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Topic: Addiction

Showing 101 to 125 of 125.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-04-10 Substance Abuse, Homosexuality, Calvinism, their 5 points: Caller has had trouble w/ pot, alcohol, Homosexuality, & is becoming a Calvinist & would like Steve to explain the point about Total Depravity.
2015-02-23 Marijuana & Prescription Drugs: Caller has been using marijuana & legal drugs for quite sometime, & wondering if they are okay to use.
2015-02-23 Alcohol & Drugs: Caller comments on previous call about drugs & alcohol.
Annihilationism: Comments about the first call regarding hell, but not universalism, but annihilationism.
Evolution for Creation: Can you combine both Creation & Evolution, God using Evolution for Creation?
2015-02-09 Righteousness exceeding Pharisees: Whoever breaks the LEAST of the commandments will be the LEAST in the Kingdom of God, but still in the Kingdom, & but it still has to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees or you are not going to get in at all. [Matthew 5:19-20]
Overcoming Drunkenness: Caller has been struggling wtih intoxication/drunkenness, & wonders what he should do to overcome it.
2015-01-28 Addicted to Narcotics: How do I break the addiction of prescription drugs? I've tried everything!
2014-12-31 Pornography: Struggling w/ pornography, & I also have a son who struggles with it. What should I do to help him & myself?
2014-12-03 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: My wife divorced me because of my alcoholism. What should i do?
Alcoholism: How do i get out of my alcoholism?
2014-12-03 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: My wife divorced me because of my alcoholism. What should i do?
Alcoholism: How do i get out of my alcoholism?
2014-11-25 Assurance of Salvation: I keep having a besetting then that I keep falling into, & so wonder if i'm saved or not.
2014-10-28 Sanctification & Salvation: What is the difference between Sanctification & Salvation?
Quitting Smoking: Should I quit smoking? Is it a sin?
2014-05-28 An alcoholic & drug addicted Dad: How am I supposed to honour my father who is drunk all the time & addicted with drugs?
2014-05-27 AA Meetings: What if, even though not believing in Christ, places like AA are able to tap into the "power of God"? Is that possible?
2014-05-27 Recovering Alcoholic Testimony: Caller is on fire for the Lord, & says that Steve is right about depending on AA & the 12-step programs. He thinks it might even be an occult.
2014-05-14 Former/Current Relationship & Addiction: Wants advice on how to get out of a relationship w/ someone who has addictive behavior & so doesn't want to enabling her to continue that practice.
2014-05-14 Addictions (first call follow-up): Advice for the first caller's g/f who is exhibiting addictive behavior.
Face for Radio: You said you didn't have a face for radio, but I think you do.
2014-02-19 Masturbation: What is your opinion on masturbation? is it a sin?
2014-02-03 Pornography & other Addictions: Fighting pornography & other addictions, and the one main common theme among people w/ addictions is trying to keep it a secret. Once your addiction is out in the open, it's much easier to have victory over. Caller also wanted to apologize for calling under a presumed name. (1 Corinthians 13:10-11)
2013-11-11 12 Step, AA Programs: Would Steve recommend 12 Step, double AA programs?
2013-11-11 Supporting 12 Steps Programs: Caller is thinks 12 step, AA Recovery meetings are a very good thing.
The Baha'i Faith: Caller thinks all the faiths in the world are the same, including the Baha'i Faith. Doesn't Steve agree?
2013-10-11 Changing Your Heart: What comes first, a changed heart or changed behaviour?
Addictions: What is the equivalent word to "addiction" in the Bible since that word is not in there?
2013-09-10 Youth Pastor with Pornography Addiction: A youth pastor has just confessed to having a pornography addiction. He's taking a leave of absence, but does it disqualify him in the future?
2013-01-31 Alcohol: I gave up alcohol, but my family & friends are saying there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol. What do you think? [John 2:1-11, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 23:30-33]
2013-01-17 Baptist Church: Is it okay to go to the Baptist church?
Fasting to Overcome Addictions: Is it okay to fast to overcome sin & addictions?
2013-01-04 Additions & Forgiving Repetitively: How can God possibly forgive people with addictions, who continually ask for forgiveness but fall again and again?
2013-01-03 Smoking Habit: I've taken up the smoking addiction again. Do you have any advice of how I should nip it in the bud?
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