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Topic: Movies or Documentaries

Showing 51 to 75 of 75.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-01-12 The Plagues in Egypt: What was name of the documentary you mentioned yesterday about the plagues in Egypt? [Patterns of Evidence]
2016-01-12 Benghazi-13 Hours: Steve comments on a documentary he wants to see called, "13 Hours".
2016-01-11 Evidence of the 10 Plagues in Egypt: Is there any documentaries on the evidence that the 10 plagues actually happened in Egypt? ("Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" "Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy")
2015-10-14 Chronicles of Narnia: What do you think of the C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, fantasy & fiction, verses reality, especially since they have witches in them & such?
Leviathan: How literal should we take Leviathan?
2015-05-11 Watching Movies (Mel Brooks): Are Movies supposed to be watched in the privacy of your own home? Are you allowed to watch questionable movies?
2015-02-10 "Heaven is for Real": Does Steve give credence to the movie, "Heaven is for Real"?
2015-01-02 The Bible Mini-series: Caller didn't really think the Bible mini-series by Downey and Burnett was biblical & wondered if Steve thought the same way.
2014-12-23 Former Pastors: What do you think of the former pastor attending the same church he had pastored? You'd think the new Pastor would feel a lttle threatened.
Pastor/Teacher: Is a Pastor considered a Teacher?
Watching Action Movies: What do think about our thoughts being influenced by the movies we watch?
2014-07-28 The book & movie, America by Dinesh D'souza: Caller wanted to know if Steve ever heard of a book & the movie called, "America" by Dinesh D'Souza?
2014-05-08 Heaven is for Real - NDE's: Are you saying the movie, "Heaven is for Real" is real because you had a friend who said she had a Near Death Experience? [Luke 16:19-31, John 11:38-44, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2014-04-18 God is not Dead: Colleges putting pressure on Christians, & this movie did an excellent job w/ dealing w/ that.
2014-04-17 "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers": Caller is critical of the documentary, "Lord, Save Us From Your Followers", that Steve Gregg recommended.
2014-04-11 Heaven is for Real: What do you think about people who say they went to Heaven & back?
Paul not allowed to reveal: Paul wasn't allowed to disclose some of the things he saw while in heaven, so why would it be okay for others to do it now? [2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2014-04-08 Kabbalah & the movie, "Noah": What is this Kabbalah Jewish manuscript you were talking about regarding the movie, "Noah"?
2014-04-07 The new movie, "Noah": Are the "watchers" that were in the new movie, "Noah", biblical? (They talk about it for awhile, the 2nd question is asked, then they come back to this.)
Fallen Angels, Jude & Genesis: Is there a connection between Jude & Genesis regarding the Fallen Angels? [Genesis 6:1-4, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4]
2014-04-02 "Hellbound" Documentary: Have you ever watched the documentary called, "Hellbound"? (A discussion about hell pursues for awhile & then more about the documentary.)
2014-03-27 Noah Film: What do you think of the new Movie coming out about Noah?
Real Story of Noah: What can we take away from the real story of Noah? [Genesis 6]
2014-03-13 Passion of the Christ: What were thoughts on "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson?
2014-03-12 "Son of God" movie & Pharisees & Chief Priests: Were the Pharisees against Jesus? They talk about Caiaphas being the main villain in the movie. and discussion about, "Passion of the Christ", but good movies also, "The Jesus Movie", "The Gospel of Matthew", "The Gospel of John", & "the Book of Acts".
2013-11-08 Cearsar's Messiah: Have you ever heard of "Caesar's Messiah"?
2013-09-12 "The Flaming Toilet of Death": Did Steve ever watch the video called, "The Flaming Toilet of Death", & what did he think of it?
Hell not in the OT: Hell wasn't even mentioned in the Old Testament. [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66:24]
2013-08-08 Torah is the Only Way: Someone thinks that the Torah is the ONLY way to go, that we shouldn't observe Christmas, Easter or go to church on Sunday & only go to church on Sabbagth.
X-Rated Movies & Dancing: Is it wrong for Christians to go to X-rated movies or participate in dancing? [Romans 14]
2013-03-26 Harry Potter, Wizards & Sorcerers: Would you advise how to handle my children's fascination with the Harry Potter movies (the wizards and sorcerers, etc.)? [Deuteronomy 7:26].
2013-03-26 Children & Entertainment: Caller shares his views about children's entertainment that involved magic, etc.
2013-01-28 Walking in the Spirit: Suggestions on ways to walk in the Spirit.
The Movie, Harvey: Have you ever seen the movie called, "Harvey"? It's an object lesson to how to be able to "walk in the Spirit" practically.
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