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Topic: Noah (Noah's Ark)

Showing 101 to 141 of 141.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-06-03 The Flood: Why did God bring the flood? Did He overreact? [Genesis 6-8]
Men of Renoun & Nephilim: Are the people of the Nephilim & the men of renoun the same or different people? {Genesis 6]
Giants (sons) of God: So these were holy men, but I thought only noah & his family were holy during the Flood?
2016-03-24 PBS Special on Noah's Ark: I was watching a PBS special on the Flood & Noah's Ark, & they said that it happened Epic of Gilgamesh which was written way before Genesis, so Moses just got it from that. Is that true?
2015-12-21 Calculation problems w/ Noah's Ark: It just seems like an impossibility all the logistics involving all the animals in Noah's ark. How would it be possible? All the food, all the clean up. [Genesis 6]
2015-11-13 Noah's Flood: Was the Flood a world-wide flood, & how long ago was it, & there seems to be so much diversity among the people of the earth that it'd almost seem impossible that they came from Noah. [Genesis 6]
2015-10-21 Mark of the Beast: You'd have to be a willing participant to get the Mark of the Beast, you couldn't be deceived into it, isn't that right? [Revelation 13:11-18]
Span between Adam (Noah) & Abraham: Is there something missing there between the Fall of Adam & Eve until Abraham of how men lost sight of God?
2015-08-04 Laughter is Medicine: Is there any verse in the Bible about Laughter being good for the soul? [Proverbs 17:2]
The Date During Noah's Flood: Could they keep track of the years back then? Do we know the date way back then?
2015-06-25 120 years: What is the 120 years being referred to in [Genesis 6:3]?
2015-05-26 Lifespan of Humans Before Flood: What is the most satisfactory explanation Steve knows of for people living so long before the Flood but suddenly shorter lives a while after the Flood?
2015-03-16 Noah & Ham, "Uncovered his nakedness": What was the nakedness Ham uncovered? Why did Canaan get cursed when he had nothing to do w/ anything? [Genesis 9:20-27]
2015-02-24 Extra Days, 8th day & 9th day: 8th day was Noah, 9th day was the New Earth & New Heaven (Very Weird Call)
2015-02-19 Replenishing the Earth: Why does it say "replenish" the earth? That implies that something was there before. That's obviously true about Noah, but what about Adam? [Genesis 1:28, Genesis 9:1]
2014-10-16 Olivet Discourse & Noah's Flood: How does the stuff Jesus described in the Olivet Discourse compare with what happened during the days of Noah? [Matthew 24, Genesis 6-8]
2014-09-02 Races coming from Noah's family: How is possible for all the races to come from Noah's family (or Adam & Eve for that matter)?
2014-07-18 People after the Flood: Was Noah & his family the only people that made it after the Flood? If it IS the case, why so many primitive people?
Mosquitos & Plagues: Did God create things like Mosquitos, Flies & plagues/diseases?
6,000 years being enough time: It just doesn't seem like 6,000 years is enough time for everything to have happened that happened, millions & millions of people being killed & so on?
2014-07-17 Age of the Earth starting at the Flood: Perhaps the Jewish reckoning from the 2nd to last call started during the Flood?
2014-07-07 Shem, Ham & Japheth: Who was the youngest son of Noah, Shem, Ham or Japheth? (Genesis 9)
2014-05-27 Mary, Jesus & turning the water into wine: Did Mary know Jesus could do this type of miracle because of things she had possibly seen Him do before the "first" miracle of turning water into wine? [John 2:1-10]
Noah cursing Canaan: So if Ham was the one who saw Noah's nakedness, why was Canaan cursed by Noah & not Ham? [Genesis 9:25]
2014-04-08 Kabbalah & the movie, "Noah": What is this Kabbalah Jewish manuscript you were talking about regarding the movie, "Noah"?
2014-04-07 The new movie, "Noah": Are the "watchers" that were in the new movie, "Noah", biblical? (They talk about it for awhile, the 2nd question is asked, then they come back to this.)
Fallen Angels, Jude & Genesis: Is there a connection between Jude & Genesis regarding the Fallen Angels? [Genesis 6:1-4, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]
2014-03-27 Noah Film: What do you think of the new Movie coming out about Noah?
Real Story of Noah: What can we take away from the real story of Noah? [Genesis 6]
2014-03-27 Noah Film: What do you think of the new Movie coming out about Noah?
Real Story of Noah: What can we take away from the real story of Noah? [Genesis 6]
2014-02-21 2 Global Floods: There of course was Noah's Flood, but I heard from 2 preachers recently that there was a global flood before Noah's, somewhere at the very beginning of Genesis, but I can't find it. Can you tell me where it is? [Genesis 1:1-2, 6:1-9]
2014-01-07 Earth to Land: I've heard you say that the word "Earth" should be sometimes translated to "Land". Why?
Noah's Flood: What evidence supports your view that Noah's Flood was global?
2014-01-07 Ron Wyatt discovering Noah's Ark: Noah's Ark is in the valley of Mt Ararat, not the mountain.
2013-12-27 Seas & Oceans before the Flood: Caller thinks there were no oceans before the Flood.
2013-11-04 Generational Curse or Not: There seems to be quite a contradiction when it says in the book of Numbers that children will suffer for 3 or 4 generations, but then there's a verse that says the children are not responsible for the sins of their father. Can you help me out? [Number 14:18-19, Ezekiel 18:20, Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:7]
Generational Curses: Does the Bible ever talk about generational curses? [Exodus 20:5-6, Deuteronomy 23:8]
Canaan Cursed because of Ham: Why did Canaan get cursed when it was Ham was the one that sinned? [Genesis 9:24-25]
2013-10-11 6th & 8th Day Creation: God rested on the 7th day, after He created some people, & THEN created Adam & Eve on the 8th day. What does Steve think?
2 People of Every Race on Ark: Caller also thinks that 2 of every human race got on the ark.
2013-10-01 Races Since Noah: Was Noah's family Jewish?
2013-09-30 Japheth's Offspring: Can you explain the son's of Japheth & Noah in Genesis 10? [Genesis 10:1-5]
2013-09-23 God's Spirit Striving: Did the Holy Spirit leave right before the Flood & then come back at Pentecost? [Genesis 6, Acts 2:1-4]
2013-09-03 The Epic of Gilgamesh: There's evidence of a Flood before Moses' record including the Epic of Gilgamesh.
2013-08-16 Human Races: Where did all the races come from since the time of Noah?
People where Cain went: So there were more people where Cain moved to after killing Abel?
2013-06-11 Noah & the Flood: Was Noah's Flood a world-wide flood or a localized one?
Young or Old Earth?: Does Steve believe in an Old Earth or a New Earth?
2013-06-11 Water Canopy-the Firmament: Couldn't there have been a water canopy above the earth before the Flood? [Genesis 1:6-8]
2013-06-10 Light Before the Sun: How was there was light before the Sun was created on the 4th day? [Genesis 1:3-5, Genesis 1:14-19]
Animals on the Ark: Why is it barely ever mentioned that Noah actually brought seven pairs of a lot of the animals, not just 2 by 2? [Genesis 7:1-2]
2013-03-28 Noah's Salvation: If Noah had refused to go into the Ark, would he have been still saved? Can this be paralleled to obedience regarding baptism?
Gifts of the Spirit & Cessationism: Is there something to distinguish between the gift (singular) of the Spirit, and the charismatic gifts (plural) through the laying on of hands to impart them, that requires one to manifest the charismatic gifts to indicate being filled with the Spirit? Could the support "cessation" of the charismatic gifts? [Acts 8-9, I Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12, Acts 19, Acts 2, Acts 10].
2013-03-08 Non-Literal Interpretation of Genesis: What are the consequences to Christians who do not take Genesis literally (Creation & the Flood? [Romans 14:5, Romans 15:1, Romans 15:7, I Corinthians 13:9].
2013-03-05 Steve Gregg's Idaho Days: When and where did you live in Idaho?
Jesus Preaching in Hell (Prison): What does the passage mean when Jesus preached to the spirits in hell (prison)-in the days of Noah? Did He save people out of hell? [I Peter 3:19, 2 Peter 2, I Peter 1:10-12, Genesis 6].
2012-01-10 Noah's Drunkeness: What is the significance of the story of Ham disrespecting Noah when he was drunk, and the curse that followed? [Genesis 9:21].
2012-01-06 Justification by Faith (Old & New): Do you think that people in the Old Testament were made holy and righteous as we are today? [Genesis 15:6, Psalm 32:1, John 1:9, Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 2:7].
Jesus Preaching to the Dead in Prison: What do you think about those verses about Jesus "preaching to those that were dead?" [1 Peter 1:10, 1 Peter 4:6].
2012-01-03 Age Span of 120 years: Is the reference to the age of 120 years, about the average age of future men, or the time Noah had before the flood? [Genesis 6:3].
Seven-Headed Hydra/ God in India: Caller shared information about a god in India.
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