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Topic: Addiction

Showing 51 to 100 of 125.
Episode Topic Audio
2019-01-03 Helping the Addicted: How does one handle it when a friend who is addicted to drugs, keeps saying she wants to get clean & sober, but then never does?
2018-11-29 Hypnotism: What is your opinion about hypnosis? Is wrong to even just WATCH that stuff, let alone use it?
2018-11-12 Marijuana/Cannabis: I like & work with cannabis/marijuana. Is it wrong for Christians to use marijuana?
2018-10-29 Pornography: I've been struggling with fear & purity because I keep continuing with the temptation of pornography
2018-10-22 Gambling: Am I contributing to other people's gambling problems doing what I'm doing in gambling by being proficient at playing Poker?
2018-10-19 Marijuana Use: What can you tell me about marijuana use? I think I keep thinking I have victory over it & then don't.
2018-10-17 Christian Lifestyle: Attempting to live an obedient life but the pull of the world so overpowering.
2018-08-29 Kicking the Habit of Cigarettes: I just can't seem to kick the habit of cigarettes. Do you have any ideas of how to quit smoking?
2018-08-27 Animals in Heaven: Do animal souls go to heaven?
Second Chance after Death: Is there another chance to be saved after physical death? [Hebrews 9:27] 1064
AA Celebrate Recovery: What about 12-step programs?
2018-08-27 AA Celebrate Recovery: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about what he says the AA Programs.
2018-08-22 Masturbation: What is your view about Masturbation? [Matthew 5:27, 1 Corinthians 7:9, Colossians 2:20-23, Leviticus 15:16-18]
2018-07-17 Demonic Pact & Its Ramifications: I made a demonic pact made when a youth, so what are the ramifications, does there need to be a special deliverance? [2 Corinthians 5:17]
Addiction: Struggle with Addiction a lot.
2018-06-13 Pornography Addiction: Isn't it unbiblical to look at Playboy?
2018-06-08 AA Meetings & Salvation: Can a person who doesn't drink anymore but who goes to AA & says that he is an alcoholic, can he be saved?
2018-05-30 Victory over Smoking: God gave me complete victory from smoking.
Praying According to God's Will: How do we know that we are actually praying according to God's will?
2018-05-01 Breaking Chains: Where does it talk in the Bible about breaking chains & becoming free from sin such as addictions?
2018-02-06 Correcting a Friend: How do we know when to correct/rebuke a friend and when not to?
2017-12-28 Husband/Father not Involved with Family: Husband doesn't engage with the family but is attached to computer, phone & TV, & it's just as if it's not a real marriage & wondering what to do.
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-10-19 AA Celebrity Recovery: Is AA Celebrity Recovery for the Christian?
2017-10-19 12-Step Program, AA Celebrate Recovery: Caller relates about a person who went to a church that had the 12 step program.
2017-08-28 Life After Death: What happens immediately upon death, soul sleep?
Hallucination from drug use: Drug user still experiencing hallucinations, wondering how God views this.
2017-08-14 Playing Guitar During Spare Time: I've been playing guitar & using an inordinate of time to play it, & wondering if I'm wasting my time?
2017-08-03 Unholy Desires: This verse frightens me because I have unholy desires & afraid I'm going to be told this. [Matthew 7:23-24]
2017-07-11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Wfhat is the proof of being baptized by the Holy Spirit?
Addictions: Can someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit still have trouble trying to overcome addictions?
2017-05-30 Drinking Alcohol: Is it wrong to drink alcohol?
2017-05-17 The Sin Unto Death: "sin unto death", what does that mean? what do you think the modern version of idolatry is today? [1 John 5:16
2017-01-03 Pornography Addiction: Are addiction problems biblical or is it referring to people who are just out of control?
2016-12-12 Ex-convicts/Drug Addiction: Some fear they might go to hell, not having complete victory over drugs. Even being addicted to coffee is bad (after break).
2016-10-25 Alcohol: Should Christians use alcohol?
2016-10-24 God healing: If our God can heal, why do Christians then need hospitals or ambulances?
Combatting Pornography: Is there a way to combat pornography? How to deal with the guilt?
2016-09-21 Besetting Sin of Homosexuality & Masturbation: Listener struggles with the homosexuality & masturbation temptation.
2016-04-29 Alcholic Anonymus: what do you know about & think about Alcoholics Anonymous? Does it belong to something like the occult?
2016-02-26 Alcohol & Street Drugs not a Moral Issue: A lot of social workers try to say that alcohol & street drugs are not a moral issue but a disease issue, what do you think?
2016-01-07 Taking Up Your Cross Daily: What exactly does Jesus mean to take up your cross & follow Him daily? Does that mean living a holy life? Is it talking about day-to-day activities & life, such as who you are going to marry? [Luke 9:23]
Addictive Behavior or Living Sin: We don't have to torture ourselves, our body, in order to get out of a life of sin, do we?
2015-11-13 Alcoholism: What if somebody died as a drunkard, could they still inherit the Kingdom of God? [1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21]
2015-11-06 Eternal Security & Habitual Sin: Am I still saved if I continual fall in the same habitual sin?
2015-11-05 Addictive Pain Killers: Resource re: the call about Addictive Pain Killers.
2015-11-04 Addictive Pain Killers: What does the Bible say about controlling pain w/ drugs, especially long-term? [Proverbs 31]
2015-09-01 Playing Cards: What is your view about playing cards? (that's the original Q, but Steve talks about Alcohol & Gambling more than the actual playing of cards.)
2015-08-25 Using Drugs (Marijuana) Recreationally: What are Steve's thoughts on using Drugs, especially Marijuana, recreationally since they are legal in the state of where the caller is calling from?
Alcohol vs Marijuana Effects: What about the effects of Marijuana verses Alcohol?
2015-08-25 Healing & Addictions Broken by Praying: Caller was cured by praying directly to God for Healing, for addiction problems & immediately victory & healing.
2015-08-21 Pain Medication: Is it okay to take Pain Medication even though you are using a lot of it, & have the potential to abuse it & become addicted to it?
2015-07-02 Alcohol & Drugs: Can a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohols, & even do petty theft to support their habit, can they still be considered Christians?
Richard Dawkins: Can Steve explain some of what is wrong w/ Richard Dawkins reasoning?
2015-04-29 Gambling: Is it ever okay for the Christian to Gamble?
2015-04-21 Followup About Previous Show: Caller wants to comment about previous day's show about a call about homosexuality & alcohol.
2015-04-21 Testimony about Addictions: As a result of hearing a couple phone calls regarding the caller about homosexuality & alcohol, a caller wanted to share his testimony re: drinking.
2015-04-21 Calls from People with Addictions: After getting several calls about people with addictions, Steve comments about getting it from both side of the fence about what he says in his answers.
2015-04-20 Homosexuality: Caller is concerned about dreams he's having about being in homosexual relationships, & past sexual sins.
Alcohol: Is it a sin to have a couple glasses of wine every night to deal problems?
Jesus Communicating with Us: Does Jesusverbally communicate with us? Has He ever personally talked to Steve Gregg?
2015-04-20 Wrong Advice: Caller is a little concerned that Steve missed an opportunity regarding homosexuality & alcohol.
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