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Topic: Doctrine

Showing 51 to 100 of 144.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-07-06 Doctrine of Christ: What is the "doctrine of Christ"? [2 John 1:9-11].
Greeting Those of False Religions: If a Mormon comes to our door, are we being instructed to not welcome or greet them? [2 John 1:9-11].
2020-07-06 Doctrine of Christ: What is the "doctrine of Christ"? [2 John 1:9-11].
Greeting Those of False Religions: If a Mormon comes to our door, are we being instructed to not welcome or greet them? [2 John 1:9-11].
2020-06-16 Eschatology: Can you tell me the cornerstone passages about eschatology?
Christology: What about Christology?
Most Referenced Verse: What is the most referenced verse in the Bible? [Matthew 7:1].
2020-06-10 What the Bible Says or Teaches: Is the truth compromised to indicate what the Bible teaches, rather than what it says? How would that apply to Calvinism?
2020-05-21 Calvinist Views: Could you talk a little bit your experience with and about the beliefs of the Calvinists?
2020-04-30 Dangerous Bible Translation Differences: Would you comment on the excluded passages in some of the translations which I maintain indicate dangerous doctrines. [Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8, I John 5:7-8].
2020-04-27 Doctrines of Demons: Are the many varied translations of the Bible the Doctrine of Demons described in scripture? [I Timothy 4, 2 Timothy 3:1, Revelation}.
2020-02-19 Oldest Religions/ Cult: Caller comments on World Mission Outreach and other religions and cults that do not hold essential beliefs or doctrines.
2020-02-11 Doctrinal Differences & Contrary Opinions: Why do we believers all have such different beliefs and convictions? How do we know we have the right opinion?
2019-08-26 Calvinism: How can a Calvinist be a good Christian if they believe that some people cannot be saved? [I Corinthians 13:9-12, Matthew 16:27, Romans 2:6-10, 2 Corinthians 5:10, I Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12-13].
2019-06-04 Eschatology Shunning: What do I do when people tend to shun me when they find that their views on eschatology differ from mine?
2019-02-06 Teaching Different Beliefs: Teachers teaching different interpretations of scripture, different ideas, how far would you allow that to go?
Charles Spurgeon: Was Charles Spurgeon a Calvinist? He was talking about getting out of being lukewarm, so why would a Calvinist be saying that?
2019-02-05 Essentials or Non-Essentials: Should there be a statement of faith, a list of things that are essential & non-essential that a church believes in? Is that a good idea?
2019-01-31 Churches in Atlanta: Do you know of any good churches in Atlanta? Are you on in any stations in Atlanta? How can I continue listening to your show?
Calvinism, Arminianism, Dispensationalism, Preterism: Can you tell me the difference between all these terms, all this terminology?
2019-01-18 Apologetics vs the Bible Alone: What is Pre-suppositional apologetics (and evidential apologetics) and isn't the Bible enough as it is? [Romans 1:16].
2018-12-27 Persecuted by the Church: The early church killed people, calvin killed people, what about luther?
False Doctrine: Throw people out who teach false doctrine (not saved if you don't speak in tongues)?
2018-12-21 The Doctrine of the Moral Government of God: What is the "moral government doctrine of God" & do you agree w/ it?
2018-11-30 Apologetics: What does apologetics mean?
Dispensationalism: What does Dispensationalism mean?
Second Earth Age: What does Arnold Murray mean by the second earth age?
2018-10-18 Differences of Opinions: How do we know how to determine when it may be acceptable to disagree and when it is dangerous?
2018-09-26 Speaking the truth in Love: So we need to always speak the truth in love? [Ephesians 4:15]
2018-09-24 Academic Education for Ministers: Why should we trust and give authority to our ministers and other teachers when they have such varied opinions?
2018-09-07 No Unity on the Bible: Why is there so much disagreement about what the Bible says?
2018-08-28 Only Their Denomination: Why do some denominations think they are the only ones going to be saved (Catholics, for example)?
2018-08-24 Supernatural Beings: (Steve said this kid could call back in the same show; he took advantage of it.) How much influence does supernatural beings have on the natural world?
Free Will: Why didn't God plan the world to be like what heaven will be since they won't be able to sin there? Why did He allow sin?
Beliefs & Denominations: Are there some denominations that won't go to heaven? Or one denomination that will?
2018-06-21 Compromising on Truth: How do you know what or how to disagree on secondary issues? (cont. after break)
2018-04-19 Presuppositional & Evidential Apologetics: What is your opinion of Presuppositional & evidential apologetics? Just because God has foreknowledge of everything doesn't mean He can control everything. [Romans 1:19-20]
James White Calvinism Debate: I enjoyed the Debate you had with James White, & he's right in so many things but completely wrong with Calvinism!
2018-04-04 Steve Gregg's World View: What are Steve's basic tenets of his world view?
2018-03-26 Investigative Judgment: When debating Doug Batchelor, ask about the false doctrine of the investigative judgment, because if they were so wrong about that, how can they not be wrong about everything else, including keeping the Sabbath?
2018-02-07 Evidential & Presuppositional Apologetics: What is Steve's position on Evidential and Presuppositional Apologetics?
2018-01-10 Calvinism: Do you think that Calvinism is dangerous? Does it contradict God's character of love? [1 John 4:8,16]
2017-10-25 Bible Completion: When was the Bible completed & compiled?
Apologetics & Mormonism: Have you ever heard of Norman Geisler? He says there's NO WAY Mormons/LDS can be Christians when they go against so much of Christianity & tell Christians to join them, so don't you think that is true?
2017-09-14 Cremation or Buried in Coffin: Is cremation acceptable or is it better to be buried?
Church Fathers & their Doctrine: Did the Church Fathers influence a lot of their doctrines & traditions in the church?
2017-09-12 44,001 Denominations: If the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, why are there 44,000 different denominations, no unity in the Christian church?
2017-08-04 Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?
2017-07-26 Church Discipline: What context or when should a church ask a person not to attend the church again? [Matthew 18]
2017-07-17 Sound Doctrine: How much should we be concerned about sound doctrine?
2017-05-02 Theology, Doctrine & Apologetics or Relationship with Jesus Christ: Theology, apologetics & doctrine vs a Relationship with Jesus, which is more important?
2017-05-01 Indoctrination: How can I help people who have been "indoctrinated" & discussion about related topics
2017-03-21 Future Coming together of the Church: What is the future of the church as far as coming together? emergent church
2017-02-07 Apostolic Doctrine: Apostolic Doctrine related to Calvinisn & Arminianism
2016-12-05 Laughing Pastor/Strange Doctrines: Caller went to a convention, preacher started laughing, the whole congregation started laughing, why all this "strange doctrine" in the church?
2016-11-07 Unsound Doctrine (of Pre-Rapture): Is the Pre-Tribulation rapture a Sound Doctrine?
2016-09-07 Full Preterists Vilified: Why are Full Preterists believers so demonized? Or, having humility in the church even though differing views.
2016-05-13 Foundation/Ground of the Church: Jesus is the real foundation, but what about denominational "ground" (foundation) of the church?
2016-04-12 44,000 Denominations: How did so many denominations come to be?
2016-03-17 God using Evil for Good: Even though evil isn't good, God uses it for good? [Romans 8:28]
Hardest Doctrine to Teach: What is the hardest doctrine to teach in Steve's experience?
2016-03-14 Early Church Beliefs: Did early Christians believe in life after death & did they believe we went to paradise instead of heaven. (Audio of caller is very weak.)
Tips for Teaching: Does Steve have any tips for beginner Teachers who are about to try to lead Bible studies?
2016-03-04 Holy Spirit & the Trinity: How do we deal with people who don't believe in the Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity?
Fellowship Circles: In fact, just how far can you actually fellowship with people who don't see stuff the same way you do, especially unbelievers?
2015-11-06 Pastors & Non-Essential Doctrines:: Is it sort've an obligation of the pastor to share the main views of non-essential doctrines other than just their own?
2015-10-29 Reformers, Calvinism & the Church Fathers: What was the reason for Reformation to get back to correct doctrine or get the church back from wherever the Catholic Church took it?
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