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Topic: Jesus (as a Man)

Showing 51 to 100 of 183.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-04-17 Temptation of Christ: Was Jesus tempted by sex? [Hebrews 4:15, Matthew 5:28, James 1:14-16].
2023-03-14 False Teachers in 1 John: Are the false teachers in 1 John denying that Jesus came in the flesh? Could you explain the context? [1 John 4:3].
2023-03-08 Book of J (Authorship of Moses' Writings): Caller begins to tell Steve about the "Book of J" which questions the authorship of Moses' writings (AKA Documentary Hypothesis).
Jesus & Mary's DNA: Do you think that Jesus had some of the human DNA of Mary?
2023-03-01 "Impeccability of Christ": How does one evaluate the veracity of the "impeccability of Christ"? [Hebrews 4:15].
2023-02-09 Don't Tell-the Demon Possessed Men: When Jesus healed the demon possessed man, why didn't He tell him not to tell anyone what they had seen, as he had told others on several occassions? [Luke 9:58, Matthew 8:28ff, Mark 5:1-12, Luke 8:26-40].
2023-02-01 Jesus Not the Son of God: Did you say that there is nothing in the Bible that says that Jesus was the "Son of God?" [Luke 1].
Catholics Don't Evangelize: Why don't Catholics evangelize?
2023-01-30 Jesus' Sinful Nature: Do you think that Jesus had a "sinful nature?" [Romans 3:23, Romans 7:23, Romans 6:20].
Assumptions Beyond the Bible: Why would people assume stuff that isn't in the Bible?
2023-01-26 "Jesus"-The Name: Why would the name "Jesus" be changed from its original form "Jeshua" (Joshua, Y'shua, Yeshua) if it is so important as these verses indicate? [Luke 1:21, Philippians 2:9-10, Acts 4:12].
2023-01-20 Jesus-a Pharisee: When Jesus stated that He was a Pharisee, was he saying that He subscribed to their beliefs? [Acts 23:6].
2023-01-12 Jesus' Ability to Sin: Could Jesus have sinned? If He could not have, then the temptation doesn't mean as much. [1 Timothy 2:5, James 1:13, John 11:14-18, Hebrews 2:5-18, Philippians 2:7, Hebrews 4:15].
2023-01-09 Jesus' Younger Years: Do we know anything about Jesus' younger years (from 12-30s)-often called 'the lost years"? [Luke 2:51-52, Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3].
2022-09-21 Jesus-Not God: How do you respond to the Watchtower (Jehovah Witnesses) who say this proves that Jesus is not God? [John 17:3, John 1:14, Genesis 2:24, Genesis 18:1, I Timothy 3:16].
2022-09-21 Jesus & the Law: What was the relationship between Jesus and the Mosaic Law? [Galatians 4:4, Matthew 5:24, Matthew 12:8].
2022-09-20 Jews Against Jesus: Why did the Jews want Jesus killed?
2022-09-19 Son of Man: How is one to interpret "Son of Man" in scripture? [Daniel 7]. Son of Man, Jesus
2022-09-01 Jesus Not Married to Mary Magdalene: What is the evidence that Jesus was not married to Mary Magdelene? [Matthew 12:48, Hebrews 13:4, I Corinthians 9:5].
2022-08-24 Kenosis Theory (Emptying): Do you think that the "Kenosis Theory" must be believed or is it heresy? [John 1:14, Philippians 2:7]
2022-08-10 Jesus Born Under the Law: Was Jesus born under the Law? [Galatians 4:1-5, Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, Luke 6:5, Hebrews 8:13}.
Died for All?: If Jesus died for all, then how can not all be saved or lose their salvation? [I John 5:10-11, Romans 11:22, John 15:6].
2022-06-30 Contradiction-Jesus' Last Words: Is there a contradiction in the two accounts of Jesus' last spoken words before He took His last breath? [Luke 23:46, John 19:30].
2022-06-27 "Wrath of God" vs "Gentleness of Jesus": Can you reconcile the "wrath of God" and the "gentleness of Jesus", when scripture indicates that Jesus was God?
God's Wrath as Consequence: Can you think of a biblical example when God's wrath was not consequential?
2022-06-23 Jesus' Genealogy: Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31].
2022-05-23 Making Forbidden Images of Jesus (or Anything Else): Flawed (white) depictions of Jesus have caused some to say that Christianity is a white man's religion." Isn't making images of any kind forbidden in scripture? [Exodus 20:4].
2022-05-19 Jesus Broke the Law of Moses: Is it possible that Jesus did not keep all the laws of Moses, namely, the ceremonial laws?
Breaking the Sabbath: Wasn't breaking the Sabbath punishable by death? [John 5:17-18].
2022-05-18 Jesus Could Sin: Do you think that Jesus, "being tempted as we are", indicates that He could have sinned had He chosen to do so? [Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 2:7-9, James 1:13, Hebrews 12:4].
2022-05-18 Jesus' DNA: What DNA did Jesus have ... half Mary's and half God's? [I Timothy 3:16].
2022-05-17 Jesus on the Throne: Is Jesus on the throne now? [Psalm 110:1, Revelation 3:20, Acts 2, 2 Samuel 7:12].
David's Throne: When was David's throne created? [Acts 2, 2 Samuel 7:12, 1 Chronicles 28:5, 1 Chronicles 29:23].
Jesus Getting Sick: Could Jesus have ever gotten sick?
2022-04-07 Jesus' Sacrifical Death for His People: Was it easier for Jesus to lay down His life for us because He knew what would await His people?
2022-04-07 God Hates the Wicked in Psalms: If God doesn't hate, how then should we see the Psalm that says that God hates the wicked? [Psalm 5:4-6, Psalm 5:9-10, Proverbs 6:16-19].
We Must Hate our Mother & Father: Does the verse about hating your mother and father, just mean we must love them less, instead of really hate? [Luke 14:26, Matthew 10:37].
Soldiers Arresting Jesus: Do you think that the soldiers didn't actually fall back supernaturally, but where kneeling to worship Jesus? [John 18:6].
2022-04-04 Trinitarian Analysis: A priest said that Jesus has to depend on His Father for working miracles and such. Was he correct? [Luke 2:52].
2022-03-22 Disciples of God or Satan: Since scripture says if we continue in His word, we become His disciples, do we then become Satan's disciples if we continue in lies? [John 8:12, John 8:31, John 8:44, 2 Peter 1:4].
Jesus Not Born: What do you think of a pastor who teaches that Jesus was never born, but was always God who came directly to earth?
2022-03-14 Objection to Long Hair (on Men): How long is long hair on men? [I Corinthians 11:14, Deuteronomy 22:5, Acts 18:18].
Who is Jesus?: Who was Jesus? [I Timothy 3:16, John 14:8-10].
2022-03-11 Jesus-More Than Messiah: Do you think that Jesus was more than the Messiah? [Mark 14:61].
Preaching Against Sin: Should we be preaching against sin today? [I Corinthians 5:12].
Evangelizing Others: Do you think that formulaic methods or "one size fits all" approaches to evangelism are effective?
2022-03-04 Jesus' Legal Proceedings & Evidence of His Resurrection: Considering the Jews who remarked that Pilate should not let Jesus go at His trial, how does that parallel to the idea that we must find evidence to substantiate Jesus' resurrection? [John 19:12, I Corinthians 15:6].
2022-03-03 Confused About God & Jesus & the Trinity: Could you help me understand some of this confusing teaching about Jesus raising Himself and sitting by His own side? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God-The Trinity". [John 20:31, Mark 10:18, Luke 22:42, I John 2:18-22].
2022-03-02 Jonah & Jesus-Number of Days in Whale & Tomb: Could you clarify the contradiction between the number of days Jonah in the whale and the days Jesus was in the tomb?
2022-02-21 Holy Spirit Descends Upon Jesus: When the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, does that mean He did not have the Holy Spirit until that point? [John 1:14, Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32].
2022-02-17 Significance of Names in the Bible: Could you talk about the significance of the various names used in the Bible? Some are explained, but what about others? [Matthew 1].
Jesus' Name Contradiction: How does one view the seeming contradiction with the name of Jesus being to be Emmanuel, but also Jesus? [Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:21, Jeremiah 23:5, Exodus 34:6-7].
2022-02-10 "Son of Man": Isn't the description "Son of Man" very frequently used in scripture? [Matthew 16:13].
"Son of Man": Why was the title, "Son of Man" used so much by Jesus, what does it mean, and where did it come from? [Psalm 8:4, Daniel 7:13-14].
2022-02-10 "Son of Man": Isn't the description "Son of Man" very frequently used in scripture? [Matthew 16:13].
"Son of Man": Why was the title, "Son of Man" used so much by Jesus, what does it mean, and where did it come from? [Psalm 8:4, Daniel 7:13-14].
2022-02-09 All that Jesus Did Could Not be Contained: Would you elaborate on when John wrote that the world couldn't contain all that Jesus said and did? [John 21:25].
Jehovah-Jireh: Would you elaborate on Jehovah-Jireh? [Genesis 22:8-14].
2022-02-04 Contradiction in Jesus' Timeline: How do you reconcile what seems like a chronology contradiction of Jesus' timeline following the baptism of Jesus? [John 1].
2022-01-31 Jesus' Suffering on the Cross: What do you think of my pastor's view that the reason Jesus had to suffer so much on the cross was to simply show how terrible sin is? [Matthew 26:39, Luke 22:42].
2022-01-28 The Perpetual Virgin Mary: Was Mary's other children actually step brothers of Jesus, and likely Joseph's sons, not Mary's? [I Corinthians 7:34, Hebrews 13:4].
2022-01-25 Capernaum as Jesus' Home Town: Could you clarify Jesus' hometown with reference to Capernaum? [Mark 2:1].
Man Lowered Through Roof at Capernaum: What about the faith of those men who lowered the infirmed man down into the presence of Jesus? [Mark 2:4].
2022-01-19 Jesus Praying with His Disciples: Why do we never see Jesus praying with his disciples? [John 21:25].
2022-01-14 Jesus' Existence: What is your argument for the historical existence of the man, Jesus?
2022-01-06 Jesus Pre-incarnate State (Christophany, Theophany) Do you know anything about how Jesus looked in His pre-incarnate state (Christophany)?
2022-01-06 God Impregnating Mary: Did God impregnate Mary, or did he just plant the complete fetus in her womb?
2021-12-29 Jesus' Works Enabled by The Holy Spirit: When scripture indicates that Jesus emptied Himself, does it mean that the Holy Spirit was the one who did His works for Him? [Philippians 2:7, Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, Matthew 12:28, Hebrews 9:14].
2021-12-28 Jesus' Birthday: When do you think that Jesus was actually born?
The Three Wise Men: Who do you think the "wise men" were, and do you think they followed Christ later?
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