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Topic: Bible Literal Interpretation

Showing 101 to 150 of 150.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-03-02 Taking Parts of the Bible Literally: How do we know what to take literal, especially numbers in Revelation?
2016-01-07 Literally Eating & Drinking Jesus' Body: Can you explain why we are not literally eating & drinking the literal body of Christ, why it's not correct? [john 6:53]
2016-01-05 Allegorizing or Spiritualizing Scripture: Why do Dispensationalists think you need to "allegorize" Scripture involving prophecy? What is the difference between allegorizing & spiritualizing Scripture?
2016-01-04 Plucking out the Eye: So we shouldn't really do what that verse says, pluck out our eye? [Mark 9:47]
2015-12-10 Sitting on the right hand of God: Is this literal or symbolic/anthropomorphic of something else, Christ sitting on right hand of God? [1 Peter 3:22, Acts 5:31, Acts 2:33, Hebrews 1:13, Luke 22:69, Hebrews 10:12, 1 Timothy 2:1-15]
Right hand of God: What is the significance of being on the "right hand of God"?
2015-09-14 Gospel being Preached to all the World: Is Jesus here talking about just the nation of the Israel here or the whole literal world? {Matthew 24:14]
Being Aware of the Gospel: Everyone seems to have at least a somewhat knowledge of the gospel, but what are going to happen to the people who had never heard the gospel, people from 3rd world countries?
2015-09-08 Works as a Result of Faith, Enduring to the End: Our good works are a result of our strong faith, is that right? What does "Enduring to the End" mean? [Matthew 24:12-13, Matthew 10:22 22]
Taking the Bible literally or figuratively, Idioms: Does Steve take the Bible more literally or figuratively?
2015-05-12 The Bible Just a Nice Set of Stories: How do you deal w/ someone who claims to be a Christian, but thinks the Bible is just a book of made up stories, & how would you share w/ them that they are wrong?
2015-05-06 Passover, Jesus' Death & Resurrection: How do we get 3 literal days & nights in Jesus' Death to His Resurrection? Does it have something to do w/ the Passover?
Spirit & Soul: Is there a distinction between the Spirit & the Soul? How does that relate to the Holy Spirt?
2015-04-14 Taking the Bible Literally, Selectively: A friend of the caller said that Christians just take what they want literally out of the Bible, so that makes the Bible not true.
2015-03-25 Literalism about Hell: We don't have any life w/ out God, so how could we exist in hell? [Acts 17:27]
2015-03-17 Law being Fulfilled: Caller wanted to chime in about the law being fulfilled in [Matthew 5:17-19]
2015-02-17 Interpreting the Bible: How do we interpret the Bible? Using the Bible for current Social Issues.
2014-10-17 God & Tough Times: God is not a genie, & that it might be God's will for us going through trials, suffering.
Fundamentalism: Do you ever find that you have to correct people about their Fundamentalism?
2014-10-09 The Bible Answer Man: How did you happen to be on Hank Hanegraaff's show, The Bible Answer Man?
Genres: Can you explain Genres, & what genres are what in the Bible?
2014-09-19 Inerrancy of the Bible - Mustard Seed: Jesus said that the Mustard Seed was the smallest seed, but in reality, it's not. So was He mistaken? The NLT version of the Bible sort've helped Him out by saying, "one of the smallest seeds".
2014-05-07 Impeccability of Jesus: Caller says that Steve almost sounds like an SDA, saying that Jesus could've sinned.
1,000 Years: You are negating the words of Jesus when you say He didn't say it was a literal 1,000 years! That's why Michael the Buddhist never hears Jesus from you, so says the caller. [Revelation 6:1-10]
2014-05-01 Understanding a Passage of Scripture: Can you help me understand a chapter in Zechariah? Is it talking about the end times? [Zechariah 14]
2014-04-29 Vashti: Vashti was asked to where the crown & come to him & she refused, it that true? Was she an exotic dancer (dancing in the nude)?
3 literal Days: How could Jesus have been in the grave 3 literal days?
Relying on Theologians: Can we get everything we need to be a Christian from the Bible, or do we need a good theologian every now & then to guide us?
2014-04-28 Jesus' Death 3 Days: How can it be 3 literal days that Jesus was in the tomb from Friday to Sunday? The math does not compute. Where does it say, "He will rise on the 3rd day"? [Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 28:63]
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: What does it mean that Jesus went & preached to the souls that were being held captive? I thought Jesus' death was good enough for the penalty of sin. [1 Peter 3:19-21]
Getting a Handle on the Truth: Since teachers are to be held more accountable than the average person, I want to make sure i'm teaching truth, so how do I know i'm interpreting the Bible right? [Janes 3:1, 1 Corinthians 5:9]
2014-04-22 Church Fathers & Spiritualizing Scripture: When did the Church Fathers start taking the spiritualizing scripture approach more than taking it literally?
2014-04-01 KJV & NIV: The NIV makes things clearer than the KJV sometimes (in reference to another call).
Spiritualizing Scripture: When's it okay or not okay to Spiritualize or Allegorize Scripture?
2014-03-07 Spiritualizing Scritpure: What does it mean that we shouldn't "spiritualize" Scripture?
2014-03-06 Evolution: Caller believes the evolution debate is really not that big of a deal, & does Steve think God used evolution as a means of creation? [Genesis 1]
Using Correct Terminology: The Bible needs to be a little more precise in the words it uses to indicate if God literally created in 7 days or it was a long process.
God Creating man from Dust: Man might've existed in a physical form but not a spiritual form.
2014-02-26 Bible throwing curve balls: I really believe in the fundamental essentials of Christianity, such as Jesus Christ &, the main & plain things, but then the Bible just throws weird things out there that we have to believe like literal creation, people burning in hell, & God creating Satan. Can you help me with the weird things that it seems to teach?
2014-02-21 "Earthly things": "If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?", what does Jesus mean when He says "earthly things"? [John 3:12]
Being led by the Holy Spirit: Caller believes the Holy Spirit has been leading her to study things she then hears immediately on the radio show.
2013-12-13 Interpreting Zechariah: Can you please tell me what this passage of Scripture is saying in Zechariah? [Zechariah 13:2-6]
2013-12-10 Determining Who the "He" is-Daniel 9: How can we know for sure who the "he" is in Daniel 9:27? [Daniel 9:25-27].
The Mustard Seed & the Leaven-Good or Bad: The "Mustard Seed" or "Leave" can be either good or bad. People need to use common sense to interpret them in context.[Matthew 13:31-33]
2013-12-02 "Lived Not Again": Can you explain the people who "lived not again" in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:5, Revelation 6:9-11]
Rich Man & Lazarus: What is the best interpretation of the Rich Man & Lazarus parable? [Luke 16:19-31]
2013-11-13 Understanding the Woman in Revelation: Can you tell me who the woman in Revelation 6 is referrring to? When does Jesus get taken up to the throne in this Vision? You don't think we are still fighting with priniciplaties & powers? [Revelation 12:1-6, Ephesian 6:12]
2013-11-12 Future showing of the Spirit of Elijah: In light of previous call, the caller still maintains there will be a future Eliajah the Prophet, besides the John the Baptist, & want to know what Steve thinks of a passage in Matthew. [Matthew 17:11-13]
"You Shall See Me No More": Caller is wondering how Steve interpret's the last 3 verses of Matthew when Jesus weeps for Jerusalem in the light of his Partial Preterist paradigm? [Matthew 23:37-39]
2013-10-29 Inerrancy of the Bible: How we know the Bible is inerrant?
Taking the Bible Literally: How do we know when we are supposed to be taking the Bible literally? [Genesis 1-2]
2013-09-18 No Private Interpretation: How do you know that the stuff you are interpreting is not just your or the religions own private interpretation which Peter says not to do? [2 Peter 1:20] (Caller gets off & calls back & is the 4th caller.)
2013-09-04 Taking the Bible Literally: Should we take the Bible literally?
2013-08-02 "The Lord is My Shepherd I shall Not Want": Was David going without? [Psalms 23]
2013-07-31 Millennial Reign: Why don't you believe in a literal 1000 years? [Revelation 20]
Defending Dispensationalism: Discussion Defending Dispensationalism.[Daniel 9:24]
2013-07-30 The Form by Which Jesus Returns: Are the angels saying Jesus is going to come through a womb again? [Acts 1:9-11]
2013-07-24 The 1000 year Millennium: What is your view of the 1000 millennium?
Child Shall Die One Hundred Years Old: What about "a child shall die 100 hundred years old"? [Isaiah 65:20]
Perry Stone: What do you think of Perry Stone?
2013-07-23 Spirit of the Lord "Caught Away" Philip: What does "the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip" mean? Was he supernaturally moved or was he just led by the Spirit of God to walk somewhere else? [Acts 8:38-40]
Nephilim & Sex with Fallen Angels: What do you think of the Nephilim being created as a result of women having sex with fallen angels? [Genesis 6]
2013-07-23 Philip-Snatched Away: Do you know of any other sources that suggest that Philip was just snatched away, instead of just going somehere else in a hurry? [Acts 8:38-40]
2013-07-03 "Mountain, Be Thou Removed": What does this verse mean about being able to move mountains? [Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:22-24]
2013-07-01 Amillennial View of the 70 Weeks: Does an Amillennialist take the 70 weeks in Daniel literally or symbolically? [Daniel 9, Jeremiah 31, Romans 11]
2013-06-26 Eating & Drinking the Body of Jesus: Can you talk about "eating & drinking" the Body of Jesus? [John 6]
2013-03-08 Non-Literal Interpretation of Genesis: What are the consequences to Christians who do not take Genesis literally (Creation & the Flood? [Romans 14:5, Romans 15:1, Romans 15:7, I Corinthians 13:9].
2013-02-20 Unforgiveness for Unfaithfulness: I struggle with unforgiveness toward my unfaithful husband, but don't want to go to hell. Can you help? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 7:12, Ephesians 4:30].
Unforgiveness Sends Us to Hell: Should I take the Bible literally when it says I will go to hell if I don't forgive? What will happen to my unfaithful husband? [Matthew 19:6].
Some Sins Worse Than Others: Doesn't the Bible say that all sins are the same, rather than some sins worse that others?
2013-02-13 Calvinism & Predestination: Caller disagrees that Paul is asking rhetorical questions in Romans 9-11 & Romans 6, that he's actually being literal that some will resist God's will, are predestined to do that. A long lengthy explanation of what Paul is really saying ensues. [Romans 6, Romans 9-11]
2013-01-29 Jesus Preaching to the Souls in Hell: Did Jesus go preach to the lost souls in Hell? Universal Reconciliation doesn't agree with evangelical doctrine. [1 Peter 3:18-20]
2013-01-22 Apocalyptic Language: Can you explain the apocalyptic language of the sun & moon going dark & so on?
Satan Falling like Lightning: What was meant when Jesus said "I saw Satan falling like lightning from Heaven?" [Luke 10:18]
2012-01-13 "John the Baptist" & "Spirt of Elijah:" Can you explain the relationship between "John the Baptist" and the "Spirit of Elijah?"[Malachi 4:4, Luke 21:20ff, Luke 1:17, Matthew 11:14, 1 Corinthians 2:14].
Elijah - "They Did Not Recognize Him:" What about the passage where Jesus is said to be Elijah, "but they did not know Him?" [Matthew 11:11-14, Matthew 17:12].
2012-01-05 Dispensationalism: Could you talk about "Dispensationalism" and what about it we should not accept?
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