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Topic: Disciple(s)

Showing 51 to 100 of 123.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-12-10 Jesus & His Disciple's Relationship: Do you think that James, John, Andrews & Peter had the time to get to know Jesus before they were actually called as disciples? [John 1].
2020-11-05 Stirring up One's Church to Go Out and Disciple: How would you go about stirring up interest in your church to go out and disciple others?
Suffering for the Christian: Why does God allow us to go through trials and sufferings as He does? [Job 2:10].
2020-10-27 Seeking "The Kingdom of God": Is seeking "the Kingdom of God" the most important thing we are to do? [Matthew 6:33, Matthew 24:14].
Seeking Success in a Career: If we are disciples of Christ, should we be seeking financial success in our career? [I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Acts 3:6, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 19:23, Ephesians 4:28, 2 Thessalonians 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 4: 11, I Timothy 6:17, I Timothy 6:9, I Corinthians 12:31].
2020-10-20 Gift of Evangelism & The Great Commission: What would you say to those who suggest they do not have the gift of evangelism, especially in light of the "Great Commission"? [Ephesians 4:11, Matthew 28:16-20, I Corinthians 12, Romans 12, I Peter 3:15, Matthew 10:33, John 13:35, I Peter 4:10-11].
2020-10-02 Suffering Guilt, Temptation, and Failure to Follow Christ in Reality: Could you help me understand the concept of "dying to myself & Christ living in me" when I don't really do or obey as I should. [Galatians 2:20].
2020-09-25 The Many "James" in the New Testament: Could you help me sort out the various "James" (the less, Adelphos, brother of Jesus, etc.) in the New Testament, and the relationships of His cousins or brothers? [Genesis 13:8, Luke 2:7, Matthew 1:27].
2020-09-22 Church-Hospital for the Sick?: Should the church should be seen as a safe place, or hospital for the sick, rather than a place where church discipline would be conducted? [Matthew 18:15-17]
2020-09-09 Why Jesus Didn't Want People to Understand His Parables: Could you clarify why Jesus indicated that he didn't want people to understand His parables, if He wants everyone saved? [Mark 4:12, Mark 4:34, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13].
2020-09-01 Rebroadcasts of Narrow Path Radio Program: Does the Narrow Path Ministry have to pay for additional air-time when radio stations rebroadcasts it during other parts of the day, when it's not live?
Causes to Break-off Fellowship or Church Discipline: You have said that many things are not enough to break fellowship over, so what things ARE worthy of breaking fellowship over?
2020-08-18 Children & the Age of Accountability: How will God deal with children and is the age of accountability actually numeric? [Luke 12:47, Deuteronomy 1].
The Meaning of "In Christ" : What does it mean to be "in Christ"? [John 15, Matthew 7:21]
2020-08-14 Sharing One's Faith: How much does one really need to know in order to effectively share their faith? [Acts, John 9:25].
2020-08-13 Commandments of Jesus: What are all the commandments that we are supposed to obey from Jesus? [Matthew 28, Acts 2:42, Galatians 5:14].
2020-06-26 Steve's Favorite "ology": Do you have a favorite "ology" (eschatology, soteriology, etc.)?
Romans 11:25 (Olive Tree & Israel): Would you exegete Romans 11:25 (the olive tree, Israel)? [Romans 11:25-26].
Supersessioinism: Are you a Supersessionist? Do not the Jews get a second chance as seen in Hosea? [Hosea 6:1-3].
2020-06-17 The Twelve Disciples: Regarding the disciples of Christ, who would be 12th, after Judas died? [Acts 1:26, Acts 2, Acts 4].
2020-06-11 Gift of Prophecy Today: If the canon of scripture is complete, then how can there be a gift of prophecy today? If so, what does it look like? [Acts 21].
Gift of Prophecy Defined: Is the gift of prophecy about making predictions? [I Corinthians 14:29, I Thessalonians 5:20-21, I John 4:4].
2020-04-17 Defining One's Faith: What do you tell people about your faith, without aligning to a particular group, movement, or theology?
Calvinism: Comment on Calvinism and how their theology maligns the character of God.
2020-04-03 Kingdom of God: What would be the impact within the church of recognizing that the "Kingdom of God" has come and is present now on earth? [2 Corinthians 11, Galatians 1:8, Matthew 16:24-26].
2020-04-02 Disciples Martyred: In Matthew 24:9, when Jesus says that "they will kill" you, does this mean that all the disciples were martyred? [Matthew 24:9].
Pestilence and Earthquakes: Do you think that we are in age of the famines, pestilence and earthquakes, etc. in Matthew 24? [Matthew 4-14].
2020-04-01 Test & Temptation in the Lord's Prayer: Is the word used in the Lord's Prayer for "temptation" the same as "test"? [Matthew 6:9-13].
Lord's Prayer -Thy Kingdom Come: What does it mean in the Lord's Prayer, "thy kingdom come"? [Matthew 6:9-13, 12:28, 16:24-26, Exodus 19:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Luke 17:21, 9:23, Colossians 1:13].
2020-03-27 How Many Are Truly Saved Today: What kind of percentage of people today do you think are truly committed, or true disciples of Christ? [Matthew 7:22].
2020-03-11 Christianity Not a Religion: As an unbeliever, I find that the argument that Christianity isn't a religion, annoying, can you tell me more about how that is defended?
2020-03-10 Not Really Saved (I Never Knew You): How could people prophesy and do miracles in Jesus name and yet they might not have really been saved? [Matthew 7:22, I Corinthians 13].
2020-02-26 A True Disciple of Christ: After listening to your lecture, "Toward a Radically Christian Counterculture", I am feeling convicted about whether I am a real Christian-a true disciple of Christ-and am wondering that if my previous walk has been weak and compromised, where does that leave me? [Titus 2:10].
2020-02-25 River Flowing & Splitting Mountain in Ezekiel: Are the verses in Ezekiel about the river "flowing out from Jerusalem" and the splitting of the mountain,literal or symbolic? [Ezekiel 47, Zechariah 14:4, 8, Joel 3:18, John 7:37-39, Hebrews 12, Isaiah 32:14-15].
Christian Discipleship & War: Would you help me understand being a disciple of Christ, and the idea that Christians should not parcipitate in war?
2020-02-03 Secrets Only Given to the Disciples: Why would Jesus only reveal His message of salvation to only a select few? Does He not want all to be saved? [Matthew 13:11f, 23:37, 16:24, 10:28-30, 7:6, Isaiah 6, Luke 13:34, 19:41-44, Mark 4:34, John 6:44, 12:32, Matthew].
2020-02-03 Apostles of Jesus: Did either of the ones up for replacing Judas have contact with Jesus? Isn't personal contact with Jesus a requirement for apostleship? [Acts 1:21-22, Luke 10]
2019-08-19 Judas's Betrayal of Jesus: Why did the other disciples not stop Judas when Jesus revealed the betrayer at the Last Supper?
2019-07-23 What the Disciples Knew about Jesus: In light of the miracle of the calming of the sea, did the disciples know that Jesus was God? [Matthew 16:16, Psalm 107:23f].
2019-07-11 Disciples Taking Notes: Do you think that the disciples took notes while Jesus was speaking?
Holy Spirit Teaching Truth: Why do people seem to disagree on some points of scripture even though the Holy Spirit is intended to bring us into all truth? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 16:13].
2019-07-05 Apostles & Disciples Distinguished: Would you help me understand the difference between "disciples" and "apostles" [Matthew 10:1-2, Acts 11:26, Mark 3:13, Luke 6:13].
Apostles Today: Are there apostles today?
2019-06-03 Authentic Salvation: Are the people described in these scriptures authentic Christians? [Matthew 7:21-23, John 11:49-50, II Thessalonians 2].
2019-05-03 The Apostles: What is the difference when scripture talks about "The Twelve" and "all the apostles" Was Mathias chosen before the ascension? [I Corinthians 15].
Condolences to Non-believers: If a house of worship is of another faith, should we reach out with condolences? [Galatians 6:10].
2019-05-01 Demons: Where have all the demons gone? How would I recognize a demon possession today?
Power as the Disciples: Why do we not operate with the same kind of power as did the disciples in the 1st century?
2019-04-10 The Gospel: Did Jesus & His apostles actually preach "the gospel"? Since Jesus had not yet died, nor resurrected, did the disciples even know what the gospel was? [Mark 16:20, I Cor 15:1-4] The Kingdom of God=the gospel [Mark 1:4 & 15] Is Paul reducing the gospel to only the death & resurrection of Christ?
2019-04-05 Take up your Cross: What does it mean to take up your cross? Is Jesus alluding to His own crucifixion? What did the disciples think he meant? [Luke 14:25-27]
2019-03-29 Moses & Elijah: How did the disciples know that Elijah and Moses were the people with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration? Was it revealed to them?
2018-12-18 Differing Names in Apostles' List: What's the reason for the different lists of the apostles in the gospels? [Matthew 10:2-3, Luke 6:14-16, Mark 3:16-19, Acts 1:13-26]
2018-12-11 Phillips: Was there more than one Phillip? [John 1, Acts 6]
2018-09-13 12 Tribes: Who are the 12 tribes? Who is to rule over them in the regeneration?
2018-08-22 Becoming a Disciple: Do you become a disciple by reading the Bible?
2018-08-15 Jesus Inaccurate about 12 Thrones: Was Jesus wrong about "the faithful sitting on the 12 thrones" because of Judas? [Matthew 19:28]
2018-07-27 The Disciple that Jesus Loved: Is john really the disciple that Jesus loved, because how could John, a fisherman from Galilee, be able to get past the Gate of the palace of the High Priest, but Peter wasn't able to? [Acts 4]
2018-06-12 Passover Meal-Jesus' earlier one & Jewish Leaders traditional one: Jesus & His disciples appear to have eaten the Passover on the first day of unleavened bread, different than when the Jewish Leaders had theirs. Why the different times? [Matthew 26:17, Mark 14:12, Luke 22:7, John 18:28]
2018-05-24 Apostles Catholics: All the apostles were Catholics? [Genesis 15:6, Galatians 3:8, Romans 4:3]
2018-05-21 Great Tribulation: Is there going to be another Great Tribulation in the future? I know you think it happened in 70 AD, but is there going to be a future one also?
The Great Commission: At the Great Commission, Jesus' disciples went to Galilee like He said, it says that some of them doubted. Is this talking about just the 11 Disciples or others that doubted? Matthew 28:16-17
2018-04-12 Judas Iscariot: Was Judas predestined to betray Jesus? [John 17:12]
2018-03-08 Apostles: Are there other apostles besides the 12? Are there apostles today? Was Mary Magdalene an apostle?
2018-03-06 Gift of Ruling: The gift of ruling, how does this work, how was it done in the apostolic era? The only person I think of as my Ruler is Jesus! [Romans 12:8]
2018-03-01 Children of the Light: Who are the children of Light that Jesus is referring to? [Luke 16:8]
Charles Stanley: Do you know of & ever listen to Charles Stanley?
2018-02-20 Authority to Forgive Sins: When Jesus gives the disciples authority to forgive sins, is this just for Apostles or all believers? [John 20:23]
OT Sacrifices: Were the sacrifices in the Old Testament believed to be for forgiveness of sins at that time or just a covering for future forgiveness?
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