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Topic: Movies or Documentaries

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-12-08 Authorship of Genesis by Moses: Can you clear up who wrote the Book of Genesis? It is said by some that several other authors did.
2023-08-28 Documentary "Days of Noah": Have you seen the documentary "Days of Noah" and if so, what do you think of it?
Seventh-Day Adventists: Could you talk about the beliefs of the denomination Seventh-Day Adventism? [Romans 14:5].
2023-08-08 Let "us" in Genesis: Who is speaking in Genesis 1, when it is said, "Let us ...?" [Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:2-3, Psalm 33:6].
Raul Riess: What about Raul Riess of Calvary Chapel? Why didn't you mention him when you were talking about the movie "The Jesus Revolution?" Rec: movie; "Fury to Freedom."
2023-08-07 "Jesus Revolution" Movie & "Jesus Revolution": Could you elaborate Chuck Smith's objection with the direction Lonnie Frisbee went with a more charismatic group (Vineyard)?
2023-07-17 Endless Genealogies: What does "endless genealogies" mean? [1 Timothy 1:4].
Baptism & Regeneration: Why don't evangelicals see baptism as part of regeneration?
"Sound of Freedom" Movie (Criticism) What do you think about the criticism of the movie, "Sound of Freedom?"
2023-07-17 The Movie, "Ben Hur:" If the movie "Ben Hur" was a true story, why was it not included in the Bible?
2023-07-03 Movie: "Sound of Freedom": Steve recommends the movie "Sound of Freedom," the true story of Tim Ballard who is bringing child-trafficking to light.
2023-06-26 "Shiny, Happy, People" Documentary: Could you comment on the new documentary "Shiny Happy People" and its critical view of homeschooling and Christianity?
2023-04-28 The Movie-"Nefarius": If you saw the movie, "Nefarius," what did you thin of it?
Christian Parents Attending a Gay Wedding: Would you attend your child's gay wedding? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:18-24, Matthew 19:1-9, Ephesians 5:31-32].
2023-04-13 Jesus Revolution-Greg Laurie & Chuck Smith: Caller encourages listeners to see the movie, even though he doesn't care for the teaching of Chuck Smith and Gregg Laurie.
Struggle Between Flesh & Spirit: When Paul looked to the Old Testament for instruction about the struggle between the flesh and spirit, should we then use the New Testament in the same way? [Romans 7-8, Galatians 5:17, Romans 8:4f].
2023-03-21 Jesus Revolution, Chuck Smith's Error about the Second Coming: Having just seen the movie, "Jesus Revolution", are you familiar with the false predictions of Chuck Smith regarding the coming of the Lord in the early 1980s?
2023-03-10 America's Revolution: Was the American revolution a just war?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": What did you think of the movie "Jesus Revolution?"
2023-03-02 "Spirit in the Sky": Are you familiar with the song from the 70s, "The Spirit in the Sky"?
Movie "Jesus Revolution": Is the movie "Jesus Revolution" a re-release or is it a new one?
Resurrection & Reincarnation: Was resurrection and reincarnation considered at the church council's about whether to keep it as foundational doctrine? [2 Corinthians 5:10, Hebrews 9:27].
2023-02-27 Jesus Revolution Movie: What did you think of the "Jesus Revelation" movie?
Walter Martin: Did you know Walter Martin? Was he part of the Jesus Movement?
2023-02-08 Christian Movies & Television: What do you think of "The Chosen" and "The Passion?"
2023-01-19 "The Jesus Revolution" (movie): Steve talks about the new movie coming out soon called "The Jesus Revolution" and recommends it positively.
2022-11-21 Movie-"The Jesus Revolution": Have you heard about the movie "The Jesus Revelation?"
2022-11-18 Taking License in Translating: Some versions seem to suggest that the coming event being described is more immediate than it was. Is that intentional? [Mark 11:10].
Star of Bethlehem: Should I be giving away the documentary "Star of Bethlehem? [Matthew 2:9].
2022-11-10 Harry Potter: What is your view of Harry Potter and Wiccan?
2022-10-25 The Television Show; "The Chosen": Regarding the controversy about in the television show, "The Chosen" and their proposal to present Jesus saying that He "is" the Law of Moses, rather than "fulfilling" the Law of Moses, what are your thoughts?
2022-04-01 Repentance: What does it really mean to "repent"? [Mark 1:15, Luke 13:3-5].
Worldliness & Entertainment: Does "not loving the world" allow for enjoying various entertainments, like sports? [I John 2:15-17, I Timothy 6:17].
2022-03-28 Intermediate State of Believers: What is the current state of those believers who have passed away? [2 Corinthians 5:8, I Thessalonians 4].
Transported to Heaven: Do you think that the transport to heaven is instantaeous or do they travel there? Could ghosts be the unbelievers that don't go instanteously?
The Television Show "The Chosen": What do you think of the show "The Chosen"?
2022-03-28 Secular Entertainment: What do you think of listening to secular music and movies?
2021-12-21 "Gospel of John" Movie: Could you clarify which movie on the "Gospel of John" you like? The Gospel of John, 2003, with Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus.
Free Will and Predestination: Can one believe in both "free will" and "predestination"? [Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-5].
2021-04-22 Drew Bloom or Ken Fish: Are you familiar with Drew Bloom or Ken Fish?
Series Called "Chosen": What did you think of the new series called, "Chosen"?
2021-01-19 Buying Steve's Books: Any advice, as I am having trouble buying multiple copies of your book?
Compromised Writers of Worship Music: As a worship leader, I have learned some negative things about some of those that write and perform songs I have used before, any advice on helping me decide if I should use them anymore?
2020-10-20 The Movie, "The Passion of the Christ": Did you see the movie, "The Passion of the Christ" and if so, what did you think about it and its accuracy?
How to Grow in One's Faith: What is your recommendation to a believer to help them grow in their faith? (Lecture series; Cultivating Christian Character). [Psalm 1:2].
2020-09-22 The Writing's of Josephus & Philo: Why were not Josephus and Philo's writings not included in the Bible?
Hollywood Bible Movies: Are the movies such as, "The Robe", "Quo Vadis", and "Ben Hur" historically accurate?
2020-09-17 Television Production About Jesus: Are you familiar with the television production "From Jesus to Christ-The First Christians"? [Luke 2:11-14].
2020-08-14 The Movie, "The Coming Convergence": Have you heard of the movie, "The Coming Convergence" and could you give me some feedback about the predictions from it? [Ezekiel 38-39, Matthew 24].
2020-04-10 The Movie, "The Family": Have you seen the movie "The Family" about Christian leadership? - would like to have your comments.
2020-02-14 Baptism Again: If one has been baptized as a child, should they be re-baptized? [Acts 19].
Secular Movies: Is it acceptable to watch secular movies with some moral or other value, even though they might have swearing and sex, etc. in them? [Proverbs 25:28, Matthew 5:29].
2019-09-17 Movie-The Gospel of John: Which Bible story movie did you really like which you mention on the air frequently?
2019-08-13 The Movie, "Silence": Did you see the movie,"Silence"? Do you think he did the right thing to compromise?
Modesty: How does one determine what is modest? [I Corinthians 8:9-13].
2019-08-02 Nudity in Movies: Should Christians watch movies with nudity? If not, then should one not see the movie, "The Mission"?
2018-09-25 End of the Spear movie: Have you seen the "End of the Spear", Jim Elliott's & Nate Saint's experience seeing the spirits of the men he killed rise before they died?
2018-01-19 Martin Luther: Was Martin Luther King saved? Was he led by God?
The Persecuted Church: Are Christians still persecuted around the world as much as they were in the 1st century?
Movies about Jesus: What did you think about some movies about Jesus, such as, Last Temptation of Christ, Jesus Christ Superstar or The Passion of the Christ?
2018-01-19 Jesus of Nazareth Movie: What did you think of the Jesus of Nazareth movie?
Hell: (Agnostic Caller) What is the purpose of hell?
2017-08-16 Crossing the Red Sea Documentary: What do you think about the documentary about evidence of the crossing of the red sea?
Hebrew Language: When did the Hebrew language start?
2017-08-03 Catholicism a Different Gospel: Shouldn't the Roman Catholic church be considered teaching another gospel? I was watching the movie called, "Silence", which came out in 2016, with my son & it brought a lot of discussion between us. [Galatians 1:8-9]
2017-03-15 The Movie, "The Shack": If you saw the movie "The Shack", what do you think about it?
2017-03-02 The Shack, Movie & Book: Discussion about "the shack", the movie & the book, it deviating from the Bible, does the end justify the means?
2017-02-03 Man before Adam & Eve: Jimmy Swaggert suggested that man was made before Adam & Eve, what do you think?
Hacksaw Ridge Movie: Wondering if you saw the movie, "Hacksaw Ridge" & what you thought of it?
2017-01-09 Darik Frank & the Let Lion Roar: I'm wondering if you've ever heard the video by darik frank, let the lion roar that emphasizes on the jews & Israel?
2016-04-14 Zeitgeist Documentary: Caller was talking to ex-Catholics, & was really hurt a video called, "Zeitgeist" & was wondering if you knew anything about it?
2016-04-08 "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers": Caller disagrees with the documentary, "Lord Save Us From Your Followers". A long discussion ensues.
2016-04-07 Faith-Based Movies: What are your thoughts on Christian movies & do you ever go & watch them?
2016-04-01 "Lord, Save Us from your Followers": What was the name of the documentary you were talking about involving homosexuality? (Lord, save us from your followers)
Christian Lesbians: There is a lesbian couple who goes to the same Christian class as the caller, & they said that God put them together for a reason, & that they were just going to have to disagree with caller. What does Steve think about that?
2016-01-25 Declining Sex Drive: caller likes having a reduction of a sex drive with age.
Recommending Documentaries: Caller highly recommends another documentary after Steve recommended a documentary called, "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus", called, "Star of Bethlehem".
2016-01-14 Shout out about the documentary about Benghazi called 13 Hours: shout out to 2 people who were on the Kelly Files on Fox News the night before re: Benghazi & the movie 13 hrs.
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