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Topic: Jesus (as a Man)

Showing 151 to 183 of 183.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-12-22 Christmas not Actual Jesus' Birthday: Caller challenging the idea that it is NOT Christ's birthday.
Jesus & Mary Magdalene: Did Mary Magdalene & Jesus have a romantic relationship?
Jesus' Social Life: Could Jesus have married & had sex or would that have been too unholy for Him?
2017-12-19 Jesus being a Eunuch: Was Jesus a Eunuch? Was Daniel?
2017-11-30 Who do you say that I am?: "Who do you say I am?", what did Jesus mean by that? Why did He ask that? [Mark 8:39, Matthew 16:13]
2017-11-28 Nation of Israel or Jesus: Is the Servant of YHWH Israel or Jesus? [Isaiah 53:11]
2017-11-13 Jesus Body at His Return: When Jesus rose from the dead, did He have the same body He had before He came down here or a newly glorified body? Will Jesus have the same body He had at His resurrection when He returns? [Acts 1:9-11]
2017-11-08 Made of the Seed of David: It says in Romans that Jesus was "made of the seed of David", but He wasn't created, was He?
2017-11-08 God's Mercy & Forgiveness: God is infinite in forgiveness, but people still have to be held accountable who scorn Him.
2017-10-27 Parallels in Jesus, Adam & Barabbas: There seems to be parallels in the Garden of Eden & Garden of Gethsemane, the guards spear in Jesus' side & water & blood came out, & seeking a counterfeit "son of the father" in selecting Barabbas instead of Jesus. [John 18, John 19]
2016-10-26 Esther: Was Esther mentioned in the chronicles/history of Medes & Persians?
King David: Is David mentioned anywhere outside the Bible?
Evidence of Jesus: What about evidence outside the Bible of Jesus' existence?
2016-10-20 Jesus as our Brother: Caller has been being told that not only is Jesus obviously God, but He's our Brother as well. Is that Biblical? [Hebrews 2:11, Romans 8:29]
2016-09-07 Jesus Can Call 12 Legions Angels: Caller is converned that preachers misquote the verse about Jesus calling Legions of Angels or having His father doing it. [Matthew 26:53]
Jesus the Son of God: Jesus had to have been fully human (& not the Son of God) because otherwise how could He fully rely on the Father and expect us to?
2016-07-26 God's Creatures Suffering in Hell: Caller talking to an atheist/agnostic, but the only problem that his atheist has is, why would God create a hell (to torture His creatures)?
Evidence of Historic Jesus Aside from Bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible what there actually was a historic Jesus?
2016-04-01 Angels being told to Worship Jesus: Jesus as "the Son", part of the Trinity, but angels were commanded to worship Jesus. Why did they have to be told if Jesus was God? [Deuteronomy 32:43, Psalms 97:7, Hebrews 1:6]
2016-02-03 "Son of God" & "Son of Man": Why does Jesus refer to Himself as "Son of God", "Son of Man" & what do those titles mean? (calls later in show)
2013-11-14 Trinity Always Existed: Has the Trinity always existed even before the Bible?
Jesus' Form before His Incarnation: What type of form was Jesus in before His incarnation? [John 1:1-5]
2013-10-02 Jesus Having a Sinful Nature: Did Jesus have a sinful nature? Since it says He was tempted in ALL points as we are, was He tempted to be gay? Could He have been lustfully attracted to Mary Magadelene? [Hebrews 4:15]
2013-09-24 Original Sin: Why do preachers believe in Original Sin & preach it? [Romans 5:12-21]
Jesus Sinless: Jesus wouldn't have been able to escape Original Sin if that doctrine was true, isn't that right?
Church of Christ: What do you think about the "Church of Christ" denomination?
2013-09-06 Jesus Never Claimed to be God: Jesus was the second "Adam", wasn't He? Was He the example of what Adam should've been, yet also came down here to die for our sins?
Jesus the "God Man": So wouldn't it be accurate to call Jesus, the "God Man"?
2013-09-04 God Choosing/Drawing Us: God has to choose or draw us, doesn't He? [Ephesians 1:4, John 6:44, Philippians 2:13]
Jesus going into the Future: Could Jesus have gone to the future?
2013-05-16 Jesus Was Oriental: Could you explain what you said about Jesus being "oriental?"
2013-05-02 Jesus' Anger as Oppossed to Jesus': If Peter had turned the tables over in the temple, would he have been justified in doing so?
The Sanctity of the Church (building): What about the sanctity of the church building-like those meeting in schools or nightclubs?
The Qur'an (or Koran): Should I be reading the Qur'an if I am not very grounded in the Bible?
2013-04-25 Discipline of a Parent: How would one bring church discipline against a parent according to Matthew 18? [Matthew 18].
Jesus as God: Is Jesus God? If so, what is the connection between Him and God? Was He praying to Himself? [Genesis 1:1].
2013-04-23 Jesus as a Youth: Is there any reliable material about Jesus' youth and how did He come to the awareness of who He was? Was His awareness found through the scriptures? [Luke 2:49].
2013-04-02 Jesus' Joy & Sense of Humor: Did Jesus have a sense of humor and is there any record of Him experiencing joy? [Luke 10:21, Ephesiaqns 5:3].
Sense of Humor in the Bible: Is there a record of Jesus or His disciples laughing in scripture? [Psalm 2].
2013-03-29 All Power Given to Jesus: Was there a power shift when Jesus gained 'all authority"? Was He getting back the authority that He had given up as a man? [Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:7, John 17:5].
2013-03-28 Jesus in Hell: How could Jesus descend into hell, if He commended Himself to His Father? [Psalm 31:5, Psalm 16, Acts 2:27, Psalms 16:10].
2013-03-15 Painting Portrait of Jesus: Do you think that perhaps someone painted a picture of Jesus, so we know what He looks like?
Talking Serpent: If God can make a donkey talk, why could God make a snake talk?
2013-03-08 Jesus Not Omniscient & the Trinity: Does Jesus not knowing some things prove that the "Trinity" may not be true? [Matthew 16:27-28, I Timothy 2:5, Ephesians 4:4-5, Romans 8:29, I Corinthians 11:7, Colossians 1:18, Matthew 24:36, Luke 2:52].
"Lord" (Curios): Does the use of the word "Lord" (curios) indicate one must accept the trinity view to be saved? [Romans 10:9-10].
"Son of Man Coming in His Kingdom" & the Millennium: Do you believe that the "Son of Man coming in His Kingdom" refers to the coming millennial reign? [Romans 16:27-28, Colossians 1:13, Mark 4:28, Matthew 24:33-34].
2013-02-19 The Conscience: Do you think that the commandments are stepping stones to a mature conscience? [Galatians 5:23].
God as Vulnerable Man: Isn't it particularly touching that God would become vulnerable as a man and suffer temptation?
Jesus' Deity: How did Jesus describe His own deity, and did He use "Son of God"? [John 10:36].
2013-01-28 Jesus' Early Life: Is there something that stopped Jesus from sinning when He was a child? (the impeccability of Jesus Chrsit.)
2012-01-13 Jesus' Foreknowledge: Why did Jesus ask questions of some, if He already knows everything ahead of time? [Philippians 2:7, Luke 2:49, Acts 1:1, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 24:36, Luke 8:45].
2012-01-13 "What Have I to Do with Thee?" What does this phrase mean "What have I to do with you?" [Luke 8:28, John 2:4, Matthew 8:29].
Jesus' Faith: Is there anywhere in scripture that says that "Jesus had faith?" [Galatians 2:16].
2012-01-13 "What Have I to Do with Thee?" What does this phrase mean "What have I to do with you?" [Luke 8:28, John 2:4, Matthew 8:29].
Jesus' Faith: Is there anywhere in scripture that says that "Jesus had faith?" [Galatians 2:16].
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