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Topic: Jesus' Ministry

Showing 101 to 150 of 159.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-06-01 Magi (Wise Men) Calculating Jesus' Birth: Using Daniel 2 & 9, how were the magi able use it or know about Jesus being born?
Day of the Lord: What does the "Day of the Lord" refer to? [Malachi 4:5, Joel 2, Acts 2, Acts 5, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10]
2016-04-12 Paul having the "Marks of the Christ": Paul says he “marks of the Lord” stigmata of Christ, but what exactly does he mean? [Galatians 6:17]
"I am the Door": Why did Jesus use the words like “I am the door" as opposed to anything else, like, 'I am the window', 'I am the roof'? [John 10:9]
2016-03-29 Mosaic Law Severity & Jesus' Mercy: There seems to be a disparity between the severity of the penalties in Leviticus & the loving forgiveness of Jesus
2016-03-25 Wine or Grape Juice: Was the miracle Jesus performed of turning water into wine, was that only grape juice or real wine? [John 2:1-12]
2016-03-11 Some of Jesus' Listeners not Discerning: Why would Jesus not want some people to see or hear or know what's going on? [Isaiah 6, Matthew 13:13-14]
2016-03-09 High Standard of Sermon on the Mount: Is Jesus actually saying we can do everything He said in the Sermon on the Mount? Or is He simply showing the disparity between His holiness & our sinfulness and inability? [Matthew 5-7, John 8:31, Matthew 28:20]
2016-02-24 Man at Pool of Bethesda: The miracle at pool of Bethesda, was the man saved or did he just get healed? did he know that he was turning Jesus in to the authorities? [John 5]
2016-01-27 Tithing: what do churches make the mistake about saying you have to tithe?
Mary's Knowledge of Jesus' Miracle Capability: Did Mary know about Jesus' ability to turn the water into wine?
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-04 Rabbi, Teacher & Lord: Did the disciples call Jesus "Rabbi" verses "Lord"? When did "Rabbi" or "Teacher" change to "Lord"?
2015-11-23 Stoning: The Romans would not allow the Jews to carry out the death penalty?
Jesus & the Law of Moses: Were they trying to trap Jesus into saying they needed to keep the law of Moses when they brought the adulterous woman to Him? [John 8:1-11]
2015-11-02 Jesus breaking the Sabbath: I don't care about the Rabbi's version of what work was or not but what actually constituted as work on the Sabbath in the Old Testament? [John 5:18]
2015-10-22 The Golden Rule: What is the origin of the Golden Rule? Did Jesus actually say that? Did He say it on the Sermon on the Mount? [Matthew 7:12]
Reincarnation: If reincarnation isn't real, why is there such disparity in humans, even among family members? We don't really know why from a Bibilical perspective? [Matthew 25:14-30]
2015-10-19 Jesus verses Paul - Calling Somebody a Fool: Should we ignore Paul & his letters since he seems to be going against what Jesus said about calling people fools? [Matthew 5:21-22, 1 Corinthians 3:18, 15:36 2 Corinthians 11:16, 11:23, 12:6, 11, Galatians 3:1-3, Titus 3:3]
2015-09-23 The Lordship of Jesus: Since Jesus was all about healing, will He heal me?
2015-09-17 God of the OT & NT: Why did God seem so much harsh in the OT more than Jesus, also God, was in the NT?
Christianity & the LGBT community: Why are Christians so harsh to other people, including to the LGBT community?
2015-08-26 Alcoholic Consumption: People tell the caller that Jesus only made UN-fermented wine when He did the miracle at the wedding. They suggest that Jesus would not sin by drinking alcohol. But caller thinks it might be just about not getting drunk.
2015-08-21 Tongues & Prophecy: What about speaking in Tongues privately, just speaking to God privately & not publicly? [1 Corinthians 14]
Jesus & Tongues: Jesus was really into praying, but did He ever talk about speaking in Tongues? [Mark 16:16-17]
2015-08-11 Abandoning Judaism to Follow Jesus: Did Jesus tell the Jewish people to abandon what they believed & to follow Him?
2015-08-06 Jack Gregg: Are you related to a Jack Gregg who I worked for for 20 years?
Jesus Becoming Aware of who He was: When did Jesus become aware that He was the Son of God?
2015-08-05 Jesus Being a Racist: Caller was reading an article saying that Jesus was a racist because He used a racial slur. [Mark 7:27-28, Matthew 15:26-27]
2015-07-30 The Mosaic Law & Jesus: Did Jesus follow the Mosaic Law to the letter? [Galatians 4:4]
One Jot or Tittle: Not one jot or one tittle would change, Jesus said, that He only fulfilled the law. What does Steve say? [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-07-30 The Mosaic Law & Jesus: Did Jesus follow the Mosaic Law to the letter? [Galatians 4:4]
One Jot or Tittle: Not one jot or one tittle would change, Jesus said, that He only fulfilled the law. What does Steve say? [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-07-28 Jesus as the Bread of Life: Doesn't Jesus make it seem like we wouldn't die if we ate His bread? [John 6:43-51]
2015-07-23 Last 2 verses of the OT: What do the last 2 verses mean about sending Elijah the prophet in the Day of the Lord? [Malachi 4:5-6]
2015-07-16 "Who do you say that I Am?": Why did Jesus so say not to tell anyone about Him or His works? What were the disciples preaching since Jesus hadn't been resurrected yet? [Mark 8:27-30, Matthew 11:1]
2015-07-10 Forgiveness: Just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you have to be their best friend afterwards.
The Crippled Beggar at the Temple: How many times did Jesus, if at all, pass this crippled man? Jesus knew he was going to be healed eventually but just not by Him. That gives comfort to the caller. [Acts 3:1-10]
2015-06-02 Jesus Starting His Ministry at 30: Why did Jesus start His ministry the age of 30? He was perfectly perfect before that, so why THAT age? Why did He maintain a low profile until then by being a Carpenter? [Luke 3:23]
2015-05-07 God of the OT in contrast w/ Jesus of the NT: People think there's a complete contrast between the God of the OT & the God of the NT, having character trait differences.
2015-03-27 Believing in Jesus & once you do: A caller asks a litany of questions about following Jesus, in relation to the following verses. [john 14:23, 1 john 2:3-4, 1 john 3:8-9]
2015-03-18 Different Crowd Reactions to Jesus: Why were they angry & why were they amazed? Caller is stumped by Luke 4:22-32. [Luke 4:22-32]
2015-03-16 Jesus Turning Water in Wine: Jesus reaction to His mother seemed like He was a little angry at her for asking, & wondering if anyone heard Him say that, & after all that, He ended up performing it anyway. [John 2]
2015-03-09 Demons Crying Out: How did they have the authority to beg Jesus not to torment them? [Mark 5:7]
2015-02-19 Jesus Knowing who He was: When did Jesus know who He was? Did Mary have an understanding of who He was? [Luke 2:52]
2015-02-10 Miracles & Unbelief: Was the reason that Jesus did not do miracles at times because of their unbelief? [Matthew 13:58]
"Coming in the Clouds": "Son of Man of coming in the clouds" of heaven. [Luke 21:27]
2015-02-06 Jesus Emptying Himself: Did Jesus give up Deity while He was down here? (Kenosis theory) [Philippians 2:7]
2015-01-23 Jesus & His Marital Status: Would it have been wrong for Jesus to take a wife & have children, & if it wouldn't have been, why did He chose not to?
2015-01-15 "Greater Works": What greater works was Jesus talking about that we would do? [John 14:12]
2015-01-13 Jesus giving up Deity: Jesus was 100% God & 100% man, but didn't He divest Himself of His Deity?
2015-01-08 Jesus & Eastern Religions: Wouldn't Jesus have been aware of all the Eastern Religions during His day?
2013-12-09 Jesus Contributing to Drunkenness: Wasn't Jesus contributing to people's drunkenness by making more intoxicating wine at the wedding feast in Cana?
2013-11-14 Cause of the 10 Lepers: Is there any clue if the 10 Lepers in the Bible that Jesus healed was a result of God striking them down with it in the first place? [Luke 17:11-14]
Lepers going to High Priest: Why did Jesus have them go to the High Priest after He healed them?
2013-11-12 Future showing of the Spirit of Elijah: In light of previous call, the caller still maintains there will be a future Eliajah the Prophet, besides the John the Baptist, & want to know what Steve thinks of a passage in Matthew. [Matthew 17:11-13]
"You Shall See Me No More": Caller is wondering how Steve interpret's the last 3 verses of Matthew when Jesus weeps for Jerusalem in the light of his Partial Preterist paradigm? [Matthew 23:37-39]
2013-11-12 John the Baptist Elijah or Not: Jesus said that John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah that has come, but John the Baptist says he was not Elijah. Why the contradiction? [John 1:19-28, Matthew 17:11-13]
God or Satan Incited David to Number the People: Did God or Satan incite David to number the people? [2 Samuel 24:1, 2 Chronicles 21:17]
2013-11-08 No Works in the Night: What did Jesus mean by He wouldn't be able to work in the night? [John 9:4]
2013-11-06 Falling Short & Feeling Condemned: It's hard sometimes to not feel condemned after falling short.
Jesus Wept At Lazarus' Tomb: Why did Jesus weep at the tomb of Lazarus? [John 11:35]
Teaser to the Book on 3 Views of Hell: Can you please give a teaser on your book about Hell that you just released?
2013-09-20 Jesus Losing None: I thought Jesus didn't want to lose any? [John 17:12]
Eternal Security, Once Saved, always saved: Caller is convinced that there's no way we can loose our salvation, can't be snatched away by the devil. [John 10:28]
Steve Gregg & other Theologians: Caller thinks Steve is wrong & points out that some pretty important theologians also disgree with Steve's belief, so he must be wrong.
2013-09-12 The Mystery of the Kingdoms: Why didn't Jesus want to make known the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, speaking to them in the parables so they couldn't understand it?
Revealing Kingdom of God to Paul: Why did Jesus want to make the Kingdom of God known to Paul since he didn't care about it?
"All things are by Him & for Him": What does all things are by Jesus & for Jesus? [Colossian 1:16]
2013-09-05 Financially Supporting the Rape Victim: Isn't the reason God permitted the victim to be married by the attacker is to financially support her since she'd have no other means?
Stoning Jesus because He Claimed to be God: Caller was trying to help a previous caller to explain that Jesus claimed to be God is why the Pharisees wanted to stone Him. [John 8:24]
2013-07-02 Jesus' Glorified Body: Why didn't Jesus appear in His glorified body after His resurrection as He had appeared glorified during the Transfiguration?
Jesus' Post-Resurrection 40 Days: Why were there no records of Jesus' teachings during the 40 days after His resurrection?
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