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Topic: Arminianism (Arminius)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-01 Denomination Aligned with Steve's Views: What denomination most closely aligns with your views (Amillennialism and Arminianism)?
2023-12-22 Synopsis of Calvinism & Contending with Doctrinal Differences: If my synopsis of the views of both Calvinists' and non-Calvinists' journey to faith, doesn't it then seem that neither side is taking credit for their faith? [John 3:14, Numbers 21:4-9, James 1:17-18, Matthew 5:45, John 16:8].
2023-11-30 Steve Gregg’s Theology: What are your overall views on various theological or doctrinal positions, such as Dispensational?, Calvinist? or what?
2023-09-08 "Once Saved, Always Saved" (Eternal Security): Did the concept of "once saved, always saved" come from Dispensationalism or Calvinism?
2023-07-25 Arminianism, Calvinism & Pelagianism: Would you talk about Arminianism and Calvinism? Rec: Topical lecture: "God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation."
2023-06-19 Thief on the Cross-Not Born of Water: Does the verse in John 3 about the necessity of water baptism become violated in the story of the "Thief on the Cross?" [John 3:5].
Arminianism: What is the belief of Arminians (Arminianism)?
2023-05-03 Evil Roots of All: Doesn't scripture imply that we have to do something evil to be evil and not that we are naturally evil from the beginning? [Psalm 51:4, 1 John 3:7, John 8:44, Genesis 6:5, Jeremiah 17:9-10].
2023-04-14 Calvinism & Arminianism: Do you think the main two divisions in Christianity is between the Calvinists and the Arminians?
"Every Thought Brought into Captivity": Could you riff on the last lin in 2 Corinthians 5, regarding "bringin every thought into Captivity?" [2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Romans 12:2, Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:28, 2 Corinthians 10:1, Matthew 28:20, 1 Corinthians 6:9]
2023-03-21 Calvinism, Arminianism & Lutheranism: Could you tell me more about the differences between Lutheranism and the other two?
2022-11-07 Church Theology before Calvinism: What was the church's theological position before the Reformers and Calvin (and Augustine)? Recommended Topical Lectures: "God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation."
2022-09-26 Free Will & Sinlessness: Does humankind actually have free-will and the ability not to sin? since Adam & Eve, It seems not to be so.
2022-02-11 God Changes His Mind: Can God change His mind? [Proverbs 21:1, Genesis 18:21, Exodus 32:14].
2022-01-26 3-Point Calvinism: Didn't you say that one can't be a 3-point Calvinist? Can you explain that?
2021-12-20 Lutheranism, Rather Than Calvinism: Would you consider a third option, rather than just the two options of Calvinism or Non-Calvinism, and consider Lutheranism?
2021-12-13 Calvinism: What is a Calvinist?
2021-10-22 Non-Calvinist & Calvinist Commonalities: Could you talk about the tension between truths in both the Non-Calvinist and Calvinist views? Recommended topical lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Psalm 14].
2021-10-08 Martin Luther and Mary, Mother of Jesus: Did Luther ever actually denounce the Catholic veneration of Mary?
Paul-Calvinist or Arminian?: Would Paul be considered a Calvinist (Augustinianism) or an Arminian?
2021-09-24 Molinism (Contrasted to Calvinism & Arminianism): Are you familiar with Molinism?
Molinism's ROSES: Are you familiar with the Molinistic acronym "ROSES"?
2021-08-31 Open Theism: Would you talk about "Open Theism"?
2021-08-13 John Wesley: What do you think of John Wesley's theology?
2021-08-13 Arminian vs Armenian: Caller confuses Arminian vs Armenian? Where does Arminianism come from?
Creation Just Taking it's Course: Did God create the sun and earth, and then just let it go functioning on its own?
2021-07-15 Arminianism vs Calvinism: What are the shortcomings related to embracing "Arminianism"? What would Calvinist criticize?
2021-07-15 Calvinism vs Arminianism: Caller shares an opposing view of Calvinism. [Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6, I Peter 5:5, Hebrew 10:29].
2021-05-28 Discussing Opposing Doctrinal Views: If someone gets too caught up in discussing doctrinal issues, such as Calvinism vs Arminianism, can it be sinful and compromise your Christian walk? [John 6:44].
2021-05-06 The Matthew713 Website: What is wrong with the website lately?
Wesleyan Theology: Could you review Wesleyan Theology? [2 Corinthians 3:18].
2020-07-28 Westminister Confession: Is the Westminister Confession related to the Calvinists in England?
End Times author, Salem Kirban: Have you heard of Salem Kirban and his writings about end times?
Opposite of Calvinism: What is the opposite of Calvinism?
2020-06-26 God is Not a Racist - Insufficient: Isn't saying that "God is not a racist", an insufficient response to clarifying why God doesn't choose any racial group for carrying out His will? [Romans 2:5-10].
Calvinism-We Are Not Robots: Is it not insufficient to say that "we are not robots" in your argument regarding Calvinism and the matter of free-will and predestination?
2020-06-19 Hyper-Grace: Would you describe Hyper-Grace? [Romans 10:9, Titus 1:16, John 1:12].
Calminian: What is a Calminian?
Steve Gregg - an Arminian Are you, Steve Gregg, an Arminian? And would you define Arminianism:
2020-06-19 Hyper-Grace: Would you describe Hyper-Grace? [Romans 10:9, Titus 1:16, John 1:12].
Calminian: What is a Calminian?
Steve Gregg - an Arminian Are you, Steve Gregg, an Arminian? And would you define Arminianism:
2020-06-01 Arminians Not Willing to Pray for the Salvation of Others: Could you help me refute the Calvinist argument that Arminianism undermines the motivation to pray for the unsaved?
2020-05-29 Arminian & Calvinist Analogy: Could the contrasting views of Arminian & Calvinist be paralleled to the formation of diamonds and superstitious alchemy?
2020-03-23 Calvinism vs Arminianism: Is there one place, or book, that would martial all the arguments for and against Calvinism?
2019-12-27 Arminianism & Calvinism: Should believers separate over Arminianism & Calvinism?
2019-08-21 Calvinism vs Arminianism: What is your position regarding the Calvinism vs Arminianism debate? (Steve Gregg lecture: God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation)
2019-08-01 Foundation of the World: Would you clear up the various perceptions about the Greek word order in scriptures, such as, "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world". [Timothy , Revelation 13:8, 17:8, Hebrews 4:3 Ephesians 1:4, John 17:24, Luke 11:50].
Being Elect: Can you clarify the way you see Ephesians 1:4, as a more corporate group, as opposed to the way Calvinists see it. [Ephesians 1:4, Isaiah 42:1, Matthew, Romans 8:30, I John 5:11 ].
Book of Life: Would you help me understand to what "The Book of Life" refers? [Revelation 3:5, 13:8].
2019-07-01 Arminian View of Unrepentant Sin: Is it actually an Arminian view that if a person fails to repent for a sin before they die, they lose their salvation and are consigned to hell?
2019-07-01 AD 70 vs Futurist Dispensational View: How does one respond to the Futurist arguments made from Revelation 22; regarding the return of Christ, "the time is at hand", "I come quickly, and "I bring my reward with me"? Are there not other prophecies that were not fulfilled right away? What are the rewards? [Revelation 22:10-12].
2019-04-18 Arminius, Arminianism: Can man save himself? Did you say that Paul didn't know that he was saved? Doesn't God initiate man's salvation? The use of the word used for “disposed” (“appointed”) Should we consider Arminius a heretic? [I Corinthians 16:15, Act 13:48, Romans 7:14-15].
2019-04-17 Calvinist church: Is there really any danger in attending a Calvinist church, even though I am an Arminian?
2019-01-31 Churches in Atlanta: Do you know of any good churches in Atlanta? Are you on in any stations in Atlanta? How can I continue listening to your show?
Calvinism, Arminianism, Dispensationalism, Preterism: Can you tell me the difference between all these terms, all this terminology?
2019-01-28 Calvinism & Arminianism: Can you please explain Calvinism, Arminianism, Pelagianism, predestination, election, free will, God choosing some people & not choosing others?
2018-12-31 Not Making your needs known: What do you mean by not availing, disclosing what your burdens are, to the body of Christ? [Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:15]
Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, elected to being saved before someone asking God in their heart, I heard you saying is what Calvinists believe.
2018-09-13 "What Would Jesus Do?": "What would Jesus do?", pondering the significance of that question, but wouldn't the more accurate question be, "What would Jesus have ME do?"
Calvinism & Arminianism: What percentage of John Calvin's teaching do you disagree with (besides Calvinism itself)?
2018-08-24 Calvinism & Arminianism: Where do you land on the Arminian vs Calvinism controversy? What does it mean to be chosen or elected?
2018-08-24 Pelagians, Arminians, Augustinians, Calvinists: Pelagians vs Arminians vs Augustinians vs Calvinists, God's sovereignty relative to salvation
2018-08-06 Calvinism & Arminianism: Calvinism & Arminianism, what side of the fence are you on? What about being dead in trespasses & sins in Ephesians? What do you do about there are none righteous? What do you do about Titus which say, Not by works of righteousness, but by His Mercy has He saved us. [Ephesians 2:1-2, Romans 3:10, Titus 3:5]
2018-07-10 The Calvinist & Arminianist Debate: What is the best book of the Bible to go through to debate Calvinism & arminianism? [Romans]
Church Membership: So you are against Church Membership? Do you have anything in your lectures about that?
2018-05-01 Calvinism & Arminianism Is which one you believe, Calvinism & Arminianism, a Salvation issue? Does it really matter what you believe? Will it affect the way you view God?
2018-04-18 Appointed to Eternal Life: It says in Acts that people were appointed to eternal life. How do Arminianist get past this text? Does God do everything, or do people have something to do with drawing near to God? [Acts 13:48]
2018-04-12 Pelagianism: Steve explains that he is NOT a Pelagian, clarifying the position of what the Bible says about original sin and whether people have the ability to not sin.
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