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Topic: Denominations

Showing 1 to 50 of 198.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-01 Denomination Aligned with Steve's Views: What denomination most closely aligns with your views (Amillennialism and Arminianism)?
2024-05-28 Dividing the Body of Christ: What is the best thing I can do to keep unity wherever I go? How do I guard myself from divisiveness? [Romans 14:21, 1 Corinthians 3:1-3, Ephesians 4:13-14].
2024-05-15 Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church: Why have I not heard you recommend churches that promote the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Ref: "Empire of the Risen Son" by Steve Gregg.
2024-05-09 Infant Baptism: What is the validity of “infant baptism?”
2024-05-03 The Unitarian Church: Could you talk about the Unitarian Church and if they don't believe Jesus is God?
No Military Service in Early Church: Did the early Christians refuse to join the military?
2024-04-15 Speaking in Tongues & Interpretation: Shouldn't groups have interpreters for speaking in tongues in church? [1 Corinthians 14:28].
2024-03-28 Eastern Orthodoxy: What would you consider reasons not to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy? [Matthew 23:8].
2024-03-27 Ordinations in Churches: What do you think about ordinations and laying on of hands in churches? [1 Timothy 5:22]
2024-02-08 "Disposed to" & Election: Caller comments about the context of Acts 13, and its relationship to "disposed to election."
Finding Fellowship: How do we, as homeschoolers, find fellowship and how flexible should we be on denominational differences like Dispensationalism and Calvinism?
2024-02-05 Steve Gregg Getting Listeners Excommunicated: Caller comments that it was funny that Steve indicated that listening to his show can cause people to get kicked out of church.
Jonathan Cahn & False Prophets: My church is hosting Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (author of "The Harbinger"), but isn't it a problem to have a false prophet speak?
2024-01-08 Nazarenes (Church of the Nazarene): Could you talk about the "Nazarenes?" What religion are they? Are they a cult? [Acts 24:5].
2024-01-04 Jehovah's Witnesses: Could you tell me more about the Jehovah's Witnesses? [2 Corinthians 3:17].
2023-12-14 Catholic Christians: Are all Catholics lost?
2023-12-01 "Church of Christ": Is the "Church of Christ" a cult?
2023-11-08 The Pietist View: Could you talk about "The Pietist View" and what where they may have gone beyond scripture?
2023-11-03 The Salvation Army (Denomination): Do you think that The Salvation Army's soft view of the necessity of baptism is a serious problem? [Matthew 28:19-20].
2023-10-27 Denominations: From where and when did denominations come? [2 Corinthians 3:17].
2023-09-18 Denominations & Various Doctrines: Do you know of a denomination that does not push Dispensationalism, Calvinism, or Eternal Conscious Torment?
2023-09-07 "Confirmation Bias": Atheist caller: How do you eliminate your "confirmation bias" when you view and study scripture?
Doctrinal Differences: Atheist: How do you justify all the different doctrinal differents in the many Christian denominations?
Determining Importance How do you determine what is more or less important? [Micah 6:8].
2023-09-07 Seventh-Day Adventists: Will Seventh-Day Adventists go to heaven?
2023-08-28 Documentary "Days of Noah": Have you seen the documentary "Days of Noah" and if so, what do you think of it?
Seventh-Day Adventists: Could you talk about the beliefs of the denomination Seventh-Day Adventism? [Romans 14:5].
2023-08-03 Pentecostal vs Christian Churches: What is the difference between "Pentecostal" and "Christian" Churches?
2023-07-21 Greek Orthodoxy: Could you help me assess what seems to be better answers coming from Greek Orthodoxy? [Matthew 23:5-6, 2 Timothy 2:1-7].
2023-07-13 Pentecostalism: Is the whole church Pentecostal?
2023-06-28 "Do Not Add or Subtract" from This Book: Is the scripture about not adding or subtracting from this book referring to the whole Bible or just the Book of Revelation?
Christian Converting to Jehovah Witness: What do you think of a Baptist that has converted to Jehovah Witness?
2023-06-23 Denominations, Free Will & Christianity: Caller shares concern over the labels of denominations and terms for theology and doctrinal differences. [Genesis 4: Deuteronomy 30:197].
2023-06-08 Dispensational Denominations: Can you explain Dispensationalism and the denominations that hold it?
2023-05-22 Church of Christ Baptism: Is baptism in the Church of Christ acceptable?
Sexless Marriage: Is a totally sexless marriage grounds for divorce? [Matthew 18:15-17].
2023-05-19 Eastern Orthodox Church I am thinking of being baptized into the Eastern Orthodox Church ... would you give me your perspective. [Ephesians 2:20, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 1:23, 1 Peter 2:5 2 Timothy 2:2].
2023-05-10 Catholics Not Saved: Why does Calvary Chapel teach that Catholics are not saved?
2023-04-06 Non-instrumental Church of Christ: What do you think about objection to instruments to accompany singing because it wasjust David's preferences? [Amos 6:5, Ephesians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:16, James 5:13, Revelation 14:1-4, Genesis 4:20-22].
2023-03-06 Unity Among the Churches: Have you seen local churches get together for activities for the sake of unity? Doesn't it seeme like we should be doing more of that in this anti-Christian climate?
2023-02-28 Manhattan Declaration: What do you think about the "Manhattan Declaration?" [2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Colossians 3:17].
2023-02-16 Bethel Baptist Church: What do you think of "Bethel Baptist Church?"
2023-01-31 Overcoming General Revulsion at Any Religion: How does one let go of the revulsion at all religion once you have had bad experiences in a Christian group? [1 Thessalonians 5:21].
2023-01-13 Latter Day Saints (Mormons): Mormons seem to love Jesus, but have a "works-heavy" view. What do you think about their faith and possible salvation?
Latter Day Saints (Mormons): Because there is a claim in the Book of Mormon that it is another testament or new covenant, how does that fit in with our New Testament? [Ezekiel 37].
2022-10-26 United Church of Christ: What do you think of the United Church of Christ, and their preference to substitute the word "Creator" for "Father"? [Galatians 4:6].
2022-10-21 Salvation: Can people follow Jesus without being part of any particular denomination or religion? [John 3:17, John 1:1-13, John 8:31-32].
2022-10-03 Salvation for All: How many people in the Christian religion are really saved? [Romans 4:21, Romans 14:14-18, Romans 14:4].
2022-09-06 Seven Commands of Jesus: Have you heard of the "Seven Commands of Jesus" and the necessity of obedience?
The Gospel: Would the "Seven Commands of Jesus" be the gospel?
Steve Gregg Teaching Certain Doctrines: Caller comments that he appreciates the way Steve doesn't teach specific doctrines . Steve corrects and clarifies his position about denominational doctrines, etc. [TItus 2:1, I Timothy 1:9].
2022-07-22 Exclusive Group Heaven-bound: Is there any basis for the "apostolics" to claim that no one but them will make it to heaven? [I Corinthians 13:9].
2022-07-11 Puritan: Do you consider yourself a "Puritan"?
2022-06-16 Church of Christ: Is the "Church of Christ" a cult?
2022-06-06 Catholic Authority: Does Catholicism have more authority over other denominations? [Acts 17:11].
Denominational Choice: Does it matter what denomination one belongs to live a life in obedience to Jesus Christ? [Matthew 15:1-20, Acts 17:10, John 8:31, I Corinthians 5:13].
Catholic Saints Mistaken: Could literature of Catholic saints actually be wrong?
2022-05-10 "Separation of Church and State": What does "separation of church and state" actually mean?
Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science): What do you know about Mary Baker Eddy?
2022-04-28 Non-instrumental Church of Christ: Could you talk about the beliefs of the "Non-instrumental" Church of Christ? [Genesis 4:21, James 5:13, Colossians 3:16, Ephesian 5:19].
2022-04-28 7th Day Adventistism: Could you give me your take on the book, "The Great Controversay" by Ellen G White (Seventh Day Adventistism)?
2022-04-27 "No Name Church": What do you know about the "No Name Church" or the "2 x 2s" (The Truth, The Way?
2022-04-25 Finding Truth Among Denominations: Since there is much conflict between denominations, how do we find the real truth?
2022-03-18 Catholics Saved or Lost?: Are some Catholics saved? [Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13, 2 Timothy 2:15, John 8:31-32].
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