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Topic: Fornication

Showing 51 to 100 of 135.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-11-18 Pope Approves of Homosexuality: Since the pope said homosexuality is OK, do you think that this is "the great falling away" and the "abomination of desolation" of the end times? [2 Thessalonians, Matthew 24:15].
2020-10-22 Christian in Name only: How do I deal with Christian who seem to only have a form of godliness but still live a life of sin? [1 Corinthians 5]
Judging Others: When I tell them we shouldn't be doing our old life anymore, I get ostracized & told that I shouldn't judge. [1 Peter 4]
2020-10-19 Fornicators in the Church: If fornicators will not enter the kingdom of God, what about the fornicators at local churches? [I Corinthians 6:9].
Defining the True Church: Are you defining the true church as those that actually follow Christ, and do not continue to live in sin? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 5:9].
2020-09-11 Masturbation: Would you talk about masturbation and how it compares with adultery and if and how we can control it? [Matthew 23:23]
2020-06-16 Premarital Sex and Marriage: Could you talk about premarital sex and is there alternate ways to be married that would be acceptable? [Genesis 2:24, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Mark 7, Galatians 5:19-21, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, I Corinthians 3:16, I John 4:7-8].
2020-02-06 Sex Before Marriage: Where in the Bible does it say that sex before marriage, is a sin? [Malachi 2, Luke 8:21, Matthew 12:50, Mark 3:35, Exodus 22:16, Deuteronomy 22:13-30].
No Marriage License: Is it possible that some friends who have been together and have kids are married even though they don't have a marriage certificate? They do not profess to be Christians. What do you think I should share w/ them?
2020-02-06 Sex Before Marriage: Where in the Bible does it say that sex before marriage, is a sin? [Malachi 2, Luke 8:21, Matthew 12:50, Mark 3:35, Exodus 22:16, Deuteronomy 22:13-30].
No Marriage License: Is it possible that some friends who have been together and have kids are married even though they don't have a marriage certificate? They do not profess to be Christians. What do you think I should share w/ them?
2019-09-30 Fornication (Living Together): What should one say to one's children who are living with their girl (boy) friend, and claim that it is not your business?
2019-08-14 Grounds For Divorce: Is it adultery, and grounds for divorce, if a man simply lusts in his heart? [Matthew 5:27-28].
2019-07-16 Lust vs Attraction: Is it really adultery if you lust, if neither person is married? [James 1:14-15, I Timothy 5:2].
Jesus Tempted to Lust: Did Jesus actually have the same temptations as we do, such as, lust? [Hebrews 4:15].
2019-01-29 Unwed Children: My children not married & all are in sexual relationships w/ their partner. They were raised Christians too. What should I say to them?
2018-08-03 Wedding Attendees: We are having wedding conflicts over who to invite to be in the wedding. [1 Corinthians 5:9-11]
2018-07-19 Homosexual Lifestyle Accepted in the Church: What do you think about Churches that are embracing the homosexual lifestyle?
2018-06-11 Marriage Validation: My pastor said we shouldn't sleep together until we are married by him even if got married at a court. Is that true?
2018-04-20 Plucking out your Eye: Lusting after a woman, & then having to pluck out your eye, cut off your hand so you stop lusting, so are you supposed to do this literally? [Matthew 5:27-28]
2018-03-27 Divide the Water from the Water: Why does the Bible say that waters were separated from waters? [Genesis 1:6-7]
Destruction of the Flesh: Putting one out of the church & giving them over to satan, that his spirit might be saved, doesn't this sort've defend once saved, always saved? [1 Corinthians 5]
2018-03-20 Homosexuality: What can you do if you are tempted w/ homosexuality?
2018-03-02 Mount of Transfiguration: What was the purpose for the mount of Transfiguration?
Separation of Church & State: Is there a separation of church & state conflict issue with having Billy Graham in Rotunda?
Adam's Curse having a lasting effect in Eternity: Caller feels there will always be a lasting effect of Adam's curse because people who were born out of wedlock or incest, they have a free will also, & will be able to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior even though they should've never been in existence.
2018-02-12 Hosea's Wife: Did God tell Hosea to marry a whore?
2018-02-05 Fornication: What is fornication?
2017-11-21 Living in Sin: Confronting people who are living in sin.
Performing a Wedding you have Doubts about: What about performing weddings if you have some hesitancy about the union?
2017-11-20 Church Discipline involving Adultery: A couple living in fornication, someone being involved w/ someone who is still married. What should the church do? [Matthew 18:15-17]
2017-11-09 Free to Marry Again: Caller is wondering if she would be free to marry again though she left her husband, especially since he married again.
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-10-18 Church Embracing Homosexuals & Lesbians: What are we do to about churches allowing gays & lesbians in with open arms?
2017-10-10 Covetousness: Why do we as Americans covet so much even as Christians when it says it's just as bad as fornicating? [1 Corinthians 5:11, Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:5]
2017-09-15 Marriage or not: Wondering if a couple should get married or not because of legal issues
2017-08-02 Living together, Unwed: My son & his girlfriend are living together, so will you please share to him that that isn't a good so he knows it's not only coming from us?
2017-07-27 For Sake of Fornication: For the sake of fornication, especially if a person gets pregnant, should they get married anyway?
2017-07-19 Fornication, Idol Worship, Strangled Animals & Blood: In Acts it talks about fornication, idol worship, no strangled animals & abstaining from blood, & I can understand not doing 2 of them but what about no blood & no strangled animals? What does that have to do with the Gentiles? [Acts 15]
The Millennium: What are the differing views about the Millennium? What are yours? I understand you are an Amillenialist?
2017-07-19 Accepting LGBT in the Church: I'm trying to write a letter to my pastor who's about to embrace the LGBT community, what scripture should I use? [Galatian 3:28]
2017-06-23 Adultery Acceptable: I have a friend who thinks it's okay to have sex w/ married women as long as they are 2 consenting adults.
2017-06-08 Unwed Couple: A couple living together, got pregnant, do they have an obligation to tie the knot for the sake of the child? The mom is threatening to abort baby if not married in a week.
2017-06-08 Unwed Couple: Suggestions on what to do about the pregnant girl friend.
2017-05-31 Fornication & Diet: I've never heard anything on this passage, would you have anything in your archives? [1 Corinthians 6:12-20]
2017-03-24 Living Together Before Marriage: What's wrong w/ people living together before they get married? Why do they have to do it publicly? [1 Thessalonians 5:22]
2017-02-17 No Divorce Ever: Pastor says people can't divorced under ANY circumstance. What do you think? [Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32]
2017-02-13 Spouse performing Masturbation: If a spouse is performing self-gratification, is that grounds for divorce?
2016-12-20 Fornication: Why would Paul want someone who's already in the clutches of the devil be turned over to him? [1 Corinthians 5:5].
2016-12-15 Homosexuality: Some think you can be a Christian & still be a practicing homosexual. [Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthian 6:9]
2016-09-21 Besetting Sin of Homosexuality & Masturbation: Listener struggles with the homosexuality & masturbation temptation.
2016-08-22 Father Living in Sin: Caller is oncerned about his daughters being around their grandfather because he's living with his girlfriend, & unbiblically left 2 previous wives, & is still presenting that he is a Christian.
2016-06-15 Anathema Maranatha: Being accursed, Anathema Maranath, does that apply to Christians who fall out of love like the churches of Revelation? [1 Corinthians 16:22]
Homosexuals: It says in Romans that homosexuals/sodomites are worthy of death, so should they be lined up & shot like a pastor said once?
2016-06-06 Homosexuality: Why would homosexuality get a pass when so many other sins do not?
2016-05-26 Maturbation, Self-gratification: Is self-gratification, masturbation, considered a sin? Is it considered fornication?
Unworthy to be Saved: Sometimes I feel like I'm unworthy to have salvation because I've never had a balanced Christian life even though i've known better. [Romans 5:1-11]
2016-05-02 Sexual Thought not a Sin: Caller heard a pastor say sexual fantasy is not actually sinful, only the physical act, witha married woman, is that true?
The ESV & NASB Bibles: Is there difference between the ESV & the NASB bible? Which one would you recommend?
2016-04-12 Infidelity & Getting Back Together: A husband left wife to live with another woman & has a child with her, but he & wife, who never actually divorced, want to get back together again. What does Steve think he should do?
2016-03-14 Varying Degrees of Sin: Is sin sin? Is all sin the same? Is gluttony as bad as homosexuality? Are tattoos as bad as fornication? Are all things lawful?
2016-03-08 "Consensual Theology" (Homosexual Acceptance): Have you ever heard of “Consensual Theology”, which is approval of Homosexual monogamy?
Perseverance: Isn't perseverance a work rather than just a faith?
2016-01-12 Couples having sexual relations while engaged: Is it okay to have sex while you are engaged, before you are officially married?
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