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Topic: Denominations

Showing 51 to 100 of 198.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-03-18 Eschatology & Politics in Judges (Daniel, Isaiah): Atheist asks-Is there any eschatological or current political application to the Old Testament story of Ehud? [Judges 3].
Determining Biblical History from Parables & Allegories: From an atheist-How does one determine the difference between actual Biblical history, allegory, fables, parables, etc.?
Atheist Questions Authenticity of Scripture: Atheist challenges that various religious groups differ dramatically in their opinions of the meanings in scripture, asserts that the Bible is false, and challenges how one determines the correct interpretation of scripture.
2022-03-03 Chloe and Church Contentions in Corinith: Who was Chloe and what was the contention about-leadership or baptism? [I Corinthians 1:11-13, I Corinthians 7:1, I Corinthians 10:2].
2022-03-01 Seventh Day Adventism: Why are so many Seventh Day Adventists so inarticulate about the gospel and typically focus on the law?
2022-02-08 Benefits to Institutional Churches Today: Isn't their a lot of benefits from the larger institutional churches today? [Romans 14:3-5].
The Persecuted Church: Does persecution cure the problem of disunity?
Infighting in the Church: What do we tend to fight over within the church? [Ephesians 4:3-6].
2022-02-07 Seventh Day Adventists: Could you help me understand some of the restrictive doctrines of the Seventh Day Adventist church (Sabbath keeping, soul sleep, etc.)? [Romans 14:5, Mark 7:19, Romans 14:14, I Timothy 4:1-4, Genesis 9:3].
2022-01-13 Denying Any Free Will: Is there a denomination that strictly denies any free will?
2022-01-12 Simon, the Cyrene: Do you think that the Roman soldiers compelled Simon the Cyrene to carry Jesus' cross, or do you think that he did it out of compassion?
Seventh Day Adventism: Is Seventh Day Adventism a cult?
2021-12-20 Lutheranism, Rather Than Calvinism: Would you consider a third option, rather than just the two options of Calvinism or Non-Calvinism, and consider Lutheranism?
2021-12-07 Christian Scientists: What you think about the Christian Scientists?
2021-11-01 Early Church & Church Membership: What do you think of the numbers mentioned in scripture about how many were converting being evidence that they had a formal membership in the early church? [Acts 2, I Corinthians 3:4].
2021-11-01 Identifying with a Denominations: Why do we have to have to identify with one particular denomination among so many?
2021-10-05 Catholicism: What is the best argument against Catholicism? (Ref: Debate with Jimmy Aiken). [I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25].
2021-09-10 Catholic vs Protestant: Caller posits that because Jesus started the Catholic Church and Martin Luther started the other churches, Protestants are wrong.
2021-08-25 Lack of Unity in the Church: Caller shares her experience with many different religions, but now is a Pentecostal and encourage unity.
2021-08-20 Apostolic Faith & Pentecostals: What is the difference between the Apostolic Faith & Pentecostalism?
2021-08-17 Steve Gregg's Denomination: With what denomination do you identify and why? [I Corinthians 1:10-12, I Corinthians 3:3-4].
2021-08-13 John Wesley: What do you think of John Wesley's theology?
2021-08-13 Christian Scientists: What do you think about Christian Scientists and Mary Baker Eddy?
The Narrow Path YouTube Channel: What is the YouTube channel for The Narrow Path )Biblegate, Soulsnaxx, Steve Gregg Videos)?
2021-07-22 Los Angeles Church of Christ (Boston Church of Christ): Do you have any insight into the Los Angeles Church of Christ (affiliated with Boston)?
2021-06-18 The Biblical City of Bethel (Luz) Would you clarify when the city of Bethel (Luz) was named? [Genesis].
Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science: What are your thoughts about Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science)?
2021-04-30 Proving Who Has it Right Among Religious Groups: How does one sort out those various religious sects that use some of the same scriptures to prove opposite points and both find and prove the truth? [Luke 11:28, Luke 9:35, Matthew 17:5, John 21:22].
2021-04-21 "The Local Church" & "Recovery Bible": Could you comment on "The Local Church"(Witness Lee, Watchman Nee) and their Bible called "The Recovery Bible".
Paul Persecuting the Church or Christ: Could you clarify the relationship with how the verse about the church being persecuted by Paul relates to the church or the "Body of Christ" ? [Acts 9:4].
2021-04-14 Church Membership: Could you elaborate on your view of when a church won't accept certain people with particular views into their membership? [Acts 10:15, Romans 14:5, I Corinthians 3:1, Proverbs 27:17, Romans 16:17, Romans 15:7].
2021-04-05 The Salvation Army: Could you talk about The Salvation Army as a church?
2021-03-05 Church Membership Requirements: Is it normal for churches to require an interview and signed paperwork to become a member of the church? [I Corinthians 1:12, Matthew 5:37].
2021-02-25 Calvinism: Isn't it counterintuitive to be a Calvinist and also be an evangelist?
2021-02-08 Seventh Day Adventists-Great Disappointment: Isn't it hypocritical of you to criticize the Seventh Day Adventists making a mistake about Jesus' return in 1844, since you also have made mistakes in the past about Dispensationalism?
2021-02-01 Anabaptists & Persecution: Did Anabaptist ever persecute other Christians? Where would you find them in church fellowships today (Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Münsterites)?
2020-12-21 Not Being Confused or Persuaded Wrongly: How do you not get pulled into alternate views of scripture when there are so many opposing and convincing preachers teaching variations within denominations? [Revelation 13].
2020-12-18 Christadelphians: Is the Christadelphian group a cult?
The Conviction of the Holy Spirit: What do you recommend regarding taking care to not squelch the prompting and conviction of the Holy Spirit [I Corinthians 11:30-32]. (The answer is given after the break as Steve was muted.)
2020-12-15 Praying with Those that Disagree: Is it wrong for a Christian to pray with those of Eastern Orthodoxy, who don't think they should pray with you?
The Trinity Option: Are there scriptures that substantiate that belief in the trinity is not necessary to follow Jesus and be saved? [Luke 10:20, John 5:24, John 14:9, John 16:3, I John 2:22, Romans 10:9].
2020-12-03 Seventh Day Adventism: Caller discusses the difficulty of leaving the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
2020-11-25 Request for Prayer for Sudi: Request for prayers for Sudi, who was just discovered to have a mass that is likely to be cancer.
The Right Church and Denomination: How can one be sure they are in the right denomination, if experiences in the wrong one were somewhat convincing.
2020-11-25 Which Catechism: Do you adhere to any one catechism? If so, which one, and if not, what is wrong with them?
2020-11-24 Blood Spoken of Frequently in Scripture: Why does the Bible speak so much about blood? [Leviticus 17:1, Hebrews 9:22].
The Baptist Denomination: What are the pros and cons of the Baptist denomination?
2020-11-20 Seventh Day Adventism: What are the pros and cons of Seventh Day Adventism? [John 13:34-35, Hebrew 8:7-13].
2020-10-30 Christians Unloving to One Another: How do I handle my grief over Christians being unloving to one another and demonizing each other's denominational views? [Luke 14:26, Matthew 16:24-25].
2020-10-29 Jesus is God: If someone believes that Jesus is the son of God, but fails to see that He was God, are they lost?
2020-09-21 Is 7th Day Adventism Correct in their Doctrine: Because I am seeking the true church, and am being drawn to the 7th Day Adventists, can you clarify why you don't think they are a good denomination with solid doctrine?
2020-09-01 Rebroadcasts of Narrow Path Radio Program: Does the Narrow Path Ministry have to pay for additional air-time when radio stations rebroadcasts it during other parts of the day, when it's not live?
Causes to Break-off Fellowship or Church Discipline: You have said that many things are not enough to break fellowship over, so what things ARE worthy of breaking fellowship over?
2020-09-01 The Lord's Day: Is "The Lord's Day" Saturday or Sunday?
Seventh Day Adventism: So what do you think about the faith of the Seventh Day Adventist church?
2020-08-10 Calvary Chapel's View of End Times: Could you clarify what differences you have with Calvary Chapel and why they would consider some of your views as heretical?
Angels Could Fall Again: If angels have fallen in the past, what prevents them from falling again? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6].
2020-07-29 Christian Science & Word of Faith: Could you clarify the differences between Christian Science and the Word of Faith? [2 Corinthians 4:17, Psalm 119:71].
2020-07-28 Westminister Confession: Is the Westminister Confession related to the Calvinists in England?
End Times author, Salem Kirban: Have you heard of Salem Kirban and his writings about end times?
Opposite of Calvinism: What is the opposite of Calvinism?
2020-07-24 Reformed Church of America: Who is the Reformed Church of America?
2020-07-17 Various Biblical Views Causing Confusion: How do I become less confused about all the various and conflicting views among different denominations on biblical topics?
2020-07-17 So Many Religions and Denominations: Why are there so many religions and denominations, and how do I know which is correct? [Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Romans 10:9, Matthew 25:34].
2020-06-02 Former Catholic Questions "What is Essential": From a Former Catholic, who is now attending a non-denominational church; "I get confused about the meaning of being "Born again" among other things. What should I be more focused on to grow in my faith?"
The Pentecostal Denomination & The Trinity: Does it matter what church I go to? The pastor of the Pentecostal church is nice, but his view of The Trinity doctrine is different.
2020-05-06 Steve Gregg & His Leaving Baptist Denomination: What caused you to switch from being a Baptist? And what denomination did you shift to afterward?
Path of Maturing in the Lord: As you grow and mature in your walk with God and knowledge of the Bible, does the path naturally take you to different denominations and fellowships? [Matthew 11:29-30].
Fig Tree Illustration & Meaning in Scripture: What does the story mean about the fig tree that is cursed to never produce fruit again? [Luke 13, Mark 11:12-14].
2020-04-17 Defining One's Faith: What do you tell people about your faith, without aligning to a particular group, movement, or theology?
Calvinism: Comment on Calvinism and how their theology maligns the character of God.
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