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Topic: God's Love

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-26 Knowing God & Maturing in Him: I don't feel like I know God as I should, so what do you suggest I do to improve? I have obeyed the rules rather than knowing God. [Micah 6:8, Romans 13:10, Psalm 1:1-3].
2024-06-04 Peter's Love (Phileo, Agape) or Jesus: Do you think that Peter really loved Jesus because of his multiple denials? [John 21:15-17, Matthew 10:33, Matthew 26:69-75].
Meaningful Love without the Holy Spirit: Do you think it is possible there is meaningful love with unbelievers without the Holy Spirit?
2024-05-28 Unconditional Love of God: Does God really love all people unconditionally? [[1 John 1:5, Matthew 5:43-45, 1 John 4:16, Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9].
2024-03-27 Can't Lose Salvation & God's Love for those in Hell: If we can't be separated from the love of God, how would some be not loved in hell? [Romans 8:38-39,1 John 4:8, John 4:24, 1 John 4:16, 1 John 1:5-7, Matthew 23:37, Ezekiel 33:11].
2024-03-22 Objecting to Calvinism: How can Calvinism's position that God chooses some for hell be understood to bring Him glory? [Psalm 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11].
2024-02-09 Jesus' Commandments (Law of Christ): What are the commandments of Jesus referred to in John 14-15? [John 13:34-35, Romans 13:10, Matthew 5:41, Matthew 5:23-24, Mattew 5-7, Matthew 28:20, Mark 12:30-31, Matthew 22:37].
2024-02-02 Satan's Repentance: Do you think the Devil could or would ever be converted? [Revelation 20:10].
God's Concern about Offending: Do you think that God ever is concerned about offending some people? [Matthew 15:12, 2 Peter 3:9, Ephesians 4:15, Galatians 5:11].
2023-11-07 Annihilation of Enemies in Old Testament: How do we square the idea of the annihilation of the many Canaanite kingdoms with the command to love our enemies and be patient, etc? [Psalm 103:8].
2023-08-16 Blessings on the Just & Unjust: Why does God bless the unjust? [Matthew 5:43-44].
2023-08-02 God Giving Up on a Man: Are you familiar with G. Campbell Morgan? Do agree that God will never give up until a man dies, or can God give up on someone? [Romans 1:28].
2023-07-28 Unsaved People Going to Heaven: Is there any chance really good, but unsaved, people, may get into heaven? [Genesis 15:6, 1 Corinthians 4:4-8].
2023-07-19 Loss of a Disabled Child & God's Character: How can we be assured of the salvation of a child with disabilities, who has died, and was not baptized as an adult? [Mark 10:14-16, Romans 1:18, John 3:19, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23].
Vasectomy (Birth Control): Is there anything in scripture about the morality of a vasectomy, as I am troubled by having had one?
2023-06-27 "Unconditional Love" & "Amazing Grace": Were the theological concepts of "unconditional love" and "amazing grace" developed outside the Bible? [Luke 6:28-30, Matthew 5:43-45, John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:19, Ezekiel 33:11].
2023-06-08 God Only Saves the Elect: Could you enlighten me about the view that God is only going to save "The Elect?"
2023-05-25 God Not Looking So Good: How do you deal with Moses looking more noble than God in Exodus 32? [Exodus 32:14, Genesis 18:16-33, Jeremiah 18:7-10].
2023-05-16 God's Vengeance in the Old Testament: Why didn't you answer the lady about why God seems so vengeful in the Old Testament? [John 14:9, Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:3].
2023-05-16 "The Sin" & "the Sinner": Are "sins" separate from "the sinner" as in the phrase "Love the sinner, hate the sin." [Romans 5:8].
God Loves & Hates: Can God love and hate at the same time? [John 15:13].
2023-05-15 God's Vengeance vs God's Love: Can you help me deal with the contradiction between the Old Testament God that seems to be vengeful, but we say he is a God of Love? [Leviticus 9:22-24, Acts 12:23, Acts 5:1-11, Exodus 23:4-5, Proverbs 25:21].
2023-04-24 God is Our Enemy: What do you think of this pastor's statement-"The message of the Bible is that your enemy is God Himself." ? [John 3:16, 1 John 3:16, Matthew 11:19, 2 Corinthians 5:19].
2023-04-20 God's Love Unequally Distributed: Does God love everyone equally, or does it vary depending on the person, in light of He loved Jacob and hated Esau? [Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:2-3, Hebrews 2:9].
2023-01-23 Greater Love: Is this literally the degree of love we are to have in John 15? [John 15:13, 1 John 3:16, Philippians 2:3].
2023-01-19 God's Relationship with Himself: Does God love Himself because He understands Himself?
2022-12-12 Loving God Unconditionally: Since God loves us unconditionally, isn't it right for us to also love Him unconditionally? [James 1:17, John 14:15, Matthew 5:45].
2022-11-17 Bethel Church-"Reckless" Love: What do you think of the Bethel Church titling a song "The Reckless Love of God"?
2022-11-11 The Jewish People: How does God feel about the Jewish people and how does God feel about them? [Galatians 3:28, 2 Peter 3:9, I Corinthians 16:22].
2022-08-02 Satan & Apostasy: What do you think of my response to someone who had abandoned the faith when I answered why God created Satan?
2022-06-06 Defining "Christian Love": What is the Christian definition of love, in light of the killing kind of God He was? What is your definition of love? [Genesis 6:11, John 15:13].
2022-04-07 Unconditional Love: I disagree with you that "unconditional love" is in the Bible? [John 3:16]
God's Love is Conditional: I disagree with you that that God's love is conditional, not unconditional. [John 15:9-10, Romans 5:10, Matthew 5:44, I John 4:8, I John 4:16, 2 Peter 3:9].
God Hates: Doesn't scripture indicate that God hates? [Hosea 9:15].
2022-04-07 Unconditional Love: I disagree with you that "unconditional love" is in the Bible? [John 3:16]
God's Love is Conditional: I disagree with you that that God's love is conditional, not unconditional. [John 15:9-10, Romans 5:10, Matthew 5:44, I John 4:8, I John 4:16, 2 Peter 3:9].
God Hates: Doesn't scripture indicate that God hates? [Hosea 9:15].
2022-04-07 Unconditional Love: I disagree with you that "unconditional love" is in the Bible? [John 3:16]
God's Love is Conditional: I disagree with you that that God's love is conditional, not unconditional. [John 15:9-10, Romans 5:10, Matthew 5:44, I John 4:8, I John 4:16, 2 Peter 3:9].
God Hates: Doesn't scripture indicate that God hates? [Hosea 9:15].
2022-04-07 God Hates the Wicked in Psalms: If God doesn't hate, how then should we see the Psalm that says that God hates the wicked? [Psalm 5:4-6, Psalm 5:9-10, Proverbs 6:16-19].
We Must Hate our Mother & Father: Does the verse about hating your mother and father, just mean we must love them less, instead of really hate? [Luke 14:26, Matthew 10:37].
Soldiers Arresting Jesus: Do you think that the soldiers didn't actually fall back supernaturally, but where kneeling to worship Jesus? [John 18:6].
2022-04-06 One or Two Demon Possessed Men?: Can you explain why the other gospels don't say that there were two demon possessed men, but only mention one. [Matthew 8:28-34 ].
Unconditional Love: Can you explain "unconditional love" and what that specifically means? [Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13-14, Luke 19:44, Matthew 23:37].
2022-04-06 Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is True?: Why should we believe that the Bible is true? [Isaiah 41:21-23].
Atheist: Why Believe the Bible is God's Word: Atheist: Why should we believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Atheist: Why "love" the Bible?: Atheist: Why should we love the Bible?
2022-04-05 God is Love: How is it that God is love? [I John 4:7-21].
Steve Gregg's Lecture on God's Love: Where is your extensive lecture about love and "God is love"? Topical Lecture series; "Charisma & Character".
2022-04-05 God is Love: How is it that God is love? [I John 4:7-21].
Steve Gregg's Lecture on God's Love: Where is your extensive lecture about love and "God is love"? Topical Lecture series; "Charisma & Character".
2022-04-05 God's Mercy Toward an Unbeliever: What do you think about a friend of mine who has passed away, but was one of the finest men ever-do you think that God will have mercy? [2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23].
2022-02-22 God's Invisible Attributes: What are the invisible attributes of God? [Romans 1:20].
Best Bible Translation: What is the best Bible translation? New American Standard and New King James are among those mentioned.
2021-12-09 Baptism in "Jesus" Name Only: What do you think of the requirement to be baptized in the name of "Jesus" only? [Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19, Romans 4:3].
"Love Your Neighbor": Who is our neighbor in regard to the instruction to "Love your neighbor"? [Luke 10:36-37, Mark 12:30-31].
2021-11-02 God Still Loved Job: Did Job think that God still loved him when he was in all the trials? [John 14:23].
Legalistic Tithing: Would you donate to a legalistic church that demands tithing?
2021-09-24 Afraid of Hell & May Not be Saved: Caller shares that he is afraid that he may not be saved, and thinks he only tries to be a believer because of the fear of hell. Is there anything in the Bible that can help assure me? [I John 4:18].
Loving God More: How do you cultivate more love for God? [I John 4:19, I John 2:15, I John 4:8, Luke 10:27].
2021-09-24 Calvinism & the Elect: Caller shares his thoughts on God's love for us relative to Calvinism. [Amos 5:14].
2021-08-26 Unconditional Love & Salvation's Conditions: When we speak of "unconditional love" are we actually saying that love is unconditional, but salvation is not?
Judas' Betrayal: Wouldn't have God made another way for us to be saved, even if Judas had not betrayed Him? [Luke 22:21].
2021-08-09 Calvinism-God Doesn't Love Everyone: How does one reconcile verses that seem to indicate that God doesn't love everyone, and yet there are others like John 3:16, that indicate that He does? [Psalm 5:5, John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Proverbs 6:16-19, Ezekiel 33:11, Romans 9:13, 2 Peter 3:9, John 15:13, I John 3:15].
2021-08-09 God's Omniscience: If God is omniscient, would he not know who would choose Him (Caller thinks he disagrees with Steve). Recommended Topical Lecture; "God's Sovereignty and Man's Salvation."
2021-08-05 God Sending the Damaged to Hell: How responsible will God hold someone who has had abuse and now has Alzheimer's?
2021-06-16 Gay Pride Month: Why does God allow Gay Pride month?
LGBTW Marriages: Why are people caught up in the LGBTQ movement and so many are marrying each other?
God Helping Homosexuals: Why doesn't God help gay people better so they can please Him? [Romans 12:2, Matthew 11:29-30, Matthew 7:13-14, Psalm 14:1, Proverbs 9:10, John 8:31-34].
2021-06-15 Suicide of an Unsaved Loved One (Addict): What do you say to someone who has lost an unsaved loved one-in this case, an addict's suicide? [Luke 12:47].
2021-06-14 God's Love=Mercy, Justice, Faithfulness: Could you direct me to your lecture where you talk about God's love being of mercy, justice, and faithfulness? Recommended Lecture: "Sermon on the Mount". [Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:12, John 15:13, Mark 12:30-31].
2021-04-16 God as Absolute Authority in Contrast to a Friendship with Him: How do you abide in Him, in a close and loving way, when you know that you are dealing with your king and He has absolute authority over you? [John 15, Romans 8:1, Psalms 145:8, I Corinthians 13:4-8].
2021-03-22 Chosen People Makes God a Racist: Is God a racist because He favor His chosen people? [I Peter 2:9].
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