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Topic: Mark of the Beast (or 666)

Showing 51 to 100 of 126.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-12-14 Vaccine: What do you think about taking the vaccine, as I am afraid I might not be able to work if I don't take it?
Genesis Bible School: Are you familiar with Genesis Bible School out of Santa Rosa, California?
Government Interference with Church Gathering: What do you think about the government not allowing us to gather so that we can love on each other?
2020-12-01 Mandatory Vaccines & The Mark of the Beast: What are your thoughts on mandatory vaccinations and its relationship to "The Mark of the Beast"?
2020-11-13 Demon Possession & Drug Use: Comment on demons possession and drug use.
Mark of the Beast & the COVID Vaccine: Is the "mark of the beast" possibly the heavily promoted COVID vaccine?
2020-10-14 Mark of the Beast: Could you explain the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13:16-18, Revelation 14:1, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2020-09-14 COVID Vaccine & The Mark of the Beast: Do you see a connection between the "mark of the beast" and the new COVID vaccine? [Revelation].
2020-08-06 COVID Vaccine & Mark of the Beast: Could the COVID vaccine be related to the mark of the beast - and would you get it?
2020-07-22 Restrictions and Compliance: Would you talk about the current restrictions and our compliance to things that we think are actually harmful (mask wearing)? [Romans 13:1-7].
Vaccine, Chip, Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the proposed vaccine, the chip in it, and its relationship to the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13, Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
2020-07-09 Regarding the "Mark of the Beast": Do you see a parallel between Arabic symbols and the "Mark of the Beast"? [Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 22:10, Daniel 12:4-9, Revelation 1:1-3].
2020-07-01 Mark of the Beast Boycott: Caller disagrees about Steve Gregg's view of the "Mark of the Beast" and boycotting purchases. [Revelation 13:17].
Mark of the Beast (Masks & Vaccination): Caller comments that the word "mark" and "mask" are only one letter apart and vaccines leave a mark, thereby suggesting that both may be reflective of end times persecution.
2020-07-01 Mark of the Beast Boycott: Caller disagrees about Steve Gregg's view of the "Mark of the Beast" and boycotting purchases. [Revelation 13:17].
Mark of the Beast (Masks & Vaccination): Caller comments that the word "mark" and "mask" are only one letter apart and vaccines leave a mark, thereby suggesting that both may be reflective of end times persecution.
2020-06-30 The Chip & The Mark of the Beast: Why do so many think that the possibility of an implanted digital chip is "the mark of the beast"? [Revelation 13:15-17, Revelation 14:1].
2020-06-25 Wearing a Mask-the Mark of the Beast: Is having to wear a mask the "mark of the beast"?
2020-05-28 Pandemic Ramifications & Tyranny: Would you comment on the lock-down, the potential tracking, and forced vaccinations proposed relative to the pandemic?
Chip for Vaccinations, Mark of the Beast: Do you think that the rumored chip for vaccinations is potentially the "mark of the beast"?
2020-05-28 Mark of the Beast: Could you explain the spiritual, rather than literal, characteristics of "the Mark of the Beast" on one's forehead, in Revelation? [Revelation 13, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2020-05-14 Revelation & the Mark of the Beast: Would you help me sort out Revelation 13, particularly about the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 10-13, 14:1, 2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-04-29 Man of Lawlessness: Is the papacy the man of lawlessness? [2 Thessalonians 2:3-4].
2020-04-27 Seventh Day Adventist View of Mark of the Beast: Caller disagrees that Steve's view that the Seventh Day Adventist view that the mark of the beast is in reference to those that choose to worship on Sunday is not biblical. [Daniel 7]
Seventh Day Adventist View of the Sabbath: Caller describes her reasons for believing that we must still keep the Sabbath as believers today.
2020-03-17 Abraham Sacrifice of Isaac: Comment on Abraham's faith when told to sacrifice Isaac. [Hebrews 11:19].
Only 144,000 Saved: Why are there so few at the end, if only 144,000 are saved? [Revelation 7:1-8, 14:1-5, James 1:18, Ezekiel 9].
2020-03-02 Mark of the Beast: If you take the mark of the beast, can you still be a Christian?
Making a Cake for a Same-Sex Couple: What are the considerations a believer should have about making a cake for a same-sex wedding?
2019-12-17 Mark of the Beast: Do you think that the "mark of the beast" is literal and that it won't be on everyone in the world, but just on those in the Roman Empire? [Revelation 13:16-17, 14:1].
2019-10-23 Number of the Beast: What do you think the verse about number of the Beast means? [Revelation 13:18].
2019-10-22 Mark of the Beast (Microchip): What do you think about the recent microchips being inserted under the skin and it's relationship to the mark of the beast in Revelation? [Revelation 13:17-18, 14:1, Deuteronomy 6:8].
2019-10-21 Mark of the Beast: Can you clarify the difference in verse 9 & 11 and the choice of the words "and" and "or" regarding taking the mark of the beast? [Revelation 14:9, 11].
2019-07-26 Mark of the Beast: If everyone is forced to take "the mark of the beast", then how will there be anyone left that hasn't taken it? [Revelation 13].
2019-07-26 Cain's Mark: Do you think that the mark that Cain received is relative to "the mark of the beast" in Revelation? [Genesis 4:11-16, Revelation 14:1].
2019-03-12 Mark of the Beast: Could the "mark of the beast" really be referring to an image on a coin due to mistranslation?
2019-01-30 The 2 Beasts: the 2 beasts of Revelation in Revelation 13, what did you say they represent? You say they are not a man, but then at the end at chapter you say that number of the Beast was Nero's name. How can that be? [Revelation 13]
2018-12-17 Mark of the Beast: Will 666, mark of the beast, affect the entire world when it happens?
2018-11-09 Microchips: Where does the belief come from about a computer chip in our hands? [Revelation 13]
2018-08-16 False Prophet, Anti-Christ & the Mark of the Beast: What is the significance of the false prophet, the anti-Christ & the mark of the beast?
2018-08-06 The Number 666: Is the Number 666 figurative or literal?
2018-05-08 UN Becoming World Government: How would you relate Revelation to today, say the UN starting uniting the nations into one, & had to worship the person in charge of the UN, sort've like an anti-type of Nero?
2018-05-01 RFID Chip & the Mark of The Beast: What do you think of these RFID chips & the Mark of the Beast?
2018-04-20 Nero: You being a preterist, who was the beast supposed to have been? What was the Mark of the Beast?
2018-04-03 The Beast of Revelation 13 & the Mark of the Beast What do you think the Mark of the Beast is? the beasts of Revelation 13 are referring to Rome & the America & the Mark of the Beast, the caller thinks, is a national Sunday Law
2018-02-15 Fig Tree & Olive Tree: Were those the 2 trees in the Garden of Eden?
The number 666: The number of each part of the unholy Trinity makes it becomes 666
1000 Years is as a Day: What does Peter mean when he says, "1000 years is as a day, a day is as a 1000 years"?
2018-01-17 Mark of the Beast: [Very convoluted talk by the caller about the Mark the Beast. I've now listened to it twice, & STILL don't know what to write down except to say it's something about the Mark of the Beast.]
2018-01-16 Catholic Church: You just got done talking about "sacerdotal". So are you saying the Catholic is sacerdotal?
America in the Bible: Is America in the Bible? Are we going to be the one remaining Sovereign Nation, won't have to worry about taking the Mark of the Beast?
2017-10-25 Jews Wearing the Gospel on the forehead & Hands & Mark of the Beast: The Jews wearing the gospel on their forehead & hands, is that any relation to Revelation 13 & the Mark of the Beast? [Exodus 12, Exodus 13, Exodus 13:9-13 & Deuteronomy 6, Revelation 13]
2017-09-05 Repentance after taking the Mark of the Beast: If you receive the Mark of the Beast, there is no repentance from that, is that right?
2017-02-15 Battle of major Bloodshed prophecy: When did that bloodshed take place? [Revelation 9:16, Revelation 14:20]
Building a 3rd Temple: Could a 3rd temple be built & animal sacrificial system start again?
Microchip: And even if we have to end up getting a chip in our hand or forehead, that's not really the Mark of the Beast, is it?
2017-02-02 Lucifer & Satan: Is lucifer Satan?
Number of the Beast: Where do we get the number of the beast, 666?
2017-01-04 Revelation & Mark of the Beast: I think Revelation is referring to things about today, everything is falling into place right now. [Revelation 13] (Editor's Note: Sort've hard to hear.)
2016-11-02 Slain in the Spirit: What are Steve's experiences with being "Slain in the Spirit"?
Mark of the Beast: What is the partial preterist view of the Mark of the Beast? [Revelation 13]
2016-10-14 The Mark of the Beast: Caller would like Steve to tell her about the Mark of the Beast [Revelation 13-14]
2016-08-10 Mark of the Beast being a Sabbath Issue: Caller thinks that the Mark of the Beast is going to be an issue of worship, whether you worship on Saturay, the Sabbath, or on Sunday or not.
2016-08-08 Microchip & Mark of the Beast: Caller is concerned about having to get a microchip to be able to buy & sell, & is it the Mark of the Beast?
2016-06-30 Sabbath Keeping: I've been talking to some Seventh Day Adventists, & they say Sabbath keeping is important, that we need to keep dietary laws & that the Mark of the Beast is going to be a National Sunday Law, not being able to keep the true Sabbath without difficulty.
2016-02-17 End Times: Caller wants to talk about all this weird stuff or signs that make it seem appear that the end is really upon us.
2016-02-03 Taking the Mark of the Beast Literally: Caller takes Mark of the Beast literally & wants to know what Steve Thinks about that idea. [Revelation 13:16-17]
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