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Topic: Job (Book)

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Episode Topic Audio
2022-07-19 Guardian Angels: Do we have guardian angels, and possibly angels specifically assigned to each of us? [Exodus 23:20-21, Matthew 18:10, Psalms 34:7-9, Psalm 91:11-12, Hebrews 1:14, Job 1:10, Matthew 10:29, Job 1:21].
2022-06-16 Does God Allow "Chance": Does God allow for chance? [Ecclesiastes 9:11, I Kings 11, Matthew 10:29, Psalm 34:7, Job 1:12].
2022-05-30 Animal Souls & Heaven: Caller makes a case that animals have souls and will be in heaven. [Joel 1:20, Job 38:41, Revelation 16:3, Ecclesiastes 12:14-14]
2022-05-10 Satan Hates Christians: Does Satan hate Christians? [John 8:44, Job 1-2].
Satan as a Tester: Didn't you say that Satan was created as a tempter?
Satan Thrown into the Lake of Fire: If Satan was created to be a tester, then why would God throw Him in the Lake of Fire? Would this be against the character of God? Revelation 20:15].
2022-05-06 Dinosaurs: Do you think that dinosaurs lived with people? [Job 40-41].
Giants: Do you think there were giants taller than Goliath?
Witches: Do you think there are real witches now?
2022-04-15 Giving Thanks for Everything: What are you thoughts and process on "giving thanks for everything"? [I Thessalonians 5:16-18, Job 113:2, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Romans 8:22-23, Romans 5:2].
2022-03-31 Millennium Not Literal: Why do you think the the "Millennium" is not literal, but symbolic? [Revelation 20, Deuteronomy 1:11, Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 84:10, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 50:10, Matthew 12:28, Psalm 90:4, Job 42:12, Genesis 20:16].
Literal Numbers Used in Revelation: Are not literal numbers used in Revelation, like the seven churches?
2022-03-09 "Fallen Angel" Doctrines: How long have "fallen angel" (DNA mixing with humans) doctrines been around? [Genesis 6, Jude 6, Job 1-2].
Fallen Angels with Extra Digits: Could you clarify the doctrines about those offspring from fallen angels having six fingers and toes?
2022-03-01 Michael and Satan: What was the conversation between Michael, the archangel, and Satan? [Jude 1:9].
Wager Between God and Satan: Where is the story about the wager between God and Satan? [Job].
Brother Lawrence: What do you think of the book by brother Lawrence named, "Practice of the Presence of God"? Recommended books; "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas à Kempis and "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan.
2022-02-23 Satan Challenges God: Do you think that God had to prove His righteousness because of Satan's challenge in Job? [Job 2:4, Romans 3:24-26].
2022-02-15 Angels Could Take Over Men's Bodies: If you allow that Satan could inhabit the serpent, then why would you not allow that angels could inhabit men's bodies in the Genesis account about the Sons of God? [Genesis 6:1-4, Hosea 1:10, Isaiah 63:16, Hebrews 2:10, I John 3:2, John 1:12, Job 1:5-6, Job 2:1, Job 38:7].
2022-02-02 Old Testament Hebrew Poetic Language: Did Job's friends and the prophets actually speak in poetic form, or where they just recast in poetry when the story is told?
God Uses the Devil: Does God actually use the devil to accomplish His will at times? [Acts 2:23].
2022-02-02 Old Testament Hebrew Poetic Language: Did Job's friends and the prophets actually speak in poetic form, or where they just recast in poetry when the story is told?
God Uses the Devil: Does God actually use the devil to accomplish His will at times? [Acts 2:23].
2022-01-18 Fire-breathing Dragon: Caller makes a humorous clip about the fire-breathing dragon from Job that an atheist was talking about in a recent show.
Producing Miraculous Signs Today: Are we supposed to be producing miraculous signs, in addition to fruit (such as raising the dead)? [Mark 16:9-20, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12:29, Matthew 10, Luke 10, I John 3:22].
2022-01-12 Fear of Death for the Believer: How might the Christian church today, remove the fear of death? [Hebrews 2:14-15, Job 2:4, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9:24].
2022-01-06 Jewish Mythology, Leviathan, Behemoth & Dinosaurs: Caller thinks that the creatures (Leviathan, Behemoth & Ziz) in Job are connected to Jewish Mythology instead of dinosaurs?
2022-01-05 Adam, Eve, Giants, Nephilim: Do you think that Adam & Eve could've lived with dinosaurs, and perhaps giant people (Nephilim), from whence came Goliath? [Genesis 6, Job 4-41].
2021-12-27 Flaws in the "Word of Faith" movement: What are the flaws in the "Word of Faith" movement? [Job 22].
2021-12-23 Book of Job Support of the "Word of Faith" Doctrine: Does this verse in Job (Job 22:28) support the "Word of Faith" claim that one can have what one wants? [Job 22:26-28].
2021-12-21 The "Sons of God" in the book of Job: Who are the "sons of God" in the book of Job? [Job1-2, Job 38:7, Psalm 82:1, Psalm 82:6, John 1:12].
Abaddon in the book of Job: Who is Abaddon in the book of Job? [Job 26:6, Revelation 9:11].
2021-12-20 Satan Does God's Will: How does God use Satan to do His will, specifically relative to when Satan tempted David to number the people? [Job 1-2, 2 Samuel 24:1, I Chronicles 21:5, I Kings 22:23, I Kings 4:26, 2 Chronicles 9:25, James 1:13].
2021-12-15 God Testing Our Faith: Did God allow me to get sick as a test of my faith? [James 5:11, Psalms 34:7, 1 Corinthians 10:13].
2021-11-18 Quoting Eliphaz: Is it acceptable for B.B. Warfield to quote Eliphaz as a proof text for original sin? [Job 4:18, Job 15:14-15].
2021-11-16 Job & His Friends: In the story of Job, what was it that his friend, Eliphaz, said that was wrong, and what did Job say that was right? [Job 42:7].
2021-11-10 Date of Our Death: Does God know when we are going to die? [Job 14:5, Revelation 11, Matthew 10:29, Philippians 1:23].
2021-11-02 God Still Loved Job: Did Job think that God still loved him when he was in all the trials? [John 14:23].
Legalistic Tithing: Would you donate to a legalistic church that demands tithing?
2021-10-28 Christian Felt Unsuppported by Friends: Caller relates story of a time of torment and how he feels that he was being attacked by demons when his friends claimed that perhaps he was not being obedient. [2 Corinthians 12].
Friends Accuse a Christian of Sin in Life: Caller is frustrated when things weren't going well for him, friends claimed that perhaps he might have secret sin. [2 Corinthians 12:7-10].
2021-10-05 70 A.D. & "The Second Coming": Why would Jesus use the same words for both the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the Second Coming, when they are clearly two different events? [Matthew 24:26-28, Luke 17:24, Luke 17:37, Mark 13, Luke 21, Job 39:29-30].
2021-09-29 Spirit Beings Neither Good or Bad: What do you think of John Walton's view that angels are neither good nor bad? [Job 1-2, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Revelation 12:9].
2021-08-30 Source of Job's Trials: Were the tests that fell on Job come from God, Job, or Satan? [Job 2:3, Job 23:10].
2021-07-21 "Where the Eagles Gather" & "Left Behind" in the Rapture: What do you think the meaning of "where the bodies are is where the eagles gather"? [Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:34-37, Job 39:30]
Man of Sin: Isn't the "Man of Sin" actually more than one person and likely referring to all of sinful mankind?
2021-07-12 Defining "The Beginning": What is "the beginning" in Genesis and John? [Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, Job 38:7, Psalm 33:6-9].
2021-04-27 Sin in One's Life Causing the Trouble: What do you think about those that tell you that if you are having trouble in your life, you need to hunt down the sin causing the trouble? [Job, I Peter 3:17].
2021-04-08 Suffering the Loss of a Child: One of our friends has lost a child. Do you think that the Lord allows suffering to work in us to purify us? How does one view this and get through it? [Psalm 91, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18].
2021-04-06 God Trusted Job: Did God trust Job? [Job 1-2].
2021-03-31 Job & Eliphaz: What did Eliphaz say that was wrong about God, and where did Job say what was right about God? [Job 42:7, Job 2:3].
2021-02-09 Job's Behavior: What was Job doing differently at the beginning of the story that at the end? [Matthew 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-36].
2021-02-03 Satan, Just an Adversarial Person: What do you think about the recent article in "Christianity Today" claiming that Satan is actually just an adversary, whomever that may be, rather than the Satan, inferring a specific personality and spirit? [Revelation 12:9, Matthew 16:23]
2021-01-05 Resurrection in the Old Testament: Are these Old Testament verses referring to the resurrection? [Job 19:25-27, Isaiah 26:19].
2020-11-20 Asking Others to Pray for Us: Are there other places that the Bible indicates we should ask others to pray for us, and that God wants prayers better spoken by the more faithful person? [Job 40, Genesis 20].
2020-11-18 Prophets Today: Are there prophets today as there were in the Old Testament, and would teaching be the same thing? [Hebrews 1:1. 1 Corinthians 14:29, I Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11].
God Unleashed the Devil on Job: Did God unleash the Devil on Job? [Revelation 2:10, 2 Timothy 2:12, Luke 4:1].
2020-11-11 Angry About Sickness & Pain: At what point is my anger about my sickness and pain sin? [Job 1:21, 2 Corinthians 12:9].
Praying for Death: Since I am in chronic pain, is it wrong to pray for my own early death, or can I neglect it and hope for death? [I Corinthians 3:16, I Corinthians 5:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16, I Peter 4:19, I Peter 5:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 4:16].
2020-11-05 Stirring up One's Church to Go Out and Disciple: How would you go about stirring up interest in your church to go out and disciple others?
Suffering for the Christian: Why does God allow us to go through trials and sufferings as He does? [Job 2:10].
2020-11-04 Minister's Doubt when He Doesn't Hear From God: What would you say to someone who is in ministry, who is struggling with their faith, to the point of disbelieving, because he is not hearing from God? [Isaiah 50:10, Job 13:15].
2020-10-30 Sons of Abraham: Could you talk about the sons of Abraham by Keturah (the Midianites)?
The Book of Job: Why do we think that the book of Job is the oldest book of the Bible?
Job, son of Issachar: Is the Job, son of Issachar, the same Job as in the book of Job?
2020-10-30 Sons of Abraham: Could you talk about the sons of Abraham by Keturah (the Midianites)?
The Book of Job: Why do we think that the book of Job is the oldest book of the Bible?
Job, son of Issachar: Is the Job, son of Issachar, the same Job as in the book of Job?
2020-08-03 Satan Created and Not Omnipresence: Where does it say in scripture that Satan is a created being that cannot be everywhere at once? [Job 1-2].
2020-07-23 Satan in Heaven: Is Satan in heaven, and if so, why would we want to go there? [Revelation 12:10-11, Job 1, Zechariah 3].
2020-07-08 Baptism and Verse from Old Testament: Could one link these verses to baptism? [2 Kings 6:6, Job 26:5].
2020-06-25 Job's Awareness of Satan: What did Job know about Satan and the meaning of his suffering? [Job].
Concern About Satan: Should we be concerned about what Satan is planning and doing? [Job].
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