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Topic: Mark of the Beast (or 666)

Showing 101 to 126 of 126.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-12-03 1st & 2nd Resurrection: What exactly is this verse about the 2nd resurrection? What was the FIRST resurrection? [Revelation 20:5]
"Souls under the Altar": Is it possible the "souls under the altar" is coming to fruition in Revelation 20:5 & the second resurrection?
Calculating the number of the Beast: So the number of the beast was to be calculated during the time the book of Revelation was written?
2015-10-21 John & the Island of Patmos: When was John on the island of Patmos?
Mark of the Beast: I don't think the Mark of the Beast has ever happened yet, & I was wondering how you accounted for that part?
2015-10-21 Mark of the Beast: You'd have to be a willing participant to get the Mark of the Beast, you couldn't be deceived into it, isn't that right? [Revelation 13:11-18]
Span between Adam (Noah) & Abraham: Is there something missing there between the Fall of Adam & Eve until Abraham of how men lost sight of God?
2015-10-21 Buying & Selling: Not being able to buy or sell is proof that you haven't taken upon you the Mark of the Beast.
Eternal Security: Do you think someone can actually lose their salvation once they have genuinely saved?
2015-10-15 Mark of the Beast: What is the Mark of the Beast & 666, & so on?
2015-10-15 Microchips: So what if you were required to get a microchip? Would you get one?
Holy Spirit: How do you know if you really have the Holy Spirit or not? [Romans 5:5, Galatians 5:22, John 13:34-35]
2015-10-02 Buying & Selling: I'd like to clarify the what you were saying on yesterday's show involving the Mark of the Beast & not being able to buy or sell.
2015-08-13 Mark of the Beast: Caller thinks the end of the world is actually happening now because there's so much talk about the 3rd Temple, but also wants to know what Steve think the Mark of the Beast is going to be? A microchip?
Man of Sin Dwelling in the Temple: What about Man of Sin that is going to be dwelling in the Temple? [2 Thessalonians 2]
2015-05-01 Mark of the Beast: What does Steve think the Mark of the Beast is?
2015-03-04 Mark of the Beast & Sunday Keeping: I need some Scripture to refute that anyone who does not keep the Sabbath will be receiving the Mark of the Beast & won't go to Heaven. [Colossians 2:16-17, Romans 14:5-6]
2015-02-25 Two Witnesses & 666: Has Steve ever heard of 666 being the WWW? (World Wide Web)
2015-01-02 The Number of the Beast: Is 666 the number of "man" or "a" man?
2014-12-10 Nero Caesar: You say the name, "Caesar Nero" adds up to 666, but was that in Greek or Hebrew that you said it did that?
2014-11-06 666 & the Mark of the Beast: What does 666 mean? What is the Mark of the Beast?
Arnold Murray & Shepherd's Chapel: Caller thinks the previous caller needs to listen to Arnold Murray from a ministry called Shepherd's Chapel.
2014-08-12 Beast in Revelation 13: Is it possible that the Beast in Revelation 13 is our own evil flesh? [Revelation 13]
Getting Married w/ out a Piece of Paper: It says in the Bible that "For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh", so does that mean they don't need a minister or marriage license? [Matthew 19:5]
2014-06-03 Last Days: Aren't all the Christians killed & then the Mark of the Beast comes into play? [Revelation 13]
2014-04-10 The 2 Beasts of Revelation 13: Are the 2 Beasts in Revelation 13 still for the future? [Revelation 13]
Babylon: Is Babylon Jerusalem.....or Rome? [Revelation 14:8]
2013-08-05 Mark of the Beast Future: Caller wants to contest that the Book of Revelation is all future, especially the Mark of the Beast.
2013-07-15 666 in the Old Testament: Is there any significance of 666 in the Old Testament, as with the number in Revelation? [1 Kings 10:14, Revelation 13:18]
Propitiation: Can you talk about the word, "Propitiation"? [Romans 3:25, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10]
God Hates the Sin, but Loves the Sinner: Caller's pastor thinks God's hates the sin and the sinner who's doing the sin? [Romans 5:6]
2013-07-15 Papal Title=666: Does the Latin title (for the earliest Pope), "Vicarius Filii Dei" add up to 666?
Symbolism of "666": What do you think is the real symbolic meaning of the number "666"?
2013-07-10 Mark of the Beast & Commerce: Can you explain the "Mark of the Beast" and not being abe to buy or sell? [Revelation 13:17]
2013-07-09 666 in the Old Testament: Caller asks about the number "666" in the Old Testament. [1 Kings 10:14]
2013-05-29 Keep the Seventh Day Holy: How do I know that the 7th day during the creation week is the same as the Saturday as we have today?
Sabbath Keeping in End Times: If we don't know the right day for the Sabbath Day, then how could God judge us in the end times for not keeping it properly?
Objectivity in Bible Study: How do you sort out some of the traditional doctrines we have been taught in our denomination and figure out which are correct?
2013-02-11 Pray for our Leadership of our Country: How do we pray for the leadership of our country when they are passing laws of abominations, yet will single out the righteous people?
Mark of the Beast: Is it true that once we accept the Mark of the Beast, that we are lost forever?
2013-01-15 Chips & the Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the government trying to implement the "Mark of the Beast" by making us have RFID chips?
2013-01-14 Oral Roberts & Kicking Adam in the Chin: What do you think when someone says when he gets to heaven, he's going to debate Oral Roberts, and another say that he's going to kick Adam in the chins for listening to Eve?
Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation: Is Jesus coming before or after the Tribulation?
Antichrist, Mark of the Beast & His Number: What about the antichrist, the "mark of the beast" and "666"?
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