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Topic: Gospel (The Good News)

Showing 51 to 100 of 243.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-11-03 Repentance or the Call Comes First: Which comes first, repentance or the call? [Acts 2:38-39, Romans 10:14-15].
2021-11-01 Sinners Prayer, but No Evidence of Salvation: What do you say to someone who has said the prayer for repentance and salvation, but I don't see any evidence of having been "born again"? [Matthew 16:24-26, I Corinthians 6:19-20].
2021-09-27 Requirements to be Right with God: What was Jesus requiring for people to be right with God? [Matthew 22:40, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Psalms 51:16, Micah 6:8].
2021-09-27 Anointing Oil: Where in the Bible does it talk about anyone but the priest making the anointing oil would cause it to be cursed? [Exodus 30].
The "Roman's Road" to Salvation: What is the "Roman's Road" and do you believe that is the best way to evangelize? [Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:9].
2021-07-12 Hyper-Dispensationalism: Could you talk about the "Hyper-Dispensational" movement (Bullingerites, Ultra, Hyper-Grace) and "multiple gospels"? [Galatians 1:8, Revelation 14:6, Titus 2:12, Galatians 5:6, I Timothy 6:3-4, Acts 20:24-25].
2021-06-16 Lordship Salvation: Would you define "Lordship Salvation"? [Romans 10:9, Matthew 28:18, Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23].
2021-06-07 Salvation & One's World View: How does one sort out the problem of those who say they believe in Christ and yet follow value systems that seem to embrace ideas that are contrary to Christ's teachings? [Matthew 7:2, Galatians 1:8-9, Romans 12:2, John 15:7, John 8:36, Matthew 7:21-23, I Corinthians 6:20].
Finding Sin Acceptable in Others: If someone dismisses behaviors in another's sinful lifestyle and indicates them as acceptable (as in living as a gay), it is synonymous with preaching a different gospel?
2021-05-18 Hyper-Dispensationalism (Mid-Acts): Could you talk about "Hyper-Dispensationalism" (also called "Mid-Acts")? Is anything at the website on this? [Acts 14:22, Acts 20:24-25, Acts 28:30-31, Colossians 1:13, Galatians 1:8-9, Mark 10:45, Matthew 20:28, Luke 18:13].
2021-04-16 Struggling with Not liking Christians: Can you help me with my struggle between wanting to stay true to my self and my interests, and wanting to be a real Christian. I have a negative perception of many so-called Christians and their behavior, which is often off-putting.
Jesus Upset with the Preaching of the Gospel: Do you think that Jesus would be upset with the way the gospel is being presented and preached?
2021-04-13 Misunderstanding of the Gospel Truth: Is it not an unfortunate misunderstanding of the gospel to think it is anything but a universal message and there are not other ways to salvation and truth than through Jesus?
2021-04-07 Properly Preaching the Gospel: As scripture warns we are to be careful not "to preach another gospel", How does one properly preach the gospel? [Galatians 1:7-9, John 6].
2021-04-05 Crucifixion and the Resurrection Necessary: Does scripture teach that both the crucifixion and the resurrection necessary for our salvation? [Romans 10:9, Titus 2:14].
2021-04-01 What if Someone Never Hears of Jesus: What happens to those that never hear the gospel, or have only heard of Jesus in a scholarly or historical way? [Genesis 22:18, Galatians 3:8, Hebrews 11:3, I Timothy 2:4-6, 2 Peter 3:5-7, Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:18]. Recommended book by Steve Gregg; Hell, Three Christian Views.
2021-03-30 Defining the Gospel: Does Paul ever really specifically define what the gospel is? [Romans 1:16, Mark 1:1, I Corinthians 15:3, Psalm 110:1, Matthew 28:20].
2021-01-26 Water Baptism Required: Is water baptism required for entering the "Kingdom of God", and if it is, then why do so many evangelists not require it? [John 3:5, Acts 2:38, Acts 9:10-21, I Peter 3:20-21 ].
Born of Water & Spirit: What does it mean to be, "born of water and of the spirit"? [John 3:5-6].
2021-01-06 Zionism's Control & Power: Caller comments on the Zionist movement and its influence and power.
The Identity Gospel: What is your view on Dan Mohler, and others, like Dallas Willard, that teach on "the identity gospel"? [I John 1].
2021-01-05 The Gospel Preached: Could you clarify if someone who is presenting the gospel with a good heart, even if they are mistaken about some of their doctrine and their understanding of the gospel, still produce good fruit?
2020-12-22 The Virgin Birth's Relevance to the Gospel: If the virgin birth was not part of the text, what harm would be done to the gospel?
2020-12-18 The Good News from Jesus: What did Jesus tell people about His sacrifice, and what the good news was?
2020-12-03 The Gospel: What is the gospel? [Luke 17:20, Colossians 1:14, Matthew 28:18-20].
2020-11-23 God's Salvation Reaching Further Than Expected: Is God's salvation going to be extended far beyond what we may have been thinking because of genuine ignorance? Do we need to be evangelizing if everyone is made in the image of God? [John 1:9, John 3:20-21].
2020-11-10 Supersessionism, the Kingdom of God & Spiritual Family in Christ: Could you give me feedback on a brief statement regarding the spiritual family we have in Christ as the church, the Israel of God, the Kingdom of God, and Supersessionism?
2020-10-13 The Gospel, The Good News, & The Kingdom of God: What is "the good news" and "the kingdom of God" that must be preached? [Mark 1:14-15, Matthew 24:14, Acts 20:25, Matthew 28:18].
2020-09-04 Getting on the Narrow Path: Contemplating on the verse about "the narrow path", I am concerned that myself and some of my friends are not really on it. Can you help direct me? [Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 26:41, James 3:2, Matthew 16:24, I John, Revelation 7:9, John 13:35].
2020-07-06 Not to Baptize, but to Preach: Could you comment on I Corinthians when Paul says he was not sent to baptize, but to preach the gospel? [I Corinthians 1:17, Acts 19, John 4].
2020-06-16 Kingdom of Grace vs God: What is the difference between the "Kingdom of Grace" and the "Kingdom of God", and where do some get The Kingdom of Grace? [Acts 20:24-25, Acts 28:31, Revelation 14, Revelation 1].
Steve Gregg/ The Narrow Path Material in Spanish: Is anything available from your website in Spanish?
2020-06-01 Another Gospel & Accursed Gospel: What is an example of "another gospel" and a gospel that would be accursed? [Galatians 1:8].
Baptism for Salvation: Is requiring baptism for salvation considered "another gospel"? [Galatians 1:8, Matthew 28:20, I Corinthians 1, I Corinthians 10].
Baptism Required for Salvation: Is requiring baptism for salvation suggesting that Jesus' death is insufficient?
2020-06-01 Another Gospel & Accursed Gospel: What is an example of "another gospel" and a gospel that would be accursed? [Galatians 1:8].
Baptism for Salvation: Is requiring baptism for salvation considered "another gospel"? [Galatians 1:8, Matthew 28:20, I Corinthians 1, I Corinthians 10].
Baptism Required for Salvation: Is requiring baptism for salvation suggesting that Jesus' death is insufficient?
2020-05-27 Jesus-The Propitiation: Is Jesus the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, for all time? [I John 2:2].
Gospel in a Nutshell for Evangelism: What would be the best way to put the gospel in a nutshell for evangelism?
2020-05-27 Jesus-The Propitiation: Is Jesus the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, for all time? [I John 2:2].
Gospel in a Nutshell for Evangelism: What would be the best way to put the gospel in a nutshell for evangelism?
2020-05-13 Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite Calls Steve a Heretic: Caller (Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite), insists that Steve is a heretic and not following Jesus. [I Corinthians 11, Acts 9, Acts 28:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:7-8, I Timothy 1:16, I Timothy 6:3-4, Mark 16, Galatians 2, Matthew 10, Matthew 15, Romans 2:16, Matthew 24].
2020-05-04 Cherubim in Ezekiel Compared to Revelation: The Cherubim in Ezekiel that have four faces seems to reflect Jesus as Messiah and the four gospels - is that intentional? [Ezekiel 10, Revelation 4].
2020-05-01 Elementary Principles of the Faith & Going On to Perfection : What is meant by the word "perfection" in the discussion in Hebrews 6 (about the priesthood, maturity, and the elementary principles of the faith)? [Hebrews 6:1, Hebrews 5:12-6, Colossians 3:14, 1 Corinthians 3:1-10].
2020-04-30 Wood, Hay, Stubble, Gold, Silver, Precious Stones: Is the wood, hay, and stubble, the wicked, and the gold, silver, and precious stones the faithful, in the letter to the Corinthians? [I Corinthians 1-3:6-14, I Peter 2:5, Malachi 3, Isaiah 1:22].
Apollos' Eloquent Speaking: Is there scripture that indicates that Apollos was an enticing or eloquent speaker? [Acts 18:24].
2020-04-03 Kingdom of God: What would be the impact within the church of recognizing that the "Kingdom of God" has come and is present now on earth? [2 Corinthians 11, Galatians 1:8, Matthew 16:24-26].
2020-03-20 The Gospel in Mark: What does Mark mean when he refers to the gospel in his writings? [Mark 1:15, Isaiah 52:7].
2020-02-28 Defining "The Gospel" & "The Kingdom of God": What is the gospel, and why is it "the power of God unto salvation"? [Romans 1:16, Mark 1:14-15, Exodus 19:5-6, Acts 1:6, 17:7, Colossians 1:13, Matthew 28:18, 13:31-33, John 8:31, Hebrews 4:12].
2020-02-18 Social Gospel: What do you know about the "Social Gospel" or the "Social Gospel Church"?
2020-01-14 Synoptic Gospels: What are the "synoptic gospels" and why are they grouped that way?
2019-09-16 Bible Teacher's & Preacher's Fees: What do you think about these Bible teacher's and preachers who charge enormous fees? [Matthew 10:8, 21:12-13].
2019-06-04 The Gospel (Kingdom of God): What is the gospel or the Kingdom of God? [Colossians 1:13, Acts 17:7, Acts 2:36, I Thessalonians 2:12, Romans 14:17, Romans 14:17, Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 12:28, Luke 11:20, Mark 1:15].
2019-05-16 Gospel during the Millennium: Will the gospel be preached in the millennium (the 1000 year reign)? [I Cor 15:51-55, 38].
Who Comes Back with Jesus: Who is being resurrected when He comes back with the saints and the angels?
Will We Have Bodies in Heaven: Will we have glorified bodies in heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20, I Thessalonians 4:16-17, Matthew 27:52-53].
2019-05-03 The Apostles: What is the difference when scripture talks about "The Twelve" and "all the apostles" Was Mathias chosen before the ascension? [I Corinthians 15].
Condolences to Non-believers: If a house of worship is of another faith, should we reach out with condolences? [Galatians 6:10].
2019-04-12 The Gospel in the Stars: Is there astrology in the Bible? What do the constellations mean in the Bible? Does the Bible attribute some special powers relative to the stars or constellations?
2019-04-10 The Gospel: Did Jesus & His apostles actually preach "the gospel"? Since Jesus had not yet died, nor resurrected, did the disciples even know what the gospel was? [Mark 16:20, I Cor 15:1-4] The Kingdom of God=the gospel [Mark 1:4 & 15] Is Paul reducing the gospel to only the death & resurrection of Christ?
2019-04-10 Gospel in the Stars: Is there anything related to the subjects of the constellations and Zodiac at the website [topical lectures; Psalm 19]?
Jesus' Arrest: John MacArthur said that 600 people came to arrest Jesus, is there anything to substantiate that?
2019-03-21 Dispensationalism: What do dispensationalists believe about the seven dispensations, and how does that affect their other beliefs? And the gospel of grace? [Acts 20:24].
2019-03-18 Jesus' Coming: When Jesus says that "the gospel will be preached unto all the world" before the end will come, does He mean that it still needs to happen before He comes? Or has that already happened? [Matthew 24:14, Colossians 1:6, 23}.
2019-02-28 Never Hearing the Gospel: What about native americans who were never exposed to the gospel?
2019-02-18 Salvation through the Gospel of John: Can an unbeliever become a believer by just reading the book of John?
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