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Topic: Occult (Tarot, Mediums)

Showing 101 to 136 of 136.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-11-11 Witchcraft, Wiccan: Why does this seem so prevalent nowadays?
Noises in House: Caller hears noises inside & outside her house? Are they demons?
2016-11-08 Discipling New Converts: How do we prevent New Converts from being devoured by wolves? [Acts 20:29]
2016-08-16 Freemasonry: What can you tell me about Freemasonry?
2016-05-13 Yoga & the New Age Movement: I was wondering what you thought about New Age movement & Yoga?
2016-05-09 Demonology: I heard you've had experiences with casting out Demons/exorcisms & wondering if you could talk about a few of those cases.
Cults & the Occult: Can you tell me the difference between Cults & the Occult?
2016-04-29 Alcholic Anonymus: what do you know about & think about Alcoholics Anonymous? Does it belong to something like the occult?
2016-04-20 Marijuana-Medicinal & Recreational: What do you think about medicinal & recreational Marijuana & sorcery or pharmacea? [Revelation 18:23]
2016-03-04 Sorcery: What about the Scripture that talks against Sorcery when you were talking about witchcraft the other day?
2016-03-03 Demonology & Auras: A fortune teller told me that I had a darkness, a lot of demons surrounding me. Is there anything to this?
2015-12-21 The Labyrinth: What is the spiritual significance of walking a labyrinth? Can it make you closer to God?
2015-10-05 Demon-possession: Can Christians become demon-possessed since they are supposed to have the Holy Spirit in them? How can they have both? [Matthew 12:43-45]
Occult Practices: Is it possible that people who supposedly experience Alien phenomenon are really just experiencing demon phenomenon?
2015-09-04 Prayer Labyrinth: Do you know anything about Prayer Labyrinth?
2015-06-11 Landmark Forum (Education): Caller was invited by a neighbor to go a Landmark Forum seminar & he looked into it before he went, & he thinks it's just a rehash of Werner Erhard's Est, & would like to know if Steve knows anything about it.
2015-01-27 Witchcraft vs Spiritual Gifts: An ex-witchcraft, Occult person who is now a Christian claims she has the spiritual gift to stop the wind. Caller didn't know how to tell her that was crazy.
2014-12-03 Visualization & Affirmation: Is it wrong to use Visualization & Affirmation because according to Johanna Michaelsen, it is not a good idea to do that.
2014-08-27 Deja Vu: Is there such a thing as Deja Vu?
God's Foreknowledge: Jesus slain from the foundation of the world, By His Stripes we are healed, & He knew us before we were formed in the womb, is all that the same as Deja Vu?
2014-08-15 Eating & Drinking the body & blood of Jesus: Caller is concerned about people preaching that we need to literally eat & drink the body & blood of Christ. Can Steve explain what's really going on about that? [John 6]
Deja vu Is the word Deja vu New Ageish or Occultic?
2014-05-27 Recovering Alcoholic Testimony: Caller is on fire for the Lord, & says that Steve is right about depending on AA & the 12-step programs. He thinks it might even be an occult.
2014-04-23 Jesus' name in Aramaic: Do you know what Jesus' name in Aramaic?
Inner Healing: What should I be cautious of regarding inner healing?
2014-03-31 Inner Healing: What did you say about Inner Healing recently? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Death an Interruption: Would you say death was an interruption in our life?
2014-01-15 Experiences w/ Angels - Part II: Interesting stories about alleged angel experiences.
Spirits & Mediums: What do you think about people dabbling w/ spirits & mediums?
2013-10-30 Witchcraft & Evil Increasing: Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that there's going to be an increase in withcraft & that kind've stuff at the last days? [2 Timothy 3:1-5]
2013-08-16 Generational Curses: Caller wants to talk about breaking generational curses, who thinks it's unbliblical.
2013-07-10 America Prohibiting Buddhism: Buddhist caller voiced his opinion about a previous call suggesting that only Christianity being allowed in America.
Destroying Buddhist Relics: Buddhist shares his disappointment to hear that a Christian ought destroy Buddhist relics.
2013-07-09 Statutes & Relics from Eastern Religions: What should I do wth my statutes & relics from the eastern religions to which I belonged? [Acts 19]
2013-04-26 The Power of the Occult: Why does God empower the occult? [2 Thessalonians 2:9-10, Luke 17:1].
2013-04-15 Imagining Seeing Jesus: What do you think about a pastor that asks you to imagine things happening seeing and being with Jesus? Recommended book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen. [Matthew 5:27-28, Acts 16:6-10].
2013-04-15 Stars & Constellations: Could you talk about the constellations (the stars) and that they tell the story of redemption? [Genesis 1:14, Genesis 15:5, Romans 10:18, Psalm 19:4, Job 38:31-32].
2013-04-01 Seeking the Spirits of the Dead: Where does it say in the Bible not to contact the dead? [Deuteronomy 18:9f].
Psychics: I are there real psychics? Could they be from God, just used wrongly? [I Corinthains 12:3].
2013-04-01 Seeking the Spirits of the Dead: Where does it say in the Bible not to contact the dead? [Deuteronomy 18:9f].
Psychics: I are there real psychics? Could they be from God, just used wrongly? [I Corinthains 12:3].
2013-04-01 Dreams That Come True: Is it possible that the many dreams I have come from the Devil, if they often come true?
2013-03-26 Harry Potter, Wizards & Sorcerers: Would you advise how to handle my children's fascination with the Harry Potter movies (the wizards and sorcerers, etc.)? [Deuteronomy 7:26].
2013-03-26 Children & Entertainment: Caller shares his views about children's entertainment that involved magic, etc.
2013-03-12 Witch of Endor & Samuel: Did Samuel actually come upon the Witch of Endor summoning him, or was it an evil spirit? [I Samuel 28].
Cain & Abel's Wives: Where did Cain and Abel get their wives?
2013-03-07 Magic and Real Snakes?: When Moses was before Pharaoh, and the magicians threw down snakes, were they real snakes? [Exodus 7].
Satan Cannot Create Life; Caller insists that no one but God can create life, therefore the Magicians could not create snakes in Exodus. [Exodus 7].
2013-02-05 Going to a Psychic: What does the Bible say about consulting a Psychic?
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