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Topic: Jesus' Ministry

Showing 1 to 50 of 159.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-07 Jesus' Tribalism: Why was Jesus so tribalistic? Why didn't He select from all the people in the region, and not just the Jews? [Revelation 7:9-12, Matthew 28:19-20].
2024-05-06 Women Following Jesus: How many women were following Jesus? Were there any women at the Last Supper? [Luke 8:2].
Donations to Jesus' Ministry: Do you think there were (financial) donations to Jesus' ministry? [1 Corinthians 9:11].
2024-01-24 The Book of Matthew & The New Covenant: Why is the Book of Matthew in the New Testament of the New Covenant wasn't instituted until Jesus died? [Hebrews 9:17, Matthew 1:1].
Jesus Lived During the Old Covenant: Are the Dispensationalists wrong when they say that Jesus lived during or under the Old Covenant?
2023-12-13 Daniel's Timeline & 70 Weeks: Could you help me sort the timeline in Daniel and the 70 weeks? [Daniel 9].
Jesus' Baptism: About when would you date the baptism of Jesus?
Calculation of the Day of Crucifixion: Could the day of the crucifixion be Wednesday?
2023-06-06 "Mourning" & "Playing the Flute"(in Scripture): Could you explain the passage about "mourning" vs "playing the flute?" [Matthew 11:16-17].
2023-01-04 Chronology Confusion in Gospel of John: Could you speak to the chronological confusion in the Gospel of John relative to the baptism of Jesus and the Temptation in the wilderness in contrast to the other gospels? [John 1:19-51, Acts 2].
Woman Taken in Adultery: What is your take on the story of Jesus and the woman taken in adultery not being in the earliest manuscripts? [Luke 23, John 7:53-8:11].
2022-05-16 God Enlightening Pagan Cultures: Do you think that God's has endowed unbelieving, other religious cultures with wisdom, morality, and guidelines? [Mark 12:30-31, Leviticus 19:17-18].
2022-04-27 Jesus Keeping the Sabbath: Did Jesus still keep the Sabbath after they tried to kill Him? [Luke 4:16].
2022-01-10 Jesus' Teaching of the Law: Were the words of Jesus about the teaching of the law only applicable to His 3.5 years of His ministry? [Matthew 5:18-19, Matthew 11:12].
Jesus Teaching the Ten Commandments: Did Jesus teach the Ten Commandments? [Mark 7:15, Matthew 15:11].
2022-01-10 Jesus' Teaching of the Law: Were the words of Jesus about the teaching of the law only applicable to His 3.5 years of His ministry? [Matthew 5:18-19, Matthew 11:12].
Jesus Teaching the Ten Commandments: Did Jesus teach the Ten Commandments? [Mark 7:15, Matthew 15:11].
2022-01-07 Date of the Crucifixion: When do you think that the crucifixion took place? [Luke 3:1, John 2:20, Acts 2:20].
Length of Jesus' Ministry: Could Jesus' ministry be 4-5 years?
2021-04-28 Jesus as Savior & Messiah to the Jew: Could you direct me, as a Jew, to more information in regard to understanding Jesus as Savior? [Psalm 110:1].
2020-12-23 Believe His Works: How are we to understand Jesus when he said if you have a hard time believing in me, then believe in what I am doing? [John 10:38].
2020-12-18 The Good News from Jesus: What did Jesus tell people about His sacrifice, and what the good news was?
2020-12-15 God's Emotion: Is God emotional and is He capable of lashing out? [Exodus 33:3].
Pharisees Wanting to be Baptized by John: Why would Pharisees want to get baptized by John the Baptist?
Jesus Supporting His Mother, Mary: Was Jesus supporting his mother, Mary? And why him instead of his brothers? [Luke 8].
2020-09-25 Jesus' 3.5 Year Ministry: Could you tell me where the Bible indicates that Jesus' ministry was 3.5 years? [John 5:1, Luke 13:6-9, Isaiah 5, Daniel 9:26-27].
2020-09-21 Greeks Who Wanted to See Jesus in John 12: Could you explain a John 12 passage wherein Greeks wanted to see Jesus? [John 12:20-21].
2020-09-09 Why Jesus Didn't Want People to Understand His Parables: Could you clarify why Jesus indicated that he didn't want people to understand His parables, if He wants everyone saved? [Mark 4:12, Mark 4:34, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13].
2020-07-29 Day of Rest Continues: Is the day of rest (the 7th day) referred to in Hebrews 4, still continuing even until today? Can you reconcile that wilt John 5:17? [Hebrews 4, John 5:17, Genesis 2:1-3].
Teaching in Public School: What do you think about a committed Christian taking a job as a teacher in a public school?
2020-07-23 Baptism of Jesus & Baptism of Repentance: Was the baptism of Jesus and the baptism of John's repentance the same baptism?
Born Again Before the Holy Spirit Came: Were people born again before the Holy Spirit came?
Thief on the Cross - Born Again: Was the thief on the cross born again?
2020-07-15 Jesus as an Apostle: I don't normally think of Jesus as an apostle, so could you help me sort Hebrews 4:1 out? [I John 4:4, Hebrews 3:1, John 20].
2020-07-13 "Day Off" for Jesus & the Prophets: Did Jesus or the prophets ever take a "day off"?
Jesus at Capernaum: When Jesus was waiting at Capernaum, was it a time for rest and relaxation, or was He waiting for a specific timing?
Prophet (Elijah) Rest and Depression: Was the prophet, Elijah, who struggled with depression, needing "time off"?
2020-07-13 "Day Off" for Jesus & the Prophets: Did Jesus or the prophets ever take a "day off"?
Jesus at Capernaum: When Jesus was waiting at Capernaum, was it a time for rest and relaxation, or was He waiting for a specific timing?
Prophet (Elijah) Rest and Depression: Was the prophet, Elijah, who struggled with depression, needing "time off"?
2020-07-07 Jesus Emptied Himself: How did Jesus lay aside God's nature (Kenosis Theory) and still perform miracles and what does that mean for us today regarding miracles?[Philippians 2:5-7, Matthew 12:28, Luke 4:14, Acts 1:2, John 5:19, Matthew 24:36 ].
2020-06-17 Missing Years of Jesus: What is you take on the missing years of Jesus?
2020-06-17 About Jesus: Regarding what we know about Jesus life-did He read the scriptures regularly in temple, participate in the Bar Mitzvah, and was He a stone mason rather than a carpenter?
2020-05-08 Jesus and His Sense of Humor: Do you think that Jesus was funny, since God created humor? [Matthew 7:3-5, Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25].
2019-07-29 Lazarus: If the story of Lazarus and the rich man is only a parable, then does it follow that only Jesus could have been the one to tell it? [Luke 16:19f].
2019-07-23 What the Disciples Knew about Jesus: In light of the miracle of the calming of the sea, did the disciples know that Jesus was God? [Matthew 16:16, Psalm 107:23f].
2019-07-17 Your Sins Are Forgiven: When Jesus said, "Rise up and walk", wasn't it easier to say that, than to say "Your sins are forgiven"? [Matthew 9:5-7, Luke 5:23-25]
2019-07-05 Miracles of Jesus: Why did Jesus command people not to tell others about His miraculous works, especially since He was doing it in public? [Matthew 9:5-6, 17:9, 12:28].
2019-05-03 Foreknowledge & Freewill: If God knows everything we will do, how is that freewill? Open theism discussed.
Two Witnesses (Revelation): Did Jesus know everything? Can we know absolutely who the two witnesses were in Revelation?
2019-04-23 Healing, Signs & Wonders: It seems like there are many references to Jesus healing intermittently throughout the New Testament, is there any reason for the randomness of this? [Matthew 19:2].
2019-04-23 Savior: Is God the Father my savior, or is He my Creator, & Jesus my Savior?
2019-04-10 The Gospel: Did Jesus & His apostles actually preach "the gospel"? Since Jesus had not yet died, nor resurrected, did the disciples even know what the gospel was? [Mark 16:20, I Cor 15:1-4] The Kingdom of God=the gospel [Mark 1:4 & 15] Is Paul reducing the gospel to only the death & resurrection of Christ?
2019-04-08 Jesus' Ministry Timeline: How is the length of Jesus' ministry (39 days) calculated?
2019-03-25 Tell No Man: Why did Jesus not want some things told to others ("tell no man") [Mark 7:36]?
2019-03-22 Wedding Wine Miracle: When Mary told Jesus about running out of wine at the wedding, why did He address her the way he did and what did Jesus mean by "my hour is not yet come." Why did He ultimately end up performing the miracle? [John 2].
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?
2019-03-14 Jesus the Son of God: How do I understand the relationship or overlap of the Father and Son, and how His omnipresence and omniscience worked?
Jesus before age 30: What was Jesus doing the first 30 years before His ministry started?
2019-02-27 "Sent by the Father": Why do you suppose that gospel of John refers to Jesus being sent by the Father so many more times than the other 3 gospels?
2019-02-20 Jesus' Childhood: Why is there no documentation about Jesus from 12 yrs old to 30 years old?
2019-02-18 70th Week: Why would the Messiah make a covenant for only 1 week? [Daniel 9:27]
The Millennium: Could the book of Revelation be revealing a millennium? [Revelation 20]
2019-02-13 Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved?
Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41]
2019-02-07 Anthropomorphism of God: Sometimes God acts like He doesn't know something or that He's sorry for doing something. Do these give credence to the fact that He might not know everything? [Genesis 6:6,
Righteous People Don't Need a Savior: So was Jesus saying that the righteous people don't need a Savior? [Luke 5:31-32]
2018-12-20 Binding the Strong Man: What does it mean that Jesus bound the strong man of the house? [Matthew 12:27-29]
The Binding of Satan in Revelation: Discussion about the binding & loosing of Satan in Revelation. [Revelation 20]
2018-11-28 Jesus the last Prophet: Was Jesus the last prophet?
2018-11-06 Finding Faith on Earth: Was Jesus being rhetorical when He asked, "Will there be faith on earth"? [Luke 18:8b]
Malchus' Ear being Healed: When Malchus' ear was cut off & healed, shouldn't that have impressed them enough to not want to arrest Jesus?
2018-11-01 Cursing the Fig Tree: Why did Jesus curse a fig tree? [Mark 11:12-14]
2018-09-24 Noah's Ark a parallel to Jesus Christ & the Gospel: Jesus and the cross reflected in the Noah's ark & the Pitch, is that a good parallel legit? [Genesis 6:14, I Peter 3:20-21]
2018-09-13 "What Would Jesus Do?": "What would Jesus do?", pondering the significance of that question, but wouldn't the more accurate question be, "What would Jesus have ME do?"
Calvinism & Arminianism: What percentage of John Calvin's teaching do you disagree with (besides Calvinism itself)?
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