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Topic: Scripture

Showing 51 to 100 of 172.
Episode Topic Audio
2022-02-21 Jewish Old Testament Scriptures Compared to Ours: Why do the Jews have the Old Testament scripture different than ours, and with fewer books?
2022-02-10 Eastern Orthodoxy vs Protestantism and Church Fathers: Are Protestants inconsistent to say they only go by the Bible when church tradition is what gave them the canon of scripture?
Trusting the Church Fathers for the Books & the Doctrines: Is it inconsistent to accept the church father's view of authorship of the books, while rejecting the church father's theological interpretations and doctrines such as, transubstantiation, etc.?
2022-01-12 Proof of God from an Atheist View: Atheist Caller in dialogue about the proof of God.
Atheist Doubting the Gospel Books: Atheist presents the collection of the canon (books for the Bible) being questionable. [Mark 16:8].
2022-01-10 Infallibility of the Bible: If the words of scripture in the Bible are true, but not infallible, is the Bible not in danger of becoming untrue?
Preservation of His Word: Do you believe that God has preserved His Word? [I Corinthians 7:25, I Corinthians 7:40, Galatians 2:11].
2021-12-29 Book of Remembrance Is the "Book of Remembrance" a reference to the New Testament? [Malachi 3:16].
The Writing of the New Testament: Is there anything in the Old Testament that promises the writing of the New Testament?
Paul Writing Own Letters: Is there a contradiction about Paul writing his letters with his own hand? [Romans 16:32, 2 Thessalonians 3:17].
2021-12-29 "The Lord's Day" in Revelation: Can we say that "The Lord's Day" is Sunday in Revelation 1? [Revelation 1:10].
Scribal Errors in Scripture: Could you talk about the possible scribal error in Luke 11? Do these errors happen often? [Luke 11:51, Matthew 23:35].
2021-12-23 Steve Gregg's View of "Inspiration": Could you clarify your position on "inspiration" regarding scripture? [Ephesians 3:1-6, 2 Corinthians 5:20, I Corinthians 7:40, John 13:20, Romans 15:28, Galatians 2:11-21, 2 Timothy 3:16, I Corinthians 1:14-17, I Corinthians 14:37].
2021-12-21 Learning the Bible Like Steve Gregg: Can other people learn to refer to Bible scripture as quickly as you do, or is it just a special gift of yours?
Feeling Sorry for the Pharisees: Do you ever feel sorry for the Pharisees? [John 10:37, John 17:6, John 5:42, Acts 15:5].
2021-12-14 Arguments Against Trinity & More in the Nicaean Creed: What are the arguments against the Nicaean Creed, besides the idea that Jesus is God (Trinity)? [I Corinthians 8:6].
Canon of Scripture Finalized: Which council was the canon of scripture finalized? Was it at the Nicaean Council?
2021-12-09 Development of the Bible: Why did it take so long and with such complexity for the Bible to be put together? [Hebrews 10:4, Ephesians 1:10, Galatians 4:4-7, Romans 7:24, Galatians 4:19-25, Mark 1:15].
2021-12-03 King James Version Only Acceptable Translation: As a "King James Only" person, I think that God only wants one "Word of God", and I don't understand why we don't just take it on faith that the Word we have in KJV is correct?
2021-11-12 Method of Bible Study (Origen's): Why do you not talk about Origen's 4-fold method of reading & studying scripture? [2 Samuel 7:5].
Calvinism's Predestination, Grace & Justice: Regarding Predestination, don't you think that it is reasonable for God to give grace only to the saved, but then deliver justice to all? [Matthew 5:44-45, 2 Peters 3:9].
2021-11-05 Reading & Studying the Bible: Which is most valuable to just read The Word, or to study The Word? What is the best way to study the Bible? [2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 1:2].
2021-11-02 Scripture in Paul's Day: What scripture was Paul referring to in I Corinthians? [I Corinthians 14:3-4, 2 Timothy 3:15-16, Isaiah 53].
2021-10-18 Obscure Passages in Scripture: What do we do about those passages we don't really understand? What are we to groom from those? [I Corinthians 15:29].
2021-10-18 Joseph-Biological Father of Jesus: Have you considered the possibility that Joseph was the biological father of Jesus?
Bible Contradictions: What about unbelievers who think that the Bible is full of contradictions?
Trinitarian Verses That Don't Belong in Scripture: Didn't you say that these Trinitarian verses didn't belong in scripture? [I John 5:7].
2021-10-13 Identifying The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved (The Beloved Disciple): Are you inconsistent with your position disregarding scripture as the only way to prove one's point, particularly as to who the unnamed disciple is identified (the disciple whom Jesus loved)? [Acts 4:13, Mark 16:14, John 13:23].
2021-10-12 Authority Given to Some: Did you say that there is no authority stated in scripture? [Hebrews 13:7, Hebrews 13:17, Hebrews 13:24, Mark 10:42-43, Matthew 20:25-27, Acts 16:4, Acts 20:29, Titus 1:5-9].
2021-10-05 Catholicism: What is the best argument against Catholicism? (Ref: Debate with Jimmy Aiken). [I Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 20:25, Luke 22:25].
2021-09-07 Bible or Holy Spirit: Should we follow the Bible or the Holy Spirit? [I Thessalonians 5:21].
2021-08-31 Catholic Tradition plus the Scripture: Catholic caller disagrees with Steve about the importance of tradition in our Christian faith in addition to scripture. [2 Thessalonians 2:15].
2021-08-30 Reliance on Catholic Tradition: How do I refute the Catholic idea that we need to rely on tradition in addition to scripture?
2021-08-25 Nestorius & Hyposstatic Union (Jesus' Humanity): Could you talk about Nestorius (hypostatic union)?
Debate Over Essentials: Caller posits: Protestants can't even agree on what is essential in order to debate, therefore "Sola Scriptura" (scripture alone) is impossible.
2021-08-20 The Word of God (Scriptures) in Jesus' Time: What was considered "the Bible" (the scriptures) before the New Testament was written, during Jesus' ministry & the apostles thereafter? [2 Timothy 3:16, John 8:31, John 13:20].
2021-01-14 Various Translations of the Bible: What are the differences between the various translations and which do you think the best for beginners?
2021-01-13 Can't Recall Scripture: As a mixed martial arts competitor, I suffered some head injury and cannot remember scripture, what should I do? [Psalm 119:11, Matthew 6:21].
2021-01-13 Founding Fathers-Deists: Caller shares a resource from David Barton, "Building on the American Heritage", that denies that the founding fathers were Deists.
Liberty Bell Scripture: What was the scripture on the liberty bell? [Leviticus 25:10].
2021-01-13 How to Study the Bible: What is the best way to get familiar with and study the Bible (rec: go through the Bible at
Responsibility of the Overseers: What does Acts 20:28 mean regarding the responsibility of the overseers for the church? [Acts 20:28, Matthew 20:25-27, Matthew 23:8-9].
2020-12-28 The Bible as the Word of God: What are some good arguments to convince unbelievers that the Bible is the Word of God?
2020-11-11 Support for the Greeks in the New Testament: Since the Philistines were Greeks and constantly attacking Israel, why does the New Testament seem to support the Greeks? [Jeremiah 47:4].
The Greek Language of the New Testament: Why was the New Testament written in Greek instead of Latin? Was that prophesied?
2020-11-05 Various Bible Manuscripts Compared: Is there a good book that consolidates all the various manuscripts to help sort out the differences?
Better Evidence Should Have Been Left to Confirm the Bible's Reliability: Does it not seem like Jesus should have left better evidence that the Bible is true?
2020-11-04 Bible Reliability Questioned by Atheist: A long-time Atheist friend of mine has challenged the reliability of the Bible because it has been translated so many times. How would you respond to him?
Testing Prophets Today: Since someone prophesied that Trump would win this election, should we test those that give prophecies? If so, how would you go about testing it before it evidences itself?
2020-10-05 Paul's Travelogue for Our Instruction: What are we supposed to learn from Paul's travelogue in Acts 27, especially in light of the verse that all scripture is for our instruction? [Acts 27, 2 Timothy 3:15-16].
2020-09-22 The Writing's of Josephus & Philo: Why were not Josephus and Philo's writings not included in the Bible?
Hollywood Bible Movies: Are the movies such as, "The Robe", "Quo Vadis", and "Ben Hur" historically accurate?
2020-09-21 Do Not Take Away From the Scriptures: Would you put a finer point on the passages about the Bible about "not adding or taking away from scripture"? [Revelation 22:18, Deuteronomy 4:2 & 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Colossians 2:21, Genesis 3:3].
2020-09-01 The Creation & Earth's Age in Genesis & the Disciples: Could you help me sort the age of the earth, creation, and the knowledge and task of the disciples? [Genesis 1:1-2, John 21:25].
2020-08-28 "Inspiration" of Scripture: Would you talk about your view of the "inspiration" of scripture? [Luke 1:77, Ephesians 3:19, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Jeremiah 36:32].
The Incarnation: What is your view of the incarnation (Kenosis Theory)? [Philippians 2:7, Luke 4:14]
2020-08-04 Being Critical of the Faith One Has been Taught & Determining the Non-negotiables: Would you offer some guidance about how to be critical of the faith views one has been taught, and have confidence to explore truth and know what is essential to keep?
Critically Cross-examining the Scriptures: How does one remain spiritually safe, and avoid offending God, when critically cross-examining the scriptures?
Nonsensical Scripture Resolved: If you run across some scriptures that seem nonsensical, how do you process through that?
2020-08-04 Being Critical of the Faith One Has been Taught & Determining the Non-negotiables: Would you offer some guidance about how to be critical of the faith views one has been taught, and have confidence to explore truth and know what is essential to keep?
Critically Cross-examining the Scriptures: How does one remain spiritually safe, and avoid offending God, when critically cross-examining the scriptures?
Nonsensical Scripture Resolved: If you run across some scriptures that seem nonsensical, how do you process through that?
2020-07-06 The Bible-The Word of God: How do I respond to someone who wants to know where the Bible says that it is the word of God?
2020-07-06 Bible-The Word of God: Caller comments on verses about the Bible coming by the hand of God.
2020-06-16 Eschatology: Can you tell me the cornerstone passages about eschatology?
Christology: What about Christology?
Most Referenced Verse: What is the most referenced verse in the Bible? [Matthew 7:1].
2020-06-11 Gift of Prophecy Today: If the canon of scripture is complete, then how can there be a gift of prophecy today? If so, what does it look like? [Acts 21].
Gift of Prophecy Defined: Is the gift of prophecy about making predictions? [I Corinthians 14:29, I Thessalonians 5:20-21, I John 4:4].
2020-05-15 Comforting Scriptures: Would you suggest some comforting scripture for these challenging times? [Psalms 1, 2, 19, 34, 37, 91].
2020-05-08 Jesus Humor: I can think of only one verse that might refer to Jesus having a sense of humor. [John 21:25]
Numerology & the Bible: After Isaiah chapter 40, there appears more alignment with the New Testament message, & there may also be a relationship between the 39 chapters of Isaiah to the 39 books of the Old Testament. Do you think that numerology has anything to do with this? [Lamentations, Psalm 119].
2020-05-04 Memorizing the Bible: Should I re-memorize books of the Bible in a newer translation?
Bible Restrictions in the Future: Do you think that one day we will need to know the scripture by heart, as we may no longer have access?
2020-05-04 Memorizing the Bible: Should I re-memorize books of the Bible in a newer translation?
Bible Restrictions in the Future: Do you think that one day we will need to know the scripture by heart, as we may no longer have access?
2020-04-30 Dangerous Bible Translation Differences: Would you comment on the excluded passages in some of the translations which I maintain indicate dangerous doctrines. [Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8, I John 5:7-8].
2019-08-09 Translation obscurities: Why do we not have more direct translations of what the Biblical words actually meant, rather than these more obscured translations? [Matthew 24, 2 Peter 3].
2019-07-24 "Trembling at the Word of God": Is there a verse about trembling at the word of God? Has that happened to you? [Isaiah 66:2, 57:15].
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