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Topic: Fornication

Showing 101 to 135 of 135.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-01-06 Biblical Definition of Marriage: What is the biblical definition of marriage?
Engaged Couple being Intimate: What would you say about a couple are living together, having sex & justifying it because they are going to be getting married?
2015-12-02 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: What if a wife divorces her husband who HASN'T committed adultery? [Matthew 5:32]
2015-11-09 Homosexuality: What do I do about relatives who profess Christianity but live in a fornication/homosexual lifestyle? [1 Corinthians 5:11-12]
Love but not Approve: Jesus loves us, & we are to love others, but He didn't, & we don't have to, approve their behavior.
2015-11-06 Sexual Immorality - Homosexuality: What does it mean putting them "out of fellowship"? Does that include family members? [1 Corinthians 5:11-12]
2015-10-20 Live-in Fornication: Grandchildren are practicing fornication, & have no qualms about it, but i'm very concerned about it. Do you have any thoughts?
2015-08-13 Demonic Signs & Wonders: Are the Lying Signs & Wonders of Satan in every case & where is that in the Bible? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]
Seducing Spirits: What about Seducing Spirits? Whenever the caller thinks of the term "seduction", she thinks of sex, so sexual sins. [1 Timothy 4:1]
Y2K: People thought y2k was the end of the world & it wasn't. All this time wasted worrying about stuff that had nothing to do w/ anything! It's like crying wolf one too many times!
2015-08-07 Adultery (fornication) & 10 Commandments: Anything outside of marriage is adultery, but caller means to say fornication, but she thinks obeying the 10 commandents would solve the problem.
2015-07-29 Homosexual Temptation: A friend of the listener struggles w/ same-sex attraction. Can he still be a Christian despite this?
2015-06-26 Fornication: Fornication means ANY sexual relationship that is not between a man & a woman that are married, so isn't a fallacy to say that Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, incest, bestiality? [Matthew 15:18-20, Mark 7:20-23]
2015-01-27 Same-Sex Marriages: Caller wonders if there is a movement out there about only obeying the red letters of the Bible, that we only have to do what Jesus said, so we don't have to worry about homosexuality since He didn't talk about it?
2015-01-27 Divorce: There is the exception clause to get divorced (adultery & fornication). What about unlawful marriages? [Matthew 5:31-32]
Jacob blessing grandchildren: How was Jacob able to leave the birthright blessing/inheritance to Joseph's 2 sons?
2014-12-15 Spiritual Fornication: I need a biblical definition for spiritual fornication. Some groups feel that if you go to another group, you are committing spiritual fornication.
2014-12-12 Fasting: What's commanded or expected of us in the New Testament when it comes to Fasting? Is there a certain amount of time we should fast? Should we be listening for the prompting of the Holy Spirit? What are we to fast? The new fad is to fast from internet, computers, tv. Is that acceptable?
Mental Lust Grounds for Divorce: Is lust which happens in the heart grounds for divorce or only actual physical adultery, fornication?
2014-10-28 Practicing Lesbianism: Is there a difference between being gay & not practicing, like heterosexuals not practicing fornication, & being gay & practicing it? Are you still sinning just for being gay or lesbian even though you aren't practicing?
2014-10-09 Young Couple living together but not Married: What do I tell young couples who are living together, even have children, but are not married? It's fornication, isn't it? [1 Corinthians 6:6-9]
2014-10-09 Pre-Marital Sex & Fornication: Where does it say anything in the Bible about pre-marital sex being fornication?
2014-09-15 Homosexual Laws: Is the Old Testament no longer valid? Did Paul only look at Sodomy in light of the Temple prostitution? [1 Corinthians 6:9-20]
2014-05-14 Intimate Relationship before Marriage: Isn't it supposed to be that if you have sexual relations w/ somebody, or seduce them before you marry them, that you are supposed to marry them?
2014-02-19 Masturbation: What is your opinion on masturbation? is it a sin?
2014-01-06 Pre-marital Sex: I find no verse in the Bible prohibiting pre-marital sex. Am I wrong?
Divorced People getting Married: What about divorced people who get married?
2013-12-18 Homosexuality & Pork: How come homosexuality is still forbidden like it was in the Old Testament, but eating pork is no longer forbidden? Since one is allowed shouldn't the other be permissible as well?
2013-12-10 Accepting Homosexuals: How long should we accept & love homosexauls in the church before we tell them they have to repent? [1 Corinthians 5, 1 Corinthians 6]
2013-10-31 Homosexuality: What did Jesus say about homosexuality? Anything? I already know about Romans. [Matthew 15:18]
2013-10-23 Adultery: Is Adultery only a sin because it's a craving for someone else's possession, it's stealing, rather than it just being sex?
2013-08-27 Tithing: Is tithing still mandated?
Fornication & Marriage: What are the defintions of Fornication & Marriages?
Incestuous Relationships in the Bible: Can't get married to people too closely related to you.
2013-07-18 "First Fruits" Offering & Tithing: What is the difference between "First Fruits" offering & tithing?
Homosexuality Acceptable: Will practicing homosexuals be warmly welcomed in heaven? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11]
2013-07-05 Persecutions in the Book of James: Do we have any idea what trials or persecutions the Book of James was specifically talking about? [James 1:1]
Eating Unclean Animals: When did Peter's Vision about the sheet involving unclean animals relate to the council about avoiding blood, strangled animals & meats sacrificed to idols? [Acts 15:23-29]
Prophets-Judas & Silas: John the Baptist was the last of the Old Testament prophets, but two new prophets follow; Judas & Silas. Are there more prophets? [Acts 15:22]
2013-07-02 Homosexuality-Truth vs.Lies: Caller is concerned about people becoming homosexuals.
2013-06-27 Bible-Hate Literature: Doesn't it seem like the country is on the trajectory to banning the Bible, calling it hate literature?
Homosexual Lifestyle: How are we supposed to respond to people who are living a homosexual lifestyle?
2013-06-14 Shunning Fornicators: What does it mean to shun people who are guilty of fornication? [1 Corinthians 5, 2 Thessalonians 3]
2013-03-22 Divorcing from a Polygamous Marriage: What does a Christians believer do if they had more than one wife while in another religion, but cannot divorce some of them, because they cannot be found? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2013-03-19 Divorce & Remarriage: Is there earlier consensus on the Christian teaching on marriage than about 1500 (Reformation)? why do we see it now so differently? [Matthew 5:32].
2013-02-22 Churches Supporting Homosexuality: Why do some churches critical when I share my concerns over homosexuality? [I Corinthians 10:13, 2 Timothy 2L22].
Homosexuality & Repentance: Can a homosexual repent? [I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2013-01-22 Sodom & Gomorrah's Sins: What was Sodom & Gomorrah's sin that they had a fiery judgment? [Ezekiel 16, Jude 1:7]
2013-01-15 "I Never Knew You": When the Lord says He "never knew them", is He talking to Christians or not? [Matthew 7:24]
Falling Away, Showing Mercy & Mental Illness: Can you fall away by not being merciful? What about people who are mentally ill or schizophrenic? Could they be demon-possessed?
"Deliver Him to Satan": What was Paul saying when he told the church in Corinth to deliver a fornicator to Satan? [1 Corinthians 5:1-13]
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