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Topic: Bible Literal Interpretation

Showing 51 to 100 of 150.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-05-17 Symbolism & The Millennium in Scripture: Caller disagrees with Steve about his stance on when to use symbolic or literal interpretation, particularly in regard to The Millennium. [Revelation 20, I Thessalonians 4:14, Revelation 11-12, Revelation 19, Psalm 50:10, Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8].
2020-06-30 The Millennium: Why is the 1000 years (the Millennium) not considered symbolic rather than literal by some, when it is clearly stated as a precise number? [Revelation 20:7].
Satan Bound for 1000 Years: How should one consider "binding the strong man" and parallel to the millennium? [Revelation 20:1-3, Matthew 2, Revelation 5:6, Revelation 17]. (Editor's Note: Answer continues after the break, in a separate call).
2020-06-16 Scripture Variances in Translations: Could you clarify the variance between translations regarding Jesus as the Son? [John 1:18].
2020-05-08 End Times Timeline & Dispensationalism: Why don't Dispensationalists pay attention to who the epistles were written to, and the timeline references in scripture about "this generation", "soon" and "shortly come to pass"? [Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 22:10, Matthew 24:34].
2020-05-05 Defining the meaning of "Last Days" by Scripture: Can you help me how the scriptures be understood differently than relative to the end times? [Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 54, Micah 4:1-4, Ezekiel 39, Joel 2:28, Hebrews l:1, I John 2:18, James 5:3, I Peter 1:20, Hebrews 12:22, I Corinthians 10:11].
2020-03-26 Hell-Which View: Would you articulate your own stand of the 3 views of hell? Do you believe that hell is eternal?
Importance of Understanding Hell: Isn't our understanding of hell far too important not to know? [2 Thessalonians 1].
Death and Hell: Is there anything in the Greek and Hebrew that better describes what kind of death we suffer, and how permanent it is, that will help us understand the consequence of sin and hell?
2020-02-12 Symbolic or Literal: If you decide to take something symbolically in the Bible are you defining your own religion?
2019-11-19 Creation Story in Genesis: May I get your feedback on my pastor not taking the story of creation literally? [Judges 9, Genesis 1].
2019-10-04 Literal Interpretation of Scripture: How do your respond to those think one must take everything literally in the Bible?
2019-07-15 Jesus's Blood on the Mercy Seat: Does the Bible indicate that Jesus literally went to heaven to sprinkle His blood on the mercy seat? Or is it symbolic? [Hebrews 9].
2019-05-21 Springs of the Sea: Are we to take literally the verse in Job about the "springs in the sea"? Is there a hermeneutic principle when determining when to ascribe literal vs symbolic meanings to scripture ? [Job 38:16, 2 Peter 3:10, Genesis 14:10].
2019-03-27 Rapture of the Wicked: What about The Rapture and the possibility of the wicked going away first, rather than the righteous [I Timothy 5:6, Mathew 13:24f]? Raising of the dead will first be whom? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Day (literal or symbolic): Is the word for "day", literal or symbolic?
2019-02-05 Eternal judgment: John Piper says that the wicked are going to be tormented eternally. [Hebrews 6:1-2, Revelation 14:10, 20:10]
Dispensationalism & taking Revelation literally: There's a lengthy discussion about it the caller takes Revelation literally or symbolically as a Dispensationalist.
2019-01-28 Satan raising people from the dead: Is there somewhere in the Bible that says Satan can raise the dead?
Creation Literal: A day in the account of Creation does not mean that it has to be a literal 24 period of time, does it?
2019-01-09 Literal or Symbolic: How should we determine if something is meant as literal or symbolic? What is the time frame for this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 19:19-25]?
2018-10-30 Water & Blood: When it's talking about the water & blood, what does this mean? What does this whole passage of Scripture mean? [1 John 5:6-8]
2018-09-26 All things Made New: All things new, is this by any chance in relation to 'every knee shall bow'? Is it sort've like universalism will bow? [Revelation 21:5, Romans 14:11]
Paul's Hard Writings: What did peter mean by pauls writings being hard to understand & twisting them?
2018-04-16 Taking Bible Stories Literal-Noah & Jonah: Do you take the stories of the Bible literal or figurative, especially Noah & the flood & Jonah?
Catholic Confirmation: Does catholic confirmation count as being saved? What about Infant Baptism?
2018-03-21 Bible literally: Is it better to take the Bible literally?
2018-03-15 Satan Fall like Lightening: "I saw Satan fall like lightening", was this literal, & what does it mean? [Luke 10:18]
2018-01-12 Art & Science of Biblical Interpretation: How do you know what is metaphorical and what is historical?
Defining Good & Evil: How do we define Good & Evil? Man was originally a being created with a likeness to God, isn't that right?
Joel Osteen: What do you think of Joel Osteen & his church becoming the biggest church in North America?
2017-12-28 Spiritualizing Scripture: Dispensationalists try to say we shouldn't spiritualize Scripture, & we should take it literally, but they don't themselves!
2017-12-28 Modern Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve that the prophecies of Israel have been fulfilled & that you have to believe in the literalness interpretation of Revelation.
2017-11-15 Healing: Doesn't this passage of Scripture mean that if elders come & pray for you that you will be healed? [James 5:14-15]
2017-10-31 Fundamentalism: What is Fundamentalism? Is it a form of Evangelicalism?
Literalism: I guess i'm just asking about Fundamentalism because some say we need to take all the Bible literally.
2017-10-17 Jesus Second Coming already: What is the strongest support that Jesus did NOT come back yet?
Full Preterism: What makes Full Preterism even a possibility?
2017-08-30 Being Born Again: Are we supposed to be taking being "born again" literally? [John 3:3]
2017-08-15 Coming of the Lord: Is the "coming" of the Lord literal? [1 Corinthians 15:23]
2017-08-15 Weak in the Faith: Does Romans 14 go beyond diet, food & holy days? [Romans 14]
People being Dogmatic in Secondary Issues: What about people who are very judgmental in stuff that we each have the liberty to do or not do?
2017-07-31 153 Fish Significance: Was there any significance to the number "153", the number fish that were caught? [John 21:11]
2017-05-22 Creation Week Literal Days: Were the actual creation days literal 24 hr days because what does it mean 1000 yrs is as a day, a day as a 1000 yrs? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4]
2017-04-24 Communion: Communion, Lord's Supper, Eucharist, eating the literal blood & body of Jesus. [John 6]
2017-01-27 Light before the Sun in Creation: What was the light during creation if the sun was created until the 4th day? Should we take creation literally or non-literally?
2017-01-04 Book of Revelation Symbolic or Literal: Is revelation, especially chapter 13, to be taken literally or symbolically? [Revelation 13:15-18]
2016-12-30 Serpent in Genesis: Was this serpent literal or figurative?
2016-10-27 Private Interpretation of Scripture: If people do privateinterpretation of the Scripture, do you have moral & doctrinal relativism? [2 Peter 1:20]
2016-10-21 Calvinism & "all elect": Is there a difference between "all" when used in the Bible? Is it literal or hyperbole?f
2016-10-10 Literal Creation Story: Caller doesn't believe a literal account of creation [Genesis 1-6].
2016-10-10 New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem: Are we supposed to take the new heavens, earth, and the new Jerusalem literally or symbolically? [Revelation 3:12, Revelation 21:1-4, Romans 8:19-22, 1 Peter 3:13]
2016-09-15 Interpreting OT in light of NT: Why is the best interpretative way to understand the OT in light of the NT?
2016-08-18 Taking the Bible Literally: Is it best to take the Bible literally? (In a wooden, literal sense.)
2016-08-05 3 Days & 3 Nights: Caller points out that there seems to be conflict in number of days during the death of Jesus...not 3 literal days.
"Sin in His Members": Paul’s comment about his sin, sin in his members, is this talking about his pre-Christian life or his current Christian struggle? [Romams 7:23, Galatians 5:16-17]
2016-07-27 Tower of Babel: Is everything that happened in these chapters true, including the Tower of Babel?
Confusion of Language in Babel: Why did God scramble the languages during the Tower of Babel?
Uniting Europe: What about trying to unify Europe?
2016-07-11 Tribes of Judah & Benjamin: restoration of the 10 tribes from babylonian captivity, and the tribe of judah & benjamin will be fulfilled, according to caller's friend. Can Steve explain why it's not so? [Ezekiel 37]
2016-07-08 Taking Up Your Cross: What does "take up your cross", mean? [Luke 9:23]
2016-06-07 Hyperbole & Literal Interpretation: How are we supposed to learn Hyperbole verses literal interpretation of the Bible, when to apply it, & should we learn Koine Greek. (I don't really understand the question.)
2016-05-06 Our Days are Numbered Exactly: It says in these 2 verses of the Bible that God control's the number of days that we should live. Do you take these verses literally? [Job 14:5, Psalms 139:16]
2016-04-11 Moving Mountains: Can move mountains with prayer if you enough faith? Is that what that Scripture really saying? [Mark 11:22-23]
Elisha having Bears attack Children: Elisha cured children for calling him bald & having bears come out & attack them, why would he do this? [2 Kings 2:23-25]
2016-04-06 144,000: Is 144,000 a literal number?
Having Doubt because of Literal Interpretation of Bible: Caller is having doubts about her faith because wondering about the literalness of the Scripture. (Steve recommends a lecture called, "The Authority of Scripture")
2016-03-22 Catholic Communion: Caller who just called about communion calls back & wants to talk about the Transubstantiation of communion in the Catholic church, the bread & wine turning into the body & blood of Jesus' body. [John 6]
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