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Topic: Visions

Showing 51 to 82 of 82.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-06-22 Visions of Daniel: How important were the visions of Daniel to the Jews?
2018-03-14 God Speaking through Dreams: Can God really speak to us in dreams? My daughter thinks she had a dream of a particular person God wants her to marry.
2018-01-11 God Speaking to us through Vision: A pastor I was recently listening to was telling me that everyone needed to have a vision from God of what He's speaking to us. I was wondering if I should go back to school or not. [Proverbs 29:18]
2017-08-28 Life After Death: What happens immediately upon death, soul sleep?
Hallucination from drug use: Drug user still experiencing hallucinations, wondering how God views this.
2017-05-18 Vision of Joshua in Zechariah: Can you talk about a vision Joshua had in Zechariah? [Zechariah 3]
2017-03-31 Transported Body or Out-of-Body Experiences: The Holy Spirit transported Philip? or Out of body experiences of Paul. [Acts 8, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2016-12-29 Visions & Dreams: Do visions & dreams from God still happen? Does He speak to us through passages of Scripture?
2016-02-19 First Fruits into the Storehouse (Tithing): Involving tithing, who was responsible to bring the first fruits into the storehouse?
Giving over entire Check: Pastors say that people's first check of the month has to be given over to them. Is that true?
Mount of Transfiguration Experience: Was the Mount of Transfiguration a vision or an actual appearance of Elijah & Moses?
2016-01-11 God speaking to you in a Dream: How do you know if God is speaking to you through a dream or not?
2015-11-11 Write the things thou hast seen, which are, which shall be hereafter: Are things involving that verse, the things John has seen, the things which are & the things will still have yet to take place, talking about things in chronological order? Revelation 1:19
2015-08-21 The 3 Heaven: What is Paul talking about when he's talking about the 3rd Heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:2-4]
2014-12-04 God Revealing Himself: Can & does God still communicate through Dreams, Visions, audible voices, Prophecies, Angelic Messengers?
2014-12-03 Visualization & Affirmation: Is it wrong to use Visualization & Affirmation because according to Johanna Michaelsen, it is not a good idea to do that.
2014-11-20 Dreams & Visions of Jesus to Muslims: I've heard that Muslims have been having visions & dreams about Jesus & have been accepting Him, but someone told me that God only sends dreams to believers. Is this true?
2014-11-19 Peter's Vision of Unclean Animals: The vision the that Peter had about the sheet coming down from Heaven, is that metaphorical or was that God saying that all the unclean animals were clean too? [Acts 10, 11:1-18]
2014-11-14 Extend Your Mantle over me: What was Ruth saying or doing to Boaz when she was asking Boaz to extend his mantle over her? [Ruth 3:7-18]
Person Caught up in the 3rd Heaven: Who was the person caught up on the 3rd Heaven? [2 Corinthians 12:2-4]
2014-10-16 Dreams-Revelations: Is it a good idea to pray to God to influence people in their dreams, since they are the most vulnerable at that time, to get them to see the light? It's true God can influence someone anyway He wants, but it that a good specific thing to pray for? Is it permissible? [Job 33:14-18]
2014-09-25 Conflicting Dreams: I'm having dreams that seem to contradict each other, dreams that contradict the Bible. Can you tell me about dreams? [Deuteronomy 13:1-5]
2014-08-08 Nightmares have ceased: Followup about a caller having nightmares, & they just wanted to say that they are no longer having the nightmares.
Secret Rapture: Caller can't find the "Secret Rapture" in the Bible.
2014-08-06 Pastoral (Spiritual) Covering: Someone with that much power over you, how is that biblical?
Belial: What does the name/term, "Belial" mean?
Deliverance from Reoccurring Dreams: What does Steve think of reoccurring dreams or nightmares the caller is having?
2014-05-08 Paul, his visions & vision: How did Paul become blind? Did he have a Near Death Experience? Was he ultimately healed because he seems to talk about it in past tense in Galatians? How come he couldn't write about the things he saw? [Corinthians 12:1-10, Galatians 4:15]
2014-04-11 Heaven is for Real: What do you think about people who say they went to Heaven & back?
Paul not allowed to reveal: Paul wasn't allowed to disclose some of the things he saw while in heaven, so why would it be okay for others to do it now? [2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2014-01-02 Testimony of Visions & Obedience: A testimony about visions from God, but not obeying them/Him.
2013-11-06 Steve's Testimony: Caller is interested in knowing where he can hear Steve's testimony. (you can now find Steve's testimony on YouTube)
God Speaking to Steve: How does God speak to Steve on a daily basis?
2013-10-15 Muslims having Visions of Jesus: Have you heard that Muslims having visions about Jesus lately? John Piper says that's not the way Jesus would do things.
2013-09-19 Interpreting Dreams: How do we know how to interpret dreams?
2013-04-15 Imagining Seeing Jesus: What do you think about a pastor that asks you to imagine things happening seeing and being with Jesus? Recommended book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen. [Matthew 5:27-28, Acts 16:6-10].
2013-04-15 Inspiration of Scripture: Comment about the different way that Paul received his information in contrast to the other apostles.
2013-04-10 Preincarnate Christ: If God can speak without being a theophany or Christophany, when was becoming carnate necessary?
2013-03-19 Reliability of Revelation: How can we trust one man's vision - the Book of Revelation?
2013-03-19 Abram's Response to Yahweh: Why did Abram's and family accept that it was a revelation from Yahweh? [Genesis 11:31, Genesis 12:1, Acts 7:2].
2013-02-05 Applying same Scripture Different Ways: There really is no universal way to apply the same passage of Scripture for might mean something else to someone else. Do you think that might be true? (Spiritualizing Scripture)
God Speaking to us: Can God speak to us apart from the what He says in the Scripture? Is it possible He might ever tell us something CONTRARY to what the Scripture said?
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