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Topic: God's Love

Showing 101 to 105 of 105.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-07-10 Gentiles as Second Best: How come God chose the Jews over the Gentiles? Are gentiles second best to God. [Romans 1:16, Romans 2:9-10]
2013-05-01 Justice: Caller shares a Steve Gregg quote on justice: "God cannot ignore justice without becoming an unjust God."
Jesus Not Always SO Sweet: Comment; The church is mistaken about how sweet Jesus always is and the following verses show this. [Matthew 7:23, Revelation 2:22-23, Revelation 2:5, Revelation 3:16, John 14:9].
2013-04-29 The Pain in Hell & Wrath of God: Does the imagery describing hell apply not only mentally, but also physically? And isn't God a wrathful God? [Matthew 13].
2013-02-25 Hell: What difference does it make how God uses hell and which view of hell is correct?
The Incentive of "Eternal Torment": Are we losing the incentive of "eternal torment" if we consider the possible other views of hell? [Proverbs 28:5]. Steve's book; "Hell-Three Views"
2013-01-04 God's Sovereignty: Though we don't believe in Calvinism, can't He make people do what He wants should He choose?
Christians Mystics (T.Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A. W. Tozer): What do you know about T. Austin-Sparks, Watchman Nee & A.W.Tozer who are often identified as Christian mysticism?
"Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin": We hear "Love the Sinner, but hate the sin", but how is one able to love those who murder and rape.
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