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Topic: Doctrine

Showing 101 to 144 of 144.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-08-31 Pressing Issue in Christianity: What is the most Pressing Issue in Christianity. (Lordship of Jesus)
Steve's Favorite subject: What is Steve's favorite subject to teach on?
2015-08-26 Salvation Clear, but Complicated: Salvation is clear, what it takes to be saved, what the gospel is, but all this other stuff is so hard to understand, eschatology, Calvinism/Arminianism, whether we can drink alcohol or not.
2015-07-06 Genuine Christians vs Feigned Christianity: How can we determine who are genuine Christians or people who have a feigned Christianity? Especially churches believing correct Doctrine.
2015-07-01 Apologetics: Would you recommend some entry-level resources on apologetics-where to get started, besides the Bible itself.
2015-04-24 Trinity: How important is it for Salvation that we believe in the Trinity?
2015-04-10 Doctrine & Teaching: What is Paul saying in 1 Timothy 4:12-16 about Teaching & Doctrine? [1 Timothy 4:12-16]
The Devil having been Lucifer: Caller wants to confirm that he heard Steve say that he doesn't believe the view that Satan was at one time the fallen angel, Lucifer?
2015-03-27 Essential Doctrines & Behaviors: What are the Essential Doctrines & Behaviors of being a Christian?
2015-03-12 Strange Doctrine: People comes up w/ all kinds of strange doctrine.
2015-02-24 Calvinism's Devotion to its Doctrines: Do Calvinists tend to be overly devoted to their particular doctrines because they feel like it presents a more powerful God? [Luke 17:10].
2015-02-17 Fellowship & Doctrines: It doesn't seem to be about fellowship, but it seems to be about differences (of doctrine) in the church nowadays. Why are we so divided?
2015-01-05 Sound Doctrine: Church takes a strong stand on Sound Doctrine, but how much doctrinal purity is important over just a relationship w/ Jesus?
2015-01-05 Sound Doctrine: There are some doctrines that are VERY important, & this caller goes to a church where they can discuss doctrine they don't agree with
2014-11-10 Sound Doctrine: What does Paul mean by "sound doctrine"? [Titus 2:1, Matthew 28:19-20]
2014-10-02 Apologetics & Pantheism: What do you think about the idea that we are just part of the universe, & that we can make our own reality, & no consequences, & what is it called?
2014-09-24 Theology (Apologetics) verses Christian Living: Discussion about Christian living over knowing Theology, Apologetics.
Institutional Church, Chaos & Early Church: Caller thinks institutional is sort've on its way out but doesn't want chaos but should go back to early church ways.
2014-09-22 Love is Inclusive: Love is inclusive, you'd think, so why all this criticalness of one group bashing another group because of their beliefs?
2014-08-15 Beliefs Separate People: Michael the Buddhist called to followup on a call he had made a few days before & point out that beliefs separate people.
2014-07-31 Strange Doctrine & Deception: What can we do to make sure people don't become deceived & accept strange doctrine?
2014-07-29 Trinity & Sound Doctrine: Believing Sound Doctrine is important such as the Trinity, but it isn't dependent upon salvation. [2 Peter 3:15-16]
Perseverance of the saints: Caller believes once-saved-always-saved, eternal security, once we belong to Christ, otherwise he thinks it's a salvation by works.
Intercessory Prayer: Doesn't it say somewhere like in Romans that Jesus is always making intercessory prayer for us so we are always abiding in Him? [Romans 8:26-27]
2014-07-29 Going off on tangents: People get caught up in weird tangents all the time, but the main, plain thing is believing in Jesus [John 3:16]
2014-07-24 Evangelical Covenant church: Do you know anything about the Evangelical Covenant church?
Doctrinal Differences: How do learn to be edified from a teacher who you disagree with doctrinally?
2014-07-15 Sin Nature & Calvinism: Do babies go to hell when they die? [Psalms 51:5]
Presuppositional Evidence & Calvinism: Some Calvinists think having evidence to prove there is a God is heretical.
2014-06-11 Trinity: Do we need to understand the Trinity or does it matter?
Immaculate Conception - Original Sin: So you think everyone is Immaculate Conceived (like Mary was) from Adam's original sin?
2014-06-11 Apologetics: Should Apologetics be taught in Church?
Presence of Jesus: What does Jesus mean that He'll be in the presence of us? [Matthew 18:20]
2014-06-03 Believing in Jesus if born today: Caller rehashing the call that happened the day before about if Jesus was born today, coming up w/ a theory of what the caller meant.
2014-06-02 Oneness Pentecostals: So if you don't believe in the correct Trinity like the Oneness Pentecostal people don't, you aren't a Christian?
2014-05-14 Doctrines of the Catholic Church: What do you think of the teachings of the Catholic Church?
Pope: What about their Pope?
2014-05-13 Essentials of Christianity: I called the other day & asked what the Essentials of Christianity, How come you didn't say one of them was that Jesus was God?
Fellowshipping & Jesus the Son of God: How do you fellowship w/ people who don't think that Jesus is the Son of God? or what if people don't think He came down here in the flesh?
2014-05-13 Head Knowledge in relation to Personal Relationship: It is possible to have a relationship w/ the Creator of the Universe, a personal God? Head knowledge seems pretty important, too!
2014-05-01 Getting hung-up on inconsequential matters: Caller thinks people, including his pastor, get hung up on stuff that doesn't matter.
Heaven & no Sea: Is there anywhere in the Bible, especially Revelation, that gives insight about Heaven? What about no sea or oceans in the New Earth? Is that symbolic too? [Revelation 21:1]
Loving our Brethren & protecting a believer more than an unbeliever: Do we need to have unity besides just loving one another? [john 15:12, 1 John 4:8, Galatians 6:10]
2014-04-29 Vashti: Vashti was asked to where the crown & come to him & she refused, it that true? Was she an exotic dancer (dancing in the nude)?
3 literal Days: How could Jesus have been in the grave 3 literal days?
Relying on Theologians: Can we get everything we need to be a Christian from the Bible, or do we need a good theologian every now & then to guide us?
2014-04-28 Books on Apologetics: What are the best apologetics books?
2014-04-14 The Heart: The heart is something we are supposed to guard, but it's also said to be the most deceitful thing.
Denominations: There are so many denominations but i'd like to know what I align myself with the most, & what are the main differences between the denominations?
2014-03-27 7,000 men: How did God reserve to Himself 7,000 men who have not bow the knew to Baal? [1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4]
Arminianism & Semi-Pelagianism: What is the difference between Armininianism & Semi-Pelagianism?
2014-03-11 Mormons & Salvation: Do you say that even Mormons might be genuine followers of Jesus even though mistaken in what they believe?
Legalism & Pharisees (followup): In that case, what about the Pharisees in Jesus' day? Even though they were legalistic & Jesus had a lot to say to them negatively, could they still be saved?
2014-01-16 Truth verses Doctrine: Shouldn't Truth (Jesus) trump Doctrine?
2014-01-16 Study Bibles & too much Doctrine: Sometimes you just need to sit down & read the Bible & let the Holy Spirit just take over. What is the best study Bible, though?
2014-01-16 Holy Spirit & Interpreting Scripture: How come if we all have the same Holy Spirit we see things so differently doctrinally?
2013-12-02 A Catholic Christian: If a Catholic repents and becomes a true follwer of Christ, but still maintains the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Church, are they truly saved?
2013-10-28 Oneness Pentecostal: Are Oneness Pentecostals Christians because they don't believe in the Trinity?
2013-08-20 Wrong Doctrine & Heresy: What is the difference between Heresy & wrong doctrine, & should we treat wrong doctrine as harshly as we would heresy?
"Faith Cometh by Hearing" & Jesus being a Mediator: Where is the verse that talks about, "Faith cometh by hearing"? ANd where does it talk about Jesus being our Mediator? [Romans 10:17, 1 Timothy 2:5]
Praying to Mary: Do Catholics actually pray to the Mary, the mother of Jesus?
2013-05-01 The Bethel Movement & Revival: What do you think about the Bethel revival/ renewal movement? Do you recommend Randy Clark and Bill Johnson's books?
Gift of Tongues or Cessationism: Do you need to have a sign to prove that you are filled with the Holy Spirit, like speaking in tongues? What about the "Strange Fire" conference by John MacArthur and his position against these gifts? [Luke 10:18].
Doctrinal Guide in Acts: Should we take the Book of Acts and make it our doctrinal guide?
2013-03-29 Catholic vs Protestant: Caller challenges Steve's Protestant view over the Catholic view.
Catholic vs Protestant: How is it that Scott Hahn and Tim Staples can find support for the Catholic Church and its doctrines and you cannot?
Apostolic Succession: When did "Apostolic Succession" stop? [Acts 1].
2013-01-15 Truth-Challenged By Steve's Teachings: Some churches think truth is what you believe at the time.
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