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Topic: Luke (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-22 Timetable-Nebuchadnezzar: About the book "Wonders of Bible Chronology" and the timetable surrounding Nebuchadnezzar? [Jeremiah 25:1].
"Until the Times of the Gentiles": When did (or will) the "times of the Gentiles" prophecy be fulfilled? Is this until Jesus returns? [Luke 21:24].
2024-01-18 Age of Accountability: Caller comments on the “age of accountability” referring to New Testament scriptures. [Isaiah 7:16, Luke 12:47-59, Luke 23:34-38, 1 Corinthians 4:5].
2024-01-16 "As in the Days of Noah" ... and Lot: Caller shares scripture that "as in the days of Noah" may relate to "the days of Lot" also. [Luke 17:28-37, Matthew 24:37-39].
2024-01-12 Boundaries for Those Asking for Help: Does the Bible direct us about setting up boundaries for those asking for help, especially when they put themselves in the position they are in? [Luke 6:30-33].
2024-01-11 Gift of Tongues Caller recommends Justin Peter's YouTube lecture "Clouds without Water."
Son of David-Joseph & Jesus' Genealogy: How do we reconcile Jesus still being the "Son of David," if he is not genealogically linked to David through Joseph? [Matthew 1:2-16, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31-32].
2024-01-09 Unanswered Prayer: I assume you have been praying for your children to come to the Lord for the past 40 years, how do you reconcile this unanswered prayer? [Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 9:23].
2024-01-08 Jehovah's Witnesses-144,000 Ruling: In contrast to the Jehovah's Witnesses' idea, who would the 144,000 to us (Non-Jehovah's Witnesses)? [Revelation 5:10].
Jehovah's Witnesses-Parable of "The Faithful Servant": To someone who is not a Jehovah's Witness, who is the "faithful servant?" [Luke 19:26, Luke 12:42-48].
2024-01-08 No Food (or Stomachs) in Heaven: Caller thinks there will be no need for stomachs in heaven because the food will be so pure. [1 Corinthians 6:13].
Liberty for the Christian: When does one take "liberty" with scripture too far? Can we read too much into it? [Luke 17:10].
2024-01-04 Not Water, but Fire Next Time: Is there scripture to back up the Pentecostal phrase, "There won't water, but fire next time." [2 Peter 3:4-5, 2 Peter 3:10, Genesis 19:24, Luke 17:26, Matthew 24:37-39].
2024-01-02 Beatitudes: What are the details and context of the Beatitudes in Luke 6:26 ("woe when men speak well of you"), and why is there so little said about the Beatitudes today? [Luke 6:26, Galatians 1:10].
2024-01-02 Differing Directions to the Disciples about Taking Provisions" What do you make of the differences in the instructions given the disciples where they have been told to take provisions and also told not to take provisions in Mark and Matthew? [Matthew 10:9, Luke 22:36, Luke 6:26, Mark 6:8, Matthew 6:33].
Differences in Gospel Accounts: How do we rule out collusion in the accounts of the gospels?
2023-12-29 After Jesus' Resurrection: What can we learn about the 40 days following Jesus' resurrection and the time He spent with His disciples? Is there anything to be learned from extra-biblical sources? [Acts 1].
Fleeing Jerusalem: How did the Christians know to flee Jerusalem before the Romans destroyed it? Did Luke inform them? [Luke 21:20].
2023-12-29 Self-Defense: If we are attacked by an enemy, do we have the right to defend ourselves? Rec: Topical articles, "On the Believer’s use of Forcible Resistance." [Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31].
2023-12-28 Dispensationalism: Is it important to take a stand on Dispensationalist theology? Does one's position make any importance difference? [1 Corinthians 13:1, Luke 6:47-49, Matthew 7:24-27, Acts 1:7].
2023-12-27 Homosexual Unions in Church: What justification do churches use to support homosexual unions? [Luke 5:30-32, Matthew 15:18-19, Matthew 18:15-18, 1 Corinthians 6:9].
2023-12-22 Hell (Lazarus & the Rich Man): Could you expand on the idea that "Lazarus and the Rich Man" may be a parable rather than a depiction of an actual event? [Luke 16:19-31]
Hell (Eternal Torment): Would you expound on the scripture saying those who take the mark will be tormented forever? [Revelation 14:6-11, Revelation 9:17, Isaiah 34:9-10, Revelation 19:3, Genesis 19:28]. Rec: "Three Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg or topical lectures.
2023-12-22 "All Will be Blessed Through Him": Is Zacharius referring to Genesis 12, when it is indicated that all will be blessed through Him? [Luke 1:68-73, Genesis 12:1-3].
2023-12-20 Paying a Salary to Pastors: In light of the verse about pastors being "due double honor" and "don't muzzle the ox," what do you think about paying a pastor a salary? [1 Timothy 5:17-18, Matthew 10:8, Luke 8:1-3].
2023-12-20 Mary & Jesus' Purification: Referring to Mary's purification process and the inclusion of the pronoun "their" rather than "her" in some translations, which seems to suggest that Jesus needed purification also, do you think that Jesus needed to be purified? [Luke 2:22].
2023-12-19 God Coming in Judgment: How does God judge the world? Does God judge nations through other nations? [Isaiah 10:15-17, Luke 19, Matthew 22:1-14, Matthew 22:7, Amos 3:6].
2023-12-18 Tests & Temptations: Can you clarify what scripture says about the necessity of tests and temptation, and yet we are to avoid temptation? [Galatians 6:1, Luke 18:1, Romans 13:14, Job 31:1]
Hedging One's Bets (about God's Existence): Isn't the familiar saying, "I would rather live my life as if there is a God ..." less than desirable as it is allowing for doubt in one's faith?
2023-12-15 Hate Mother & Father, Wife, Children: Could you explain the verse in Luke about "hating mother and father?" [Luke 14:26, Matthew 10:37, Genesis 29:31-35, Matthew 6:24-26].
2023-12-14 Round Earth: Is there anything in the Bible that would describe the shape of the earth? [Job 26:7, Luke 17:35, Matthew 24:41].
2023-12-14 Facing Torture & Denying Christ: If Jesus forgave Peter when he denied Him, wouldn't we be forgiven for denying Him under torture should we face that in our future? [Luke 17:33].
2023-12-01 Differences between Denominations: Caller shares his view about the gift of tongues and shares his testimony. [Luke 11:9-13, Matthew 7:9-11]
2023-11-29 Bible is Untrue if Modern Israel Falls: What about someone that claims the Bible and Jesus is not true if modern Israel is wiped off the face of the earth? [Matthew 5:17, Luke 5:17, Luke 21:20-22, Mark 1:2-3, Matthew 4:17, Galatians 1:8]
2023-11-27 Jews Rejecting Jesus: What are the problems for Jews who do not accept Jesus? Why don't they see Jesus as the Messiah? [John 10:16, 2 Corinthians 3:14-18, Luke 24:45, 1 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 8:9-11].
The Resurrection of Jesus for the Jew: Is the resurrection of Jesus a sticking point for the Jew (to become Christians)?
2023-11-24 Shortwave Radio: If you go off the radio in Alabama, can you let us know how to hear you on shortwave radio?
Welcoming Angels at Death: How much credibility do you give to the stories of those who report there are angels there welcoming them when they died? [Luke 16:9].
2023-11-21 The Promised Land of Israel: Could you help me understand the promise of "all the land" for Israel and how the British Balfour Declaration affected this? [Joshua 21:43-45, Deuteronomy 28:15, Deuteronomy 28:45-63, 1 Kings 4:11, Luke 19:44, Luke 21:5, Leviticus 18:24-28, Jeremiah 18:7-10].
2023-11-21 David's Hateful Attitude (Imprecatory Psalms): Why is David's hateful attitude found acceptable in some of the Psalms (Imprecatory Psalms)? [John 3:16, Psalm 109:6, Psalm 139:21-22, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27-28].
2023-11-20 "Father, Forgive Them": Why did Jesus say, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do?" Didn't God already know that they were ignorant? [Luke 23:34, Matthew 6:8, Jeremiah 32:17, John 1:1-3, Hebrews 4:15, Psalm 103:14].
2023-11-17 God Made Each of Us Individually: How do you think about the specific creation of each one of us by God individually? [Galatians 1:15, Jeremiah 1:5, Luke 12:7].
2023-11-17 Judas' Salvation: Caller shares some scripture that may shedlight on the question of whether Judas was at one time genuine in his faith before the devil entered him. [Luke 22:3, John 13:27, John 6:70].
God Wanted to Kill Moses: Could you shed some light on the story of God seeking to kill Moses? [Exodus 4:24].
2023-11-14 Names Blotted Out of the Book of Life: How can we be unable to lose our salvation, in light of the verse that a name can be blotted out of the Book of Life? [Revelation 3:5, Luke 8:13, 1 Timothy 4:1, Romans 11:21-22, Revelation 2:10].
2023-11-13 Contradictions about Salvation & Our Security in Christ: Doesn't John 3:16 contradict Matthew 7:21 about salvation? I am very fearful I may not make it into heaven. [John 3:16, Matthew 7:21, Galatians 5:6, James 2:26, James 2:20, Luke 6:46].
2023-11-09 Correcting Others: How does one know when it is appropriate to step in and correct another? [Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12, Matthew 7:3-5, Galatians 6:1].
2023-11-06 Reading the New Testament Publicly: When I read publicly, should I be reading from the New Testament, rather than the Old, since it is more about Jesus and salvation? [Luke 24:44].
2023-11-03 Jesus in Old Testament: Are these verses talking about Jesus and was He talking about Himself (John 5) in the Old Testament? [John 5:46, Deuteronomy 18:15, Deuteronomy 18:18, Psalm 40:6-8, Luke 24:44, Acts 3:22, Acts 7:37].
2023-11-03 Jews Indigenous to the Land of Israel: Caller shares his view that the Jews are indigenous to the region of Israel. [Deuteronomy 30:10, Leviticus 26, Leviticus 18:25-28, Deuteronomy 28, Exodus 19:5-6, Jeremiah 18:7-10, Luke 19:44].
2023-11-03 Unforgivable Sin: If someone stumbles a little one, is it an unforgivable sin? [Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
2023-11-02 National Israel, 1948: Could you talk about the land and nation of Israel since 1948, whether this fulfills biblical prophecy, and the ethnicity of the Jewish people now in the land? [Ezekiel 36-37, Jeremiah 21-34, Deuteronomy 30:1-3, Luke 21].
2023-11-02 The Good News & the Gospel): Is he talking about the gospel or the Jubilee, and is the "good news" always the gospel? [Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1-2, Isaiah 52:7, Romans 15:4-13, John 8:36, Matthew 1:21].
2023-11-02 Jews Rejected from the Land: Caller comments on the fact that scripture says that the Jews were ejected from the land in Luke. [Luke 13:34-35].
The Trinity Doctrine Disagreement: Caller disagrees with Steve about the Trinity and bases his postulate on Acts 17. [Acts 17:22-31].
2023-10-30 Chastisement: If God chastises those He loves, then is all the suffering we have to go through for our growth? [Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:3-11, Psalm 119:71]
Jesus' Suffering: Were the sufferings of Christ meant for Him to learn obedience in the same way as our chastising is meant for us? [Luke 2:52, Hebrews 5:8, Hebrews 2:10].
2023-10-27 Olivet Discourse & The End of the Age: Where did the phrase about the "end of the age" in the Olivet Discourse [Luke 17, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24].
Matthew's Grouping of Events: How does one prove that Matthew is grouping (and conflating) events more by subject (Sermon on the Mount, Missionary, Parables, Relationships, Olivet Discourse), rather than chronologically? [Matthew 5-7, Matthew 10, Matthew 13, Matthew 18, Matthew 24-25].
2023-10-27 Psychology & the Holy Spirit: What is the contrast between the psychologists drawing on the past and the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Rec: Topical lectures, "Biblical Counsel for a Change." [Luke 8:17, Matthew 5:23-24].
2023-10-25 Miracles of the Unbeliever: In order to do the miraculous works described in Matthew 7, wouldn't those people have the Holy Spirit in them to do those things? [Matthew 7:20-23, Luke 6:46].
2023-10-20 Losing One's Faith: If someone loses their faith, were they ever really saved? An atheist questioned, "How someone could be persuaded to disbelieve?" [Luke 9:62].
2023-10-19 Taming the Tongue: Isn't it a contradiction when scripture says that one is supposed to control the tongue, but also says that no one can tame the tongue? [James 1:26, James 3:8, Proverbs 4:23, Luke 6:45].
2023-10-18 Squirrel Story: Caller tells a quick story about an unusual story about a squirrel.
Don't Love the Unsaved: I don't feel any love for the unsaved. Shouldn't I? [Matthew 5:43-45, Luke 6:31, Ephesians 5:29-32, Matthew 7:12].
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