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Topic: Luke (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2021-04-26 Catholics and Preterism: When you were introduced to Preterism, was it through a Catholic source? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13].
2021-04-23 Parable of the Talents (Minas) and the Wicked Servant: Could you comment on the parable of the talents (minas) and the wicked servant in Luke and what happened to the servant who just buried his mina? [Luke 19:25-27].
2021-04-23 Satan is Lucifer Proven by Scriptural Parallels: Doesn't it seem like the part where scripture says "fallen from heaven" correspond to the Revelation verse where he "fell like lightening", thereby proving that Lucifer and Satan are the same being? [Isaiah 14:12-17, Matthew 11:23. Obadiah 1:4, Luke 10:18].
2021-04-19 Jesus Became God When Filled with the Holy Spirit: Could you talk a little about the controversary of the Eastern Church and the understanding that Jesus became God's son when He was filled with the Holy Spirit? [John 1:14, Luke 2:11-14].
2021-04-14 Abortion, Repentance & Eternal Security: If I had two abortions in my past, and even today, I think I would do the same thing, so does that indicate that I can lose my salvation? [Luke 8].
2021-04-12 Love Your Neighbor Even When They are Bad: How does one apply "love your neighbor" if they are trying to rob you or run up your debt, or such? [Luke 10:27, Matthew 5:43-48, I John 4].
2021-04-08 Jesus' Crucifixion: Do you think that Jesus wasn't really killed, murdered, sacrificed, or executed on the cross, because He gave Himself willingly, like a suicide? [Luke 23:46, John 10:18].
Jesus' Crucifixion: Could Jesus have died any other way, rather than crucifixion, or possibly just lived His life out and still been our savior? [I Corinthians 5:7].
2021-04-07 Steve Gregg's Youth: Did you go to Montebello High?
Sending Armies from Uttermost Parts of the Earth: What would've a pastor been referring to, if he said that God would be sending His armies in the end times? [Matthew 22, Luke 2:1, Mark 13:27].
2021-04-07 Gospels Written Before or After 70 A.D.: Is there a Dispensationalist plot behind the many scholars that think that the gospels were written after 70 A.D.? [Luke 1, Matthew 24, Mark 12, Luke 21].
2021-04-06 Can a Christian Have a Demon?: Is there a way to tell if you have a demon, even though you are a Christian, rather than just some sort of medical or other disorder? [I John 4:4, Luke 10:19, James 4:7, I Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5].
2021-03-26 Walking in the Spirit: How does one achieve walking in the Spirit and living a holy life? Recommended Gregg's new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1 & 2) and Lecture series; Charisma & Character [Isaiah 11:2, Colossians 3:15, Luke 12:11, I Peter 4:11].
2021-03-25 Which Zechariah?: Which Zechariah is being referred to in Matthew 23? [Matthew 23:35, 2 Chronicles 24:21, Luke 11:49-51].
2021-03-25 Copies of Matthew: Caller shares how many copies of Matthews are available.
Considering Hell: Caller comments on Hell, and some of his disagreements with Steve on the topic, about parables, everlasting, etc. [Mark 4, Matthew 14, Isaiah 66:24, Luke 10:31, Luke 16:19-31].
2021-03-24 Secret Things: What about the "secret things" only God knows, and the revealed things, are they for everyone? [Deuteronomy 29:29, Acts 1:6, Luke 24:45].
2021-03-23 Confusing the Advents of Christ by Amillennialists: Why do Amillennialists confuse the first advent with His second advent in Matthew? [Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34, Matthew 23:30, Isaiah 19:1, Matthew 24:2-3, Matthew 16:28, Acts 1:7].
2021-03-22 Archeologist, Ron Wyatt: What is your view of the archeologist, Ron Wyatt?
Legion and "The Man of the Tombs" Contradiction: What about the contradiction of the various biblical accounts regarding the demon, Legion, and "The Man of the Tombs", where there is one possessed man in one story, in another there are two? [Matthew 5:3-20, Mark 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-39].
2021-03-18 "Taken" and "Caught Up": Could you distinguish the difference between being "taken" and being "caught up" in scripture? [Matthew 24:37-42, Luke 17:34, Luke 17:27, Psalm 91:7-10, 2 Thessalonians 1-2].
Believers & Unbelievers Side-by-side at the Rapture: Will the believers and unbelievers (those with the "Mark of the Beast"), be side-by-side when Jesus comes? [Daniel 9, Matthew 24:27, Revelation 7:14].
2021-03-18 Does Hell Exist?: Is hell an actual place, or a state of mind, and how would you help someone that doesn't believe in hell, change their mind? [Matthew 13:42, 2 Peter 2:4-5, Revelation 20:15, James 3:6, Matthew 16:24, Ephesians 4, Luke 16:22, I Peter 3:20-21].
2021-03-18 Parable of the Sower: What is the application to us in the "Parable of the Sower"? [Luke 8:4-15, Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Mark 4:34, John 3:3, John 8:31].
2021-03-16 The Timing of the Coming of the Kingdom of God: Could you clarify your understanding of Luke 21 and the timing of the coming of the kingdom referred to there? [Luke 21:30-34].
The Sin That Leads Unto Death: What is the sin that leads "unto death"? [I John 5:16-17].
2021-03-15 Demons Thrown into the Pigs: Why didn't Jesus just throw the demons directly into the abyss instead of into the pigs? [Matthew 8:28-34, Matthew 12;29, Revelation 9, Luke 22:53].
2021-03-12 Great White Throne of Judgment: If we are all absolved of all our sin when we come to Christ, then what is the "Great White Throne of Judgment" for? [I Corinthians 11:31, Luke 19:12].
2021-03-10 Date of Naming the Book of Matthew, Etc.: When did the book of Matthew, and the rest of thee books, get its name?
Gospels Not Written in the 1st Person: Isn't it odd that the gospels were not written in the 1st person?
Epistles: What is an epistle?
2021-03-10 Command to Read the Bible: Where is the command to read your Bible? [Joshua 1:8, Luke 12:48].
2021-03-08 Worthy to Loosen Jesus' Sandals: Do you think that you would be worthy to loosen Jesus' sandal, or do you think you are better equipped? [John 1:27, Luke 18:13].
2021-03-04 "God of all Gods" Contradiction: Is there not a contradiction about God's singularity in these verses in Psalms? [Psalm 136:2, Psalm 95:3, I Corinthians 10:20, I Corinthians 8:4].
Conflict of God & Jesus' Will: Isn't there a conflict when Jesus says, "Not my will, but thine", indicating that God and Jesus did not have the same mind and will? [Luke 22:42].
2021-02-24 Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Could you talk about "Lead us not into Temptation"? [James, Luke 4, Matthew 6:13, Luke 22:40].
2021-02-19 Truly Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks it enough to say you have been baptized or confirmed in a Christian church? [John 10:27-28, Luke 14:27, Acts 11:26].
Hate Your Enemies: Was Jesus referring to Old Testament scripture when he said you have been taught to hate your enemies? [Matthew 5:33, Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:25-43].
2021-02-19 Truly Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks it enough to say you have been baptized or confirmed in a Christian church? [John 10:27-28, Luke 14:27, Acts 11:26].
Hate Your Enemies: Was Jesus referring to Old Testament scripture when he said you have been taught to hate your enemies? [Matthew 5:33, Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:25-43].
2021-02-19 Jesus' Post Resurrection Appearances: Could you help me with the chronology of Jesus' post resurrection appearances? [Luke 24:49, Matthew 28:16, Acts 1, John 20-21].
Holy Spirit's Coming: How do you compare when Jesus said, "receive the Holy Spirit" and the events of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? [John 20:22, Acts 2:4-8, Ephesians 5:18].
2021-02-18 God Always Hearing and Watching Us: How does one know that God's eyes are on them and His ears are attentive to our prayers, as it says in scripture? [I Peter 3:12, Luke 12:7, Proverbs 15:13, 2 Chronicles 20:12].
Raising Children: What is the best advice you can give us for raising our children?
2021-02-09 Job's Behavior: What was Job doing differently at the beginning of the story that at the end? [Matthew 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-36].
2021-02-03 Israel & the Fruitless Tree: Is the parable about letting the fruitless tree have one more year before cutting it down about God, in His mercy, giving people one more chance? [Isaiah 5:7, Luke 13:1-9, Matthew 21:43].
2021-02-02 The Law & the Old Covenant: Do you see "The Law" as the same as the "Old Covenant", and what does it mean to be "under" The Law? [Romans 5, Romans 2, Romans 3, Hebrews 8:13, John 8:31, I Corinthians 9:19-21, Luke 6:46].
2021-02-02 Supernatural Alteration to Scripture: Has the Bible been supernaturally altered, changing verses in the King James Version to say something different than it had before. Do you think it has to do with the strong delusion? [Isaiah 11:6, Matthew 24:41, Luke 17:35, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12].
2021-02-01 Miracles-Lazarus' Resurrection: What do you make of the fact that the raising of Lazarus from the dead only appears in only one of the gospels? [Matthew 10, Luke 10, John 21:25].
2021-01-26 How to Pray: What does the Bible say about a protocol or posture for praying? [I Kings 8:22, I Timothy 2:8, Luke 11:2, Matthew 6:9, John 8:44].
2021-01-22 Jesus' Earthly Father, Joseph: How did Joseph, Jesus' father, die?
Pontius Pilate: Is the Pilate in Luke 13, the same one that helped to crucify Jesus? [Luke 13].
Pontius Pilate: Was Pilate a really bad guy, and did he commit suicide a few years after the death of Jesus?
2021-01-20 Verses that Apply to Us (Bible Application): How does one know what verses apply to us today, or what was just for the Jews of the Old Testament? [Malachi 3:10, Jeremiah 29:11, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Luke 14:33, Acts 4:32, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Psalm 103].
2021-01-19 Unless You Repent, You Will Perish: Was the scripture saying, "unless you repent, you will perish", about 70 AD or going to hell? [Luke 13:3, John 9:1].
Destruction of 70 AD Inevitable: Could the people have repented or was 70 AD an inevitable judgment? [John 5:46, Matthew 23:32].
2021-01-19 Christians Bound by the Law: Are today's Christians bound by the Old Testament Laws, if so, why? [Hebrews 8:13, Luke 16:16, Matthew 5:20].
2021-01-15 Continually Praying: Is it a poor choice of words to use "continually" regarding prayer? [I Thessalonians 5:17, Romans 1:9, Luke 18:1].
2021-01-13 Satan Defeated at the Cross: If Satan was defeated at the cross then why did Paul say we wrestle against principalities in heavenly places? [Revelation 12:10, Luke, Ephesians 6:12, John 12:31, I John 3:8].
2021-01-11 The Narrow Path Phone App: How do I get you in Idaho?
The Millennium: Could you talk about when the millennium comes, or is it now? [Revelation 20].
Government, Patriotism & Current Events: Would you talk about current political events, like mask compliance patriotism, and protests? [Romans 13, I Peter 2:14-14, Philippians 3, Luke 3:19].
2021-01-08 Making Amends: Is Jesus talking about making amends in this life, or the next life? [Luke 12:58-59, Matthew 5:23-24].
2021-01-07 Carrying One's Cross: How far does one carry the cross, say in the event we need to defend our country? [Luke 14:27, Matthew 16:24].
Hate Our Mother & Father, Wife & Children: What does Jesus mean when He says we must hate our father and our mother, wife and children? [Luke 14:26-27, Luke 14:33, Malachi 1:3, Matthew 6:23, Genesis 29:30-31].
2021-01-07 Carrying One's Cross: How far does one carry the cross, say in the event we need to defend our country? [Luke 14:27, Matthew 16:24].
Hate Our Mother & Father, Wife & Children: What does Jesus mean when He says we must hate our father and our mother, wife and children? [Luke 14:26-27, Luke 14:33, Malachi 1:3, Matthew 6:23, Genesis 29:30-31].
2021-01-06 The Pre-incarnate Christ: Could you comment on the pre-incarnate Son? [I Corinthians 13:12, John 3:16, Philippians 2, I John 1:,1, Isaiah 9:6, Acts 13:33, Psalm 2:7, Luke 1:34-35].
2020-12-21 Trinity and Oneness: Is the trinity doctrine less accurate than the "Oneness" doctrine? [Colossians 2:9, Luke 11:20].
2020-12-21 Mary & Joseph Married or Not: Could you help me sort out if Mary & Joseph were married or espoused (betrothed)? [Matthew 1, Luke 2].
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