:2-4].
2024-04-30 Noah's Sons Populating the Earth: Where did Noah's sons get their wives?
Defiled Bloodlines of Noah from Fallen Angels: What do you think about the defiling of the bloodlines of Noah's generation having come from the fallen angels having children with humans? [Genesis 6:2-4].
2024-02-13 Jesus Not Created: Just wanted to thank you for correcting me on the fact that Jesus was not created [Genesis 1:26, Micah 5:2].
Curse of Ham by Noah: In the story of Noah's drunkenness, why was Ham cursed?
2024-01-16 Matthew 24 "Days of Noah": Clarification of Matthew 24's "as in the days of Noah" referring to the normal activities of life, rather than the more common suggestion that would be paralleled to the evil activities in that culture at that time. [1 Thessalonians 5:3, Matthew 24:37-39].
2024-01-16 "As in the Days of Noah" ... and Lot: Caller shares scripture that "as in the days of Noah" may relate to "the days of Lot" also. [Luke 17:28-37, Matthew 24:37-39].
2024-01-09 Hinduism's Timeline: Does the Hindu religion predate creation?
Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): What do you think about the "once saved, always saved?" [John 15:6].
2024-01-03 Evangelizing a Jewish Skeptic: Any advice about evangelizing a Jewish friend who is open to learning about Christianity, but he heard about the water in the flood being over 20 feet above all the mountains, thus he is very skeptical? Rec: "The Genesis Flood" by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris
Turning Your Life Over to Christ: What does it look like when one "turns their life over to Christ?" Rec: Book by Steve Gregg. "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 2."
2023-12-29 Global Flood: Do you think that the flood was local or global? Because the Hebrew word for "land" and "earth" is the same, does that make it reasonable to assume it was just local? [Exodus 10:5, Genesis 7].
2023-12-28 Harold Camping: Caller comments on Harold Camping's mistaken view of when Christ would return.
Noah's Ark: Caller comments on the building of Noah's Ark.
2023-12-26 Bible Inerrancy: As someone who was once into the inerrancy of the Bible, I am seeing more that I question in it now. Could Noah's Ark story be a fable?
2023-12-26 Atheist Caller: Noah's Flood Do you think that there was a worldwide flood? If so, would there not be evidence of this?
2023-12-26 Noah's Ark: Do you think it is possible that younger animals were taken on the ark to make it more feasible?
2023-12-14 Jewish Descendants: If we are all descendants of Moses, then aren't we all Hebrew? Are the Jews going to be the first to bow to Christ?
2023-11-08 Unconditional Biblical Promises: Are there any unconditional Covenants or promises in scripture? [Genesis 9:11, 2 Peter 3:10, Jeremiah 18:8].
Promise Against a Future Flood: Isn't the promise to Noah that God would not ever flood the earth again to destroy it unconditional?
Faith Required of Nations: If faith is the condition required of man, is it also applicable to whole nations? [Hebrews 11].
2023-10-13 Noahide Laws: Could you comment on the "Noahide Laws?" [Genesis 9:4, Hebrews 8:13].
2023-08-28 Documentary "Days of Noah": Have you seen the documentary "Days of Noah" and if so, what do you think of it?
Seventh-Day Adventists: Could you talk about the beliefs of the denomination Seventh-Day Adventism? [Romans 14:5].
2023-08-10 Types of the Church (Rapture & 144,000): Do you think there are types of the church in the story of Enoch and Noah (types of the rapture and the spared 144,000)? [Luke 17:26, 1 Peter 3:20]
Methuselah: What about the meaning of "Methuselah" (“When he is dead, it shall be sent”)?
Church Father's View of Types: What did the church fathers think about "types" in scripture? Isn't it just guessing at the meanings? Rec: Topical lectures: "When Shall These Things Be?"
2023-08-08 Jesus Descends into Hell-or Not?: Did Jesus go to hell after He died, or did He go immediately into the hands of His Father? [1 Peter 3:19-20, 1 Peter 4:6-7, 2 Corinthians 12:4, Acts 2:27, Luke 23:46, 2 Peter 2:5].
2023-08-03 "Cut Off from the People": Did all the descendants of Abraham continue to circumcise their children? If they did not, were they Gentiles and what did it mean to be "cut off" from the people?
Job, Who Knew God: Was Job a descendent of Abraham? And how did he know God so well?
2023-07-03 The Millennium: Could you explain "The Millennium?" Has it already happened, and if so, when did it take place? [Revelation 20, Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Psalm 50:10-12, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4, Psalm 84:10].
Spirits in Prison: Could you explain the passage about Jesus preaching to the "spirits in prison?" [1 Peter 3:20-21, 2 Peter 2:5, 1 Peter 1:10-12].
2023-06-22 Pre-Adamic Civilization and Souls: Do you think there was a pre-Adamic culture and were there souls? [Genesis 1-2, Exodus 20:11].
Timeline Between Adam and Noah: Could you comment on a timeline between Adam and Noah?
Pre-Adamic Souls: Were there souls before Adam?
2023-04-19 Noah & His Sons: Why was there such upset about Noah's sons seeing their father drunk in his tent? Why was this story included in scripture? [Genesis 9:21-25, Leviticus 20:11, Exodus 20:12].
2023-04-06 Jewish Expectations About the Messiah-on the Road to Emmaus: What were the two on the Road to Emmaus expecting of the Messiah when they indicated that they thought He would redeem Israel? [Luke 24:21, Acts 1:6, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Ephesians 1:7, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Romans 9:6]
Life Span: Why do you think that the life span of humans drops so significantly after the flood? [Genesis 1:7].
2023-03-29 Christians School Shooting: Request for prayer for the victims of the Christian School Shooting.
Ron Wyatt's Claims: Could you give me more information about how Ron Wyatt lied (Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, etc.)?
2022-12-13 Noah's Nakedness: Is it possible that a biblical euphemism from Leviticus applies to the story of Noah's nakedness and his son actually had sex with his mother? [Genesis 9:23, Leviticus 20:11, Leviticus 18:7].
2022-10-27 Salvation in the Old Testament: How were people saved before the Law of Moses? And what did they have faith in that that time? [Hebrews 11, Genesis 15:6].
Preaching in Hades: So who was Jesus preaching to in Hades in the days of Noah in I Peter 3? [I Peter 3:19].
2022-10-24 Animal Care on the Ark: Do you think that perhaps all the animals on the ark may have gone into some kind of hibernation, since the maintenance and care would have been monumental?
2022-07-12 Many Languages at Tower of Babel: Regarding the descendants of Ham, if everyone came from the same family, why were there so many languages at the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 10, Genesis 11].
2022-06-24 Population After Creation & the Flood: Was the earth populated by incest after the creation and the flood? [Genesis 1].
2022-06-10 Noah's Flood: Could Noah's flood have been just a local flood? [Genesis 6-9].
2022-06-07 Noah's Nakedness & the Curse of Canaan: Could you explain the story of when Noah uttered a curse against Canaan after Ham, his son, saw a him naked? why was Canaan cursed? [Genesis 9:23].
African Black Population Cursed: Are the black people of African cursed because of Ham? [Genesis 9-10].
2022-05-31 Archeological Discoveries: What do you think of the claims of Ron Wyatt, who reportedly found the Ark of the Covenant and Noah's Ark? [Jeremiah 3:16].
2022-03-25 No Rain Before Noah's Flood: Did it rain on the earth before Noah's flood? [Genesis 2:5-6, Genesis 9:13-16].
2022-02-15 As in the Days of Noah: Does the scripture warning about "as in the days of Noah" possibly reflect instead His patience and the preaching, instead of the sinfulness? [I Peter 3:20, Luke 17:28].
2022-01-24 Canaan Cursed by Noah: Why was Canaan cursed because of Noah's drunkenness and Ham's response to it? [Genesis 9:20-27].
2022-01-03 God Changes His Mind: Did God change his mind when scripture says that people had become so corrupt mankind would have to be destroyed, but then He found favor in Noah, giving us another chance? [Genesis 6:6, Numbers 23:19, 2 Chronicles 16:9, 2 Timothy 2:19].
2021-11-18 Dinosaurs & the Flood: Were there dinosaurs and did the flood wipe them out?
Leading & Testing the Holy Spirit: How does one recognize the leading of the spirit, or testing the spirit?
2021-11-15 "Earth"- Flood in Limited Area or Whole Earth: Do you think that Noah would've only thought the earth was the nearby area, rather than the whole earth? [Genesis 6-7:20].
2021-10-26 The Variety of Skin Colors: How do we get all our skin colors and nationalities?
2021-09-08 Neanderthals & Cro-Magnon: Is there biblical information that indicate from where the Neanderthal bones come?
Carbon Dating: Where does "carbon dating" come from?
Noah's Son-Neanderthal: Do you think that one of Noah's sons was a Neanderthal?
2021-08-09 The Word of Faith Movement: What do you think of the "Word of Faith" movement? Recommended Topical Lecture; Word of Faith (set of 4).
Ham's Sin (Noah's Son): The Bible doesn't say what Ham's (Noah's son) sin was specifically, but can you speak on that? [Genesis 9:24-25].
2021-06-24 Tower of Babel Produced Many Languages: Could you explain how the events at the Tower of Babel produced so many languages? [Genesis 11].
2021-04-20 Ancient Pagan Cultural Influences: Are you familiar with the Behistun, the Gilgamesh Epic, and Sumarian Tablets and how they may be informing us to the source of certain ideas, events, and cultures?
2021-03-25 Jesus in the Tomb: When Jesus was in the tomb, where was His soul? [Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:27, I Peter 3:20, I Peters 1:11, 2 Peter 2:5].
"Do Not Touch Me": What was meant when Jesus said to Mary that she was not to touch Him? [John 20:17].
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