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Topic: Job (Book)

Showing 101 to 136 of 136.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-06-25 Job's Awareness of Satan: What did Job know about Satan and the meaning of his suffering? [Job].
Concern About Satan: Should we be concerned about what Satan is planning and doing? [Job].
2020-06-23 Sons of God in Job: Are the "Sons of God" in Job 1, angels or men? [Job 1:6, Psalm 2:7, Job 38:6-7].
Angels Don't Marry: Since scripture indicates that angels don't marry, doesn't it also imply they can't have sex, in relation to Genesis and the Nephilim? [Genesis 6, Matthew 22:30].
2020-06-15 Book of Job: Could you help me with the implications of the story of Job? Does God have to give permission to Satan to inflict us? [Job, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11-12, Romans 8:28, I Peter 1:7].
2020-06-12 Telepathy & Occultism: Do you think that there is actually something like telepathy from demons?
Satan's Ability to Move About: Since Satan was walking back and forth in Job, can he travel really fast? [Job 1:7].
Get Behind Me, Satan: When Jesus said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan" was he talking about Satan or demons? [Matthew 12:26, Matthew 16:23].
2020-06-08 Leviathan: Is Leviathan mentioned in the book of Job a fire-breathing dragon as what we think about them today? [Job 41].
2020-06-02 Kingdom of God & Bethel Movement: Could you share your view of what exactly what the "Kingdom of God" is and how it compares to Bill Johnson & the Bethel Movement (NAR, New Apostolic Reformation) view of it is? [2 Corinthians, Job, 1 Peter].
2020-05-07 God Seems Evil in the Old Testament: Some Old Testament passages make God sound really evil, particularly when he has people massacred or annihilated. How come God just doesn't do it himself?
God Not Good All the Time: Is it legitimate to say that "God is good all the time" in light of all the terrible judgments in the Old Testament? [I Samuel 15].
God Sends Evil Spirit: When the Bible says that God sent an evil spirit, how do you understand that and harmonize that with a good God? [I Kings 22:22, Job 1, I Samuel 16, Judges 6-9, Judges 9:23].
2020-05-05 Job Knew of Heaven: Since Job said he was going to his long home? [Job 7:10]
Kingdom of Heaven & Birds in the Trees: You are mistaken about the definition of the birds in the trees and the kingdom of heaven? [Matthew 25:34, Matthew 19:23-24]
2018-10-18 Job & His Friends: Job friend's Elihu, Bildad, Zophar & Eliphaz, Ehilu didn't have to repent at the end because a prophet?
2018-10-16 Ash Heap: What is the ash-heap? [Job 2:8-10]
2018-08-02 Book of Job: Is the book of Job pseudepigraphal? Is it a real story of a real event?
2018-03-07 Job: What did Job do wrong...if anything?
2017-12-27 Satan an Angel: Was Satan an angel? Satan argued with God about Job, Jesus saw him falling out of heaven, so can you just explain about Satan?
2017-11-30 Job: Where in the timeline does Job fit in?
The Gap Theory: What can you tell me about the Gap Theory, & is it legitimate? [Genesis 1:1-2]
2017-10-03 Living by a text of Scripture: Is this a word from God that we should also live by since it was being said by somebody who was not a follower of God? [Job 22:28]
2017-08-16 Bible Figure Job: Did Job know of the Redeemer & Resurrection? [Job 19:26-27]
2017-06-05 Elihu: In the Book of Job, who is Elihu? [Job 32]
2016-10-07 Divine Reading & Contemplative Prayer: What about "Lectio Divina" (Divine Reading), contemplative prayer, and seeking experiences with God and hearing His voice? [Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 19:10, Job 23:12].
2016-05-06 Our Days are Numbered Exactly: It says in these 2 verses of the Bible that God control's the number of days that we should live. Do you take these verses literally? [Job 14:5, Psalms 139:16]
2015-10-14 Chronicles of Narnia: What do you think of the C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia, fantasy & fiction, verses reality, especially since they have witches in them & such?
Leviathan: How literal should we take Leviathan?
2015-09-24 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: Caller has anxiety, worry about the new situation he has found himself in as he's about to get a divorce, it sometimes getting the best of him & wants some Scripture to lean on, or some advice listen to.
2015-09-01 The person Job Getting a New Wife: Did Job get a new wife at the end of his latter days?
Chastised by the Lord or Being Attacked by Enemy: How can we know if we are being chastening by the Lord or being attacked by the Devil? [Hebrews 12]
2015-07-30 Elihu & Job: Does Steve have any idea who Elihu was, & he didn't seem to have anything different to say than Job's friends, so how did HE get a pass?
2013-12-06 "Everlasting Covenant" in Isaiah: In this passage in Isaiah, God refers to the "Everlasting Covenant." It doesn't appear to be either the Old or the New, as it appears to be worldwide, so to what is this referring? Could it be at the end of the world? Is the city referred to, Babylon? [Isaiah 24:1-6, Luke 1].
Satan a Fallen Angel: Caller comments on his belief that Satan was Lucifer, who was originally an angel. [Job 1, Revelation 12]
2013-09-19 Job's Children: Why did God let Job lose his children? Listener thinks that sounds very mean of God.
2013-09-16 God's Foreknowledge: Did God know us before we were created? [Psalm 90:1-2, Job 38:7]
2013-06-21 Pets in Heaven: Will we see our pets in Heaven?
Job's Wife: Job's wife didn't seem to accept the tribulation, suffering & calamity that had suddenly happened.
2013-06-21 Job's Wife followup: Caller defends Job's wife's actions.
2013-05-27 "Morning Star" as Satan in Isaiah: Is it possible that the reference to the "man" and the "morning star" in Isaiah could be a reference to an angel? Recommended; topical lecture, "Topical Isaiah." [Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14:15, Job 38:7, Revelation 22:16, Numbers 24:15-17, Revelation 12:7-10, Matthew 11:23].
2013-05-24 Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved): Can one lose your salvation...or if you do, then were you ever really saved? [Hebrews 3:14, Hebrews 3:6, Matthew 7:21-23, John 15:6].
Losing One's Salvation: What causes one to lose their faith? [1 Peter 1:5, Ephesians 2:8, John 17:3, Job 13:15, Romans 5:2, James 3:2, 1 John 2:1].
2013-05-22 Origin of Satan: How could the angels have sinned if they were in heaven? Is there sin in heaven? [Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-17, Luke 10:18, John 12:31, John 8:44, I John 3:8].
Satan in Heaven: Didn't Satan have access to heaven because he was walking to and fro in Job? Then, was he not cast out of heaven? [Job 1:7, Job 2:2, Revelation 12:7-10].
2013-05-10 Buddhist View-Self: Buddhist considers the Buddhist and Christian views of "self?" [Job 5:7, John 16:27-28].
2013-04-17 "Salt" & Avoiding "Gehenna" (Hell): Could you comment on the last verses in Mark about "salt" and avoiding "Gehenna"? [Mark 9:49-50, Matthew 5:13, Leviticus 2:13, I Peter 1:7, Job 23:10].
2013-04-15 Stars & Constellations: Could you talk about the constellations (the stars) and that they tell the story of redemption? [Genesis 1:14, Genesis 15:5, Romans 10:18, Psalm 19:4, Job 38:31-32].
2013-04-11 David Acting Like a Crazy Man: Wasn't David lying when he pretended to be crazy to deceive? [1 Samuel 21-24].
Evil Spirit From God: Could you talk about the scripture that indicates the evil spirit came from God that troubled King Saul? [I Samuel 18:10,I Kings 22:21-23, Judges 9:23, Job 1:6-12].
2013-03-14 Dinosaurs: Where do you see dinosaurs in history? [Job 41:25-27]
The Serpent Satan: Do you think that the serpent was actually a snake that was Satan, but just had that spirit? Could a snake really speak? [Genesis 3:1]
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