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Topic: Disciple(s)

Showing 101 to 123 of 123.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-01-18 Mathias: Who were the apostles? Did Mathias count? Who will be sitting on the thrones?
2018-01-09 Distinguishing an Apostle & a Disciple: What is the difference between a “disciple” & an “apostle”? Following Jesus
2017-07-31 153 Fish Significance: Was there any significance to the number "153", the number fish that were caught? [John 21:11]
2017-05-03 The Disciples Hearts Being Hardened: How would the disciples have avoided having their hearts hardened? [Mark 6:52]
2017-03-09 Going out making Disciples: Does scripture teach that Christians should not hold jobs?
2017-02-01 Disciples being called Christians: Were the disciples first called "Christians" at Antioch? [Acts 11:26]
2016-04-04 Followers of Christ Considered Disciples: As followers of Christ are we considered Jesus' disciples too?
Everything Jesus instructed to His Disciples: Are we supposed to do EVERYTHING Jesus told His disciples?
Spiritual Gifts like the Disciples: Are we supposed to be able to have spiritual gifts like the disciples out, such as healing, or only the spiritual gifts Jesus gives us?
2016-04-04 Followers of Christ Considered Disciples: As followers of Christ are we considered Jesus' disciples too?
Everything Jesus instructed to His Disciples: Are we supposed to do EVERYTHING Jesus told His disciples?
Spiritual Gifts like the Disciples: Are we supposed to be able to have spiritual gifts like the disciples out, such as healing, or only the spiritual gifts Jesus gives us?
2016-04-01 The Word "Disciple": Why is the word "disciple" only used in the gospels & the book of Acts & not in the rest of the New Testament?
Son of God Pre-incarnation: Was Jesus the Son before the incarnation? [Romans 8:3, John 1:1-4, Hebrews 1:6]
2015-10-06 12 Apostles & Paul: If Jesus had the "12" apostles, why did Paul need to be one?
Peter's & Paul's Gospel: So the gospel of Paul is completely different than the gospel of Peter's, Paul's being about grace?
2015-04-29 "Will be taken from him": What does it mean, he who has least, even that will be taken from him, since he which has much receives even more? [Luke 8:18]
2014-11-07 12 Disciples Baptisms': Who baptized Jesus' 12 disciples?
John the Baptist's Baptisms: Was John the Baptist's baptisms the same as the Christians' version of what baptisms are today?
2014-09-25 Narrow Path is Hard but Yoke is Easy: Which is it, is being a Christian hard or easy? [Matthew 7:13-14,11:29-30, 1 John 5]
2014-07-15 Christians & Disciples: So in order to be a Christian, you also have to be a disciple, isn't that true? So we have to die daily as a disciple, yes? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 14, Acts 11:26]
2014-07-01 Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses: I've engaged in conversation w/ JW's....they seem to have a lot of knowledge even though misguided.
Being a Disciple of Christ: You are only a Disciple of Christ if you have LOVE for one another, isn't that right? What are you if you are NOT truly a disciple of Christ?
2014-06-24 The Disciple whom Jesus loved: Where is John quoting from when he said, "...seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, 'Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?'" [John 21:20, 13:23-26]
2014-05-14 The term "Disciple": Did you say that the word "Disciple" always means followers of Christ, a Christian? [Acts 19]
Receiving the Spirit Immediately upon Baptism: Aren't we supposed to receive the Spirit as soon as we are water baptized? [Acts 19]
2013-07-26 Not Really 12 Disciples: Why does it say there's 12 disciples when in reality, there was only 11, since Thomas & Judas Iscariot were not there? [Luke 24:9]
David Wilkerson: What do you think of David Wilkerson as a prophet?
2013-07-03 Christian without the Discipleship: Can you be a Christian without being a disciple?
2013-04-10 Disciples: What do you think of the idea that the term "disciple" is not used except for Jewish believers and not used after the book of Acts? [Acts 11].
Book; "The Power of Weakness": Listener has a new book out at"The Power of Weakness"?
2013-03-28 The Apostles' Martyrdom: What happened to the apostles? [John 21, Acts 12].
2013-02-21 To Whom Was the "Great Commission" Given?: Could the directives of the "Great Commission" really have been specifically given to the apostles, rather than to all of us? [Matthew 28, Mark 16, Acts 1:8, I Corinthians 12:16].
2012-01-05 "Disciples of" Whom?: Are the disciples mentioned in Acts 19 actually Christians, but had not yet received the Holy Spirit? Is this possible? [Acts 19, John 20:21, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 5].
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