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Topic: Gospel (The Good News)

Showing 101 to 150 of 243.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-02-13 Never Hearing Gospel: What about people who have never heard about Jesus?
2019-02-13 Paul & His Gospel: Why does Paul say, "my gospel"? [Galatians 1:8-9]
"Set apart for the Gospel of God": What does it mean to be "set apart for gospel of God....or Christ"? Does this in anyway help defend the Trinity? [Romans 1:1]
2019-02-04 Must Hear the Gospel: In a book by John Piper called,"Jesus: The Only Way to God", he says that people must hear the Gospel in order to be saved or they can not be saved. Is this true?
2019-01-16 Where the Eagles are Gathered: Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].
2019-01-04 Jesus' Departure & Return: Why did Jesus have to leave if He is going to come back again anyway?
Old Testament & the Holy Spirit: Didn't the people of the Old Testament have the Holy Spirit too?
Those That Never Hear the Gospel: How will God deal with people in remote places where they may never contacted to hear the gospel?
2019-01-03 Jan Markell & Jack Hibbs: Should we go listen to Jan Markell and Jack Hibbs when they are going to be in his area?
Date of Writing of the Gospels: Do you know when the four gospels were actually written?
2019-01-02 Essentials of the Gospel: What are the absolute "essentials" of the gospel? What must we understand and what should we be laboring to tell others?
2018-12-06 Best pattern for Evangelism: Is there a "formula" for evangelizing?
2018-12-06 Sugar-Coating the Gospel: (Caller tries to be funny) Are you diabetic? You don't sugar-coat the gospel.
Secret Rapture: Do you believe in the (Secret) Rapture?
2018-11-01 Never heard the Gospel: What about people who have never heard the gospel? [Romans 2:14]
2018-10-23 Gospel over Testimony: The gospel in & of itself seems to be more powerful than personal testimony.
2018-10-16 2 Gospels: Gospel of the Kingdom vs the Gospel of Grace, is it supposed to be 2 different gospels? What is YOUR view w/ amillennialism?
2018-10-16 Laborers for the Harvest: Paying for more laborers for the harvest, is it still applicable for today? [Matthew 9:37-38]
2018-10-15 Receiving 100 Times: Receiving 100 times for following Christ, leaving your family, what did Jesus mean by that? [Mark 10:28-31]
2018-09-27 Getting Germans to understand the Gospel: How do we get Germans to get going on the right path?
2018-09-24 Noah's Ark a parallel to Jesus Christ & the Gospel: Jesus and the cross reflected in the Noah's ark & the Pitch, is that a good parallel legit? [Genesis 6:14, I Peter 3:20-21]
2018-09-20 God of OT & NT: How does the angry, wrathful God of the Old Testament transition into a merciful, loving Christ?
2018-09-19 Salvation: Can someone who has never heard of Christ be saved? Can satan be saved?
2018-08-08 Sharing the Gospel: What is the most effective way to share the Gospel to lost loved ones?
2018-07-23 Pastors receiving a Salary: Should pastors receive a salary? [Matthew 10]
2018-07-02 The Gospel: The gospel IS about us, is it not?
2018-06-08 The Book of Acts: Is the book of Acts a good book to learn about doctrine & how the gospel was preached?
2018-05-08 The Gospel: In these 2 Scriptures of the Bible, is that what the gospel is in it's entirety? [1 Corinthians 15:1-4, John 3:16]
2018-04-05 Which book was it?: (followup) You were recently asked if you could only have ONE book of the Bible, what would it be? What was the answer? (Matthew)
2018-02-27 Everlasting Gospel: Is the angel in Revelation proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel when he says, "Fear God and give glory to Him"? [Revelation 14:6-7]
2018-02-26 Biblical Gospel vs Americanized Gospel: Can you elaborate on your thoughts regarding the gospel of the bible vs an Americanized gospel.
2018-02-01 Salvation: How much does one need to know about Jesus in order to be saved?
2018-01-12 Paul & Jesus' Gospel Different: I've been told that Paul differed in his faith from Christ, that he really attempted to sabotage the movement. Is that true?
2017-10-27 Islam/Muslims: Islam is a religion of Satan, what happens to a suicide bomber after he dies?
2017-10-26 Predestination Exists: Caller thinks predestination exists because God knows everything.
Doctrine of Hell: Where does the doctrine of hell come from?
2017-09-26 Peter's Name Peter's name Cephas, stone, rock. [John 1:42]
Mormons/LDS, council of gods: What is the most effective way to witness to a Mormon?
2017-08-25 Never Hearing the Gospel: What about people who have never heard the gospel?
Satan Being Cast out of Heaven: When did the casting Satan of Heaven occur? [Revelation 12]
2017-08-17 JW & the Correct Jesus: Are the Jehovah's Witnesses worshipping the correct Jesus?
2017-08-10 Preaching Gospel Never Ending Process: Every generation that is born & Jesus doesn't come back we have to preach the gospel all over again so what's taking Him so long?
2017-08-07 Paul not Holding Anything Back: What did it mean when Paul said he didn't hold back anything, shared everything from the Council? [Acts 20, 1 Crinthians 9:16]
Not Preaching the Gospel: What did he mean, woe is me if I don't preach the gospel? [1 Corinthians 9:16]
Paul Running the Race: What did Paul mean by "run the race"? [Acts 20:4]
2017-08-07 Paul not Holding Anything Back: What did it mean when Paul said he didn't hold back anything, shared everything from the Council? [Acts 20, 1 Crinthians 9:16]
Not Preaching the Gospel: What did he mean, woe is me if I don't preach the gospel? [1 Corinthians 9:16]
Paul Running the Race: What did Paul mean by "run the race"? [Acts 20:4]
2017-08-03 Catholicism a Different Gospel: Shouldn't the Roman Catholic church be considered teaching another gospel? I was watching the movie called, "Silence", which came out in 2016, with my son & it brought a lot of discussion between us. [Galatians 1:8-9]
2017-07-18 People who have never heard of Gospel Burning Forever: I can't reconcile that people who have NEVER heard the gospel are going to burn for eternity in hell (ministry of the month).
2017-07-17 The Way International: We met some people who belong to The Way international, & they started saying we shouldn't study the Gospels because they've already been fulfilled, & we should only study books written by Paul. What do you think about that?
2017-07-14 None of Them are Lost: I'm teaching on once saved always saved, so what do you say about this verse? [John 17:12]
2017-07-13 God's Anger: When God is upset with us, can we actually feel His anger?
Never having heard the Gospel: What about those that have never heard the gospel? [Romans 2:12-14, 1 Corinthians 1:30]
2017-07-07 Pearl before Swine: Should we vigorously attempt to witness our hope? [1 Peter 3:15]
Unequally Yoked Potential: A Christian friend is contemplating becoming involved w/ a non-Christian, but he fears she may just feign Christianity to win his heart, & then leave Christianity.
2017-06-07 Parables Not Understandable for Some: Why did Jesus speak in parables? Why did He want to make it hard for them to understand? [Mark 4:34]
2017-05-15 Sin, Righteousness, Judgment, Death, Burial & Resurrection: These are main constructs of the gospel, but is there anything else that needs to be preached? [John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 15:4, 1 Corinthians 2:2]
2017-05-09 A False Christ: Would disproving Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, & Adventists have a false Christ endanger your salvation? (The person called several times seeming to have a vendetta against SDAs.)
2017-05-05 Never hearing of Jesus: How do we really make an impact on people who've never heard the gospel about Jesus, but really have a sense that there is something? [Romans 1:19-20]
2017-05-04 Emergent Church: Can you give me some information about emergent or the emerging church? (he cont. after break w/out having announced it like usually does), & then talks about contemplative prayer, spirit formation, the kingdom of God, the gospel of heaven
2017-04-25 Dharma & the Gospel of Christ: Dharma of the Buddha & the gospel of Jesus are really beginning to, in my mind, merge together, says a regular Buddhist caller.
2017-04-25 Being Tempted by the Devil: Is there any evidence in Scripture that the devil can put thoughts into our mind?te
Gospel in a Nutshell: How would you phrase what the gospel is n a nutshell?
Gifts of the Spirit: So even if i don't have the gift of mercy, am i not supposed to still show mercy?
2017-02-24 Calvinism being a Different Gospel: Calvinism just seems like a different gospel because the Gospel is supposed to be the "Good News"! [Galatians 1:6-9]
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