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Topic: Arminianism (Arminius)

Showing 101 to 110 of 110.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-12-30 Pastors being Limited to Think CLearly: It's unfortunate there's a limit sometimes on what a pastor can believe or teach within the belief system of their denomination.
Predestination: Was R.C. Sproul saying that we actually DO have a choice on whether we go to hell or not? Trying to make Calvinism & Arminianism harmonize.
Loved ones burning in Hell: John MacArthur & R. C. Sproul seem inconsistent about that they say about buring in eternity in hell.
2013-11-25 God's Foreknowledge & Sovereignty & Molinism: Can you tell me anything about Molinism, especially as it relates to Arminianism?
2013-09-26 Slain from the Foundation of the World: NASB says seems to apply the phrase, "slain from the foundation of the world" in a completely different location, changing the meaning. Is that true? [Revelation 13:8]
Quakers: Do you know anything about the Quakers? Do they really not have a pulpit, so anyone can go up & speak instead of just having it for a sole Pastor?
Calvinism & Arminianism: How are Calvinism & Arminianism different? You believe in Arminianism?
2013-08-09 Love more Important than End Times: Isn't blessing & telling people about the love of Christ more important than knowing about end times events? Or the difference between Calvinism & Arminianism?
2013-03-28 Our Names in the "Book of Life": How does my name get written in the "Book of Life" and can it be erased? [Revelation 3:5, Luke 10:20, Colossians 1:21-23, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, Hebrews 12:23].
2013-02-25 Calvinism & Evangelism: How does one respond to those that think that God does all the choosing, as opposed to us choosing Him, therefore it makes one question evangelizing? [John 15:16, John 12:32, John 6:44].
No Second Chance in Hell: Doesn't one's free will disappear if people have a second chance to repent and follow Jesus when they are already in hell? [Matthew 4:17, Matthew 18:21, Matthew 5:44].
2013-02-21 "None that Does Good"-The Human Condition: How do you handle the scripture; "there is none that does good"? [Romans 3:9, Psalm 14:5, Romans 2:17, Romans 2:1, Romans 1-4].
Gentiles Cannot Seek God without Regeneration: Do you think that the unregenerate (and the gentiles) can seek God in their flesh? [Acts 10, Psalm 14:3, John 6:44].
Calvinism vs Arminianism: Can both Calvinism and Arminianism be merged or both be somewhat correct?
2013-02-21 "None that Does Good"-The Human Condition: How do you handle the scripture; "there is none that does good"? [Romans 3:9, Psalm 14:5, Romans 2:17, Romans 2:1, Romans 1-4].
Gentiles Cannot Seek God without Regeneration: Do you think that the unregenerate (and the gentiles) can seek God in their flesh? [Acts 10, Psalm 14:3, John 6:44].
Calvinism vs Arminianism: Can both Calvinism and Arminianism be merged or both be somewhat correct?
2013-02-07 Calvinism & Election: How do I know if I'm of elect or not? I'm afraid I'm not of the elect.
2013-01-04 God's Sovereignty: Though we don't believe in Calvinism, can't He make people do what He wants should He choose?
Christians Mystics (T.Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A. W. Tozer): What do you know about T. Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A.W.Tozer who are often identified as Christian mysticism?
"Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin": We hear "Love the Sinner, but hate the sin", but how is one able to love those who murder and rape.
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