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Topic: Visions

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-12 Ezekiel's Valley of the Dry Bones: Regarding Ezekiel's Valley of Dry Bones, did this actually happen, and if these people resurrected, where did they go? [Ezekiel 37:1-11, Zechariah 9:9].
2024-07-11 Rooftop Vision of Peter's: Do you think Peter's vision on the rooftop at Joppa happened before or after he withdrew himself from the Gentiles and Paul confronted him in Galatians 2? [Acts 10, Galatians 2:11-21].
2024-06-14 God Taking on Flesh (Mormon Belief): How does one respond to Mormons who draw from Steven's vision that God has actual flesh? [Acts 7:55-56, John 4:24, Luke 24:39].
Jesus' Standing in Heaven Offended the Jews: Why were the Jews so offended when they heard Stephen say Jesus was standing at the right hand of God. [Acts 7:56-57 Psalm 110].
2024-06-10 Deciphering the Book of Revelation: Are the letters to the seven churches in the beginning of Revelation linked to the rest of the book and primarily about overcoming? [Revelation 2-3, Revelation 21-22, Revelation 4-20, Revelation 6].
2024-05-16 Ezekiel's Experiences or Visions: Do you think that Ezekiel's experiences were visions or actual events? [Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel 10, Ezekiel 8].
"Beryl" in Ezekiel: What is "beryl" in Ezekiel?
2024-03-28 Mary Not Allowed to Touch Jesus: Why didn't Jesus allow Mary to touch Him after he resurrected ("Touch me not")? [John 20:17].
The Eclipse & the Second Coming: What do you think about the emphasis on visions and dreams about the coming April 8th eclipse suggesting the return of Christ afterward? [Joel 2:31. Ezekiel 32:7-8].
2024-03-27 Visions and Prophets Today: Are you familiar with Danny Davis (self-proclaimed modern prophet)? What do you think about those today who claim to have visions and render prophecies? How do you know who to take seriously? [Psalm 118:6-7, Proverbs 27:12, Proverbs 21:20-22].
2024-03-25 Twelve Step Programs (Substance Abuse): Caller and counselor calls to share more about the twelve step program.
Seeing God: There seems to be a contradiction about whether one can see God or not. Can you comment? [John 1:14-18, 1 John 4:9, 1 John 1:1, Exodus 33:20, Exodus 24:10, Isaiah 6:1, Numbers 12:8, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 2 Thessalonians 2:8, Hebrews 10:20, John 1:18, John 1:14].
2024-03-11 Nebuchadnezzar's Vision in the Furnace: Why didn't the vision of the 4th figure in the furnace with Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego stick with Nebuchadnezzar? Do you think these kinds of experiences and visions still happen?
2024-03-07 Fear of God: What do you think is going on in the vision where John says he was "afraid as if dead?" [Revelation 1:17, Daniel 8:18, Daniel 10:9-10].
2024-03-06 Daniel's Five Kingdoms: What do you think about this teacher's view of Daniel's five kingdoms and how he applies the clay feet to current times? [Daniel 2, Ezra 9].
2024-03-04 Road to Damascus: Was Paul talking about his experience on the road to Damascus in his dialogue with Agrippa? [2 Corinthians 12:1-4, Acts 26:19].
2024-02-21 Jesus' Brothers: When did Jesus' brothers become believers? [John 7:5, Acts 1:14, 1 Corinthians 15:7].
Jesus' Transfiguration: Regarding Jesus' transfiguration, does the description as a "vision" indicate it didn't actually happen? [Matthew 17:9, Acts 26:19].
2023-09-27 Visions of Mary & Mary in Church History: How important was Mary in the history of the church? What about the visions of Mary? [Acts 1].
2023-09-26 Seeing Visions & Appartitions: Do you think that people really see apparitions of saints and visions? [2 Corinthians 11:14, Luke 16:29-31].
2023-09-18 Disagreement with Amillennial View: Caller shares his disagreements with the Amillennial view? [Revelation 20:9, Revelation 20:1-5, Matthew 12:29].
2023-05-25 Tongues & Interpretation: Since the person who is speaking in tongues knows what he is saying, why doesn't he interpret it for the church?
Job's Story including scenes in Heaven: How can someone know what was happening behind the scenes in heaven in the book of Job? [Job 1-2, 1 Kings 22, Zechariah 3].
2023-05-25 Visions of People (or Spirits): Caller shares his experience of seeing a vision of people (or spirits).
2023-03-15 Timeline of Galatians and Peter's Epistles: Timing of the writings of Peter and Paul's writing of the book of Galatians? [2 Peter 3:15, Galatians, Acts 13-14, Matthew 24:14].
Peter's Vision-Clean vs Unclean: Can you clarify the chronology surrounding Peter's vision about clean and unclean foods? [Acts 10-15, Galatians 2:11-21].
2023-01-20 Ark of the Covenant: Is the Ten Commandments still in the Ark and did Jesus put His blood on that Ark? [Revelation 11:19, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Jeremiah 3:16, Hebrews 9:21-28].
2023-01-19 "Poured Out" Imagery What do you think my vision of a drink being spilled and poured out?
2023-01-12 Apparitions & Visions of Mary: Has anything good come from apparitions and visions of Mary? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]
2022-12-12 Visions of Mary: What do you think about all the reported apparitions of Mary all over the world?
2022-08-23 Ezekiel's Temple: Is "Ezekiel's Temple" the second temple or one that will be built in end times? [Ezekiel 40-47, Ezekiel 43:10-11]. Article, "Making Sense of Ezekiel's Temple" at
2022-07-20 Poetry in Bible: What problems are caused by people not understanding that part of the Bible is written in poetry and then try to take it literally?
Literal vs Symbolic Interpretation: How does one handle when others inappropriately take things literally or symbolically-actually reversing the correct application? [2 Peter 3:8].
2022-06-08 "Paradise" vs "Heaven": Is there a difference between "Paradise" and "Heaven" - where the "Throne of God" is?
Only Jesus' Body is in Heaven: Isn't it only Jesus' physical body that is in heaven and everyone else's is not (like Enoch & Elijah)? [John 3:10-13, Acts 2:34, John 1:18].
No One Has Seen God: Has anyone seen God? [John 1:18, Genesis 18:1, Exodus 33:11, Exodus 33:20, Isaiah 6:1].
2022-06-07 God Speaking Today: Does God speak to people today in ways other than the Bible?
The Messenger (Angel) of Revelation: Who is the messenger (angel) to the churches in Revelation? [Revelation 2:1].
2022-03-07 Ezekiel's Visions; Gog & Magog: Has Ezekiel's visions in chapters 37-39 been fulfilled already?
2022-02-17 Can Anyone See God?: How do you reconcile that the Bible says that no one can see God, but there are verses that indicate that some have? [Genesis 32:30, Genesis 18, Revelation 20:11].
2021-08-12 Visions or Appartitions: Is there anything in the Protestant world that would parallel the Catholic world in the appearances and visions of Mary (Fatima, etc.)
Abandoning Mary's Catholic Sacred Position: At what point was the idea that Mary was so honored disappear from Protestantism?
2021-06-24 Symbolism in Scripture: Why does the Bible have so many symbolic references, instead of just explaining directly what is meant?
2021-04-27 Comparison of Visions in Isaiah & Revelation: Could you talk about the difference between the visons in Isaiah of the temple and Revelation of heaven ? [Isaiah 6:3, Revelation 4:8].
2021-01-22 Dream about Trumpets: What do you think about my dream about the trumpets? [Revelation 8:12-13].
2021-01-21 Prophetic Revelation in Our Time: Can you give me some biblical insight into special prophetic revelation in our own time? [Matthew 16:17].
2020-12-21 Prophetic Warning: What do you think about my experience 34 years ago when I had a prompting from God to warn the world about nuclear destruction ?
2020-10-26 Steve Gregg to the East Coast: Do you ever get out to the east coast?
Moses, Elijah, and the Transfiguration: How did Peter know that it was Moses and Elijah during the transfiguration event? [Matthew 17:3].
Apostles and a Believers Baptism: Did the apostles have the another baptism, as believers, or did they just have the baptism of John? [Acts 19:5].
2020-02-24 Accounts of Visiting Heaven: How do accounts of the various accounts of visits to heaven, like, "Heaven is for Real", align with scripture?
2020-02-19 Transfiguration-Proves Saints are Alive: Does the vision of Moses and Elijah during the transfiguration prove to us that they were alive in heaven? [Matthew 17:3-9].
Transfiguration-Don't Tell: Why did Jesus tell them not to tell anyone about the vision? Did He not heal in public? [Matthew 17:3, 16:3, John 6:15].
Saints in Heaven Praying: Who are the saints offering up prayers as incense in Revelation? [Revelation].
2020-01-28 Jesus Converting through Visions: Why doesn't Jesus come in a vision to everyone in the same dramatic and convincing way that He comes to some? [Matthew 23:37, Luke 7:30, I Timothy 2:4, Ezekiel 33:11].
2019-10-28 Ezekiel's Wheel: What is Ezekiel's wheel? [Ezekiel 1-2, 10].
Marijuana: What do you think about Christians who smoke marijuana?
Extraterrestrials: What do you think about extraterrestrial beings? Is there a possibility that they exist?
2019-07-22 Temple Vision in Daniel: What about the temple vision in Daniel, and the claim that the temple still needs to be rebuilt. Why would it be important to still happen? [Ezekiel 40-48, 43:10-11].
2019-07-02 The Law Reveals Sin: Does The Law of Moses identify and reveal what sin is?
Confessing Jesus: Is it necessary to confess Jesus as Lord to be saved? [Romans 10:9 & 13]
The Subconscious Mind: Does the subconscious mind and dreams dictate what you do?
2019-06-04 Visions: Are my visions real? [Acts 2:17].
2018-12-31 Vision from the Holy Spirit: What do you think of a vision that I had, do you think it's possibly from the Holy Spirit?
2018-12-14 Dreams & Vision: Falling back to sin in my DREAMS only, is there anything the Bible possibly has to say about that?
Relative's Death: My mom recently died. Where is she right now, & what is she doing? Is she possibly sleeping? [1 Corinthians 15:51-52, Philippians 1:21-23]
2018-12-14 Being in a Trance: Has Steve ever been in a trance or had a word of knowledge?
2018-11-26 Dead Speaking to us in Dreams: Can someone that is dead come to someone in a dream?
2018-11-21 Fear, Anxiety & evil Dreams: I dreamed about an evil spirit, have had physical manifestations & am feeling fear a lot lately
2018-09-14 Dead Loved Ones: Is it possible our dead loved ones are speaking to us in dreams?
2018-06-27 Body after Death: Does the body have value after death?
Michael the Archangel & Moses Body: Why the dispute w/ Michael the archangel w/ the devil over moses body? [Jude 9]
Satan Influencing Dreams: Can the devil influence our dreams?
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