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Topic: Occult (Tarot, Mediums)

Showing 1 to 50 of 136.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-11 Help from Angels (St Germain): Are you familiar with St. Germain and the book "The Magic Presence" (by Ray Godfre King and Guy Ballard)?
The "Single Eye" (Greed or Generosity): In the verses that follow The Lord's Prayer, there is a reference to the "single eye." Can you clarify? [Matthew 6:22-29].
2024-06-25 Going to a Medium: A Christian friend went to a medium and she knew all kinds of things about her dead relatives. Are these demons? [1 Samuel 28:14-15].
2024-06-25 Tarot Cards: Could you comment on a Christian saying they "cannot" stop looking at Tarot cards? [Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46-47].
2024-06-19 The Occult (Mentalism): Do you think that "Mentalism" is part of the occult?
Pastor Who is a Magician: What do you think about a pastor who performs magic shows (illusions)?
2024-04-25 New Apostolic Reformation: Can you recommend a good book about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? It seems like there is a lot of false teaching in it. [Job 1].
Declaring, Decreeing or Commanding Something: What about the practice of "declaring" "decreeing" or "commanding" something to happen?
2024-04-05 Balaam's Background: Could Balaam have been using black magic before God used him? [Numbers 22-24].
2024-02-22 Demons, Ghosts & Spirits: How could a spirit have power or control in the physical world?
2024-02-20 Genetics: Caller comments on the huge differences between humans and apes in the DNA.
The Supernatural & God's Intervention: How do you think about God's involvement in humanity and the supernatural?
2024-01-04 The Occult-Consulting Mediums (Demons): Is it correct to think that someone contacting the dead or consulting a medium is actually communicating with a demon? [1 Samuel 28:12-20, Leviticus 19:31, Leviticus 20:27].
2023-09-25 Demonic Attachments: Could you talk about the possibility of demonic powers being attached to items given to me? [Acts 19:19].
2023-07-13 "Given the Value": What do you think "given the value" was equivalent to? And are we "given the value" [Acts 19:19].
Trashing Things of Value: Would you sell a valuable statue of Buddha (or some other icon), or would you trash it?
2023-06-29 "Course in Miracles": What do you think of the "Course in Miracles" (by Helen Schumcman)? [2 Corinthians 11:4].
2023-06-12 Signs of the Zodiac: What do you think about the similar personality traits of people born under the same zodiac signs?
Leaving the Door Open to Spouse to Return: Could you talk about leaving the door open to a spouse to return to the marriage?
2023-06-07 Raising a Spirit from the Dead: What am I to make of the story of the spirit of Samuel being raised from the dead by the witch? I thought that was not a thing? [1 Samuel 28].
2023-06-05 "Satan Loosed" & Dispensationalism: Do you think the inception of Dispensationalism may be part of Satan "being loosed," because of the pervading deception? [Revelation 20:7].
2023-06-05 Tattoos: What do you think about tattoos in these modern times? [Leviticus 19:27-28].
2023-06-01 Atheist Caller "The Dead Intervening": Atheist caller shares his experience and asks, do you think the dead can intervene or interact with us in anyway? [Matthew 17:2, 1 Samuel 28:15].
2023-04-19 Communication with the Dead: Can I go to Jesus to communicate with my dead mother?
2023-03-03 New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, Bethel Movement): What do you think about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, Bethel Movement)? [Ephesians 4:11, Acts 4:33, 1 Corinthians 12].
2023-02-21 Christian Apologetic Books: Would you recommend Christian books on apologetics? Rec: "The Universe Next Door" (Sire) "What's So Great About Christianity" (D'Souza) "Total Truth" (Percy), Evidence that Demands a Verdict" (McDowell), "Basic Christianity" (Stott), "Mere Christianity" (Lewis).
NAR (New Apostolic Reformation): What do you think of the NAR and Bill Johnson (Bethel)? [1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 7:21-23].
2022-11-10 Harry Potter: What is your view of Harry Potter and Wiccan?
2022-11-02 The Zodiac & Astrology: Why is the Zodiac and astrology considered occultic? [Job 38:32, Genesis 1].
2022-10-04 Satan's Making of Hell: Have you ever heard the doctrine that Satan and the other fallen angels actually created hell? [Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10].
Demons Clairvoyant: Is Satan and his demons clairvoyant or psychic-or possibly omniscient?
Feeling Condemned: Satan and his demons love to make us feel condemned and guilty, right? [I John 3:20-21].
2022-08-31 Mediums (Supernatural & Occult): Is the work of contemporary mediums (psychics) acceptable, since it tis not like Old Testament occultism, and have good intentions-plus we no longer live under Old Testament law in the New Testament? [2 Peter 3:5, Deuteronomy 18:9-14, Isaiah 8:19].
2022-07-28 Witch of Endor: How did the Witch of Endor call up the spirit of Samuel? That really was him, wasn't it? Can that still happen today? [I Samuel 28:15, Ephesians 4:8].
2022-06-23 Acupuncture: Is there anything in the BIble about acupuncture?
2022-06-22 Astrology & Divination: How can books about astrology be tied to Christianity? Recommended; "The Gospel in the Stars." [Genesis 1, Psalm 19:1].
2022-05-06 Dinosaurs: Do you think that dinosaurs lived with people? [Job 40-41].
Giants: Do you think there were giants taller than Goliath?
Witches: Do you think there are real witches now?
2022-05-04 New Apostolic Reformation (NAR): Would you talk about the New Apostolic Reformation (Bethel, Redding CA)? [I Corinthians 13:2, I Corinthians 11:4].
2022-04-15 Spiritual Beings on God's Side: Who are Christians to say that those in various religions and cults who interact with other spirits, sometimes in nature, are wrong? [I John 4:1-3].
2022-04-11 Sin in One's Dreams: If we sin in our dreams-is it the devil, and do we need to repent?
Interpreting Dreams: Should one attempt to interpret one's dreams?
2022-04-07 Moses & the Magicians: Why did God allow the magicians to mimic the supernatural events of Moses, but did not allow them to produce the lice? [2 Timothy 3:8, Exodus 7:22, Exodus 8:7, Exodus 8:18].
2022-04-07 Magicians - Janees and Jambres: Where is the story of Jannes and Jambres -because they may have been those that resisted Moses after the Exodus? [2 Timothy 3:8].
2022-03-16 Magic or Miracles: Atheist Caller; How do you distinguish magic from miracles?
Atheism & the Supernatural: You know that for the Atheist there is no supernatural, right?
2022-02-18 "Divination" in Genesis: Could you help me understand the word "divination" used in Genesis? [Genesis 44].
2022-02-15 Tree of Life: Why did God prevent Adam & Eve from eating from the "Tree of Life"? [Genesis 3, I Timothy 6:16].
Samuel's Spirit Raised Was the spirit of Samuel that was conjured up by Saul and the witch actually Samuel or was it a demon? [I Samuel 28:11-20].
Angels & Humans Having Children: How could spiritual beings have intercourse with human women and produce children? [Genesis 6:6].
2022-01-07 Divining Rod (Dowsing, Water-Witching): What should I do to discourage someone from using a "Divining Rod"?
2021-12-15 Curses & Hexes: Is there such a thing as curses or hexes? [Proverbs 26:2].
2021-12-10 Possible Angel Sighting: Would you respond to my experience with a floating spirit many years ago, whom I did not fear? Could it have been an angel? [2 Corinthians 11:14].
2021-09-09 Requesting Prayers from Deceased Saints: Is there anything in scripture that would encourage one to request intercessory prayer from the saints who have passed? [I Timothy 2:5].
2021-08-20 King Saul, the Witch of Endor & the Prophet Samuel: Did Saul really communicate with Samuel when he went to the Witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28].
2021-08-12 Inanimate Objects with Demons: Do you actually believe that an inanimate object can have a demon? [Acts 19:19].
2021-08-10 Attaching Evil to Inanimate Objects: Can someone attach evil, or curses, to an inanimate object, such as a Bible? [James 4:7].
2021-07-29 Can Those in Heaven See Us?: Can the departed see us? [Hebrews 12:1].
Ghosts: Are ghosts real? Or are they demons just masquerade as such?
Communication with the Dead: Can anyone communicate with the dead?
2021-07-29 Can Those in Heaven See Us?: Can the departed see us? [Hebrews 12:1].
Ghosts: Are ghosts real? Or are they demons just masquerade as such?
Communication with the Dead: Can anyone communicate with the dead?
2021-06-07 Generational Curses: Would you talk about "generational curses"? [Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:7].
2021-06-04 Objects with Demonic or Evil Attachments: What do you think about the possibility of an evil attachment to an object in my home that makes my kids uncomfortable?
2021-05-17 Witchcraft: How does one recognize if someone is secretly practicing witchcraft? And how would one pray against it or a curse? Recommended lecture: "Spiritual Warfare."
2021-05-13 Occult Practices: Could you specifically define necromancer, sorcery, and similar words used in occult and witchcraft?
Transgender for Office: What do you think of a transgender running for political office?
2021-05-13 Worshipping Evil, Satan, Demons: In some religions, like the Hindus, people worship the devil. Why would people want to do this?
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