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Topic: Scripture

Showing 151 to 172 of 172.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-03-06 Sola Scriptura: What does Sola Scriptura mean, a Catholic asks a Protestant, because all the problems, divisions that the Protestants are having stems from that.
Catholic Church the only way: Anyone who is not under the umbrella of the pope or in the Catholic church are not saved, caller's Catholic friend says.
2015-03-06 The Book of Nehemiah & Joy: How do you apply "the Joy of Lord is my strength", we get strength from His joy? [Nehemiah 8:10]
Manasseh killed Isaiah: Is it true Manasseh killed Isaiah? [Isaiah 9:21, 2 Chronicles 33:13]
Not Loving Jesus Most: Where is it in the Bible where Jesus says if people love their mother or father more than Him, they are not worthy of Him? [Matthew 10:34-38]
2015-02-13 Calvinism: You said that God wonders why people do bad instead of following Him, so, people can decide to do good or bad. What verses do you have that debunks Calvinism?
2014-06-03 Dispensationalism (last call): Dispensationalism seems to go against Scripture so much. Isn't there a danger to doing that?
Tithing: Is there ANYWHERE in the NT that says we MUST tithe? [Matthew 23:23]
Steve's Ministry: Your ministry, especially your website, is very informative, has a vast amount of knowledge on it.
2014-05-01 Jesus' Birthplace: Did I hear that there was a discrepancy of where Jesus was born?
Bart Ehrman: I've been getting my information from Bart Ehrman & was told he was a scholar. What do you think of him?
Scripture is God-breathed: I know there are 2 Scripture that says the Bible is inspired or God-breathed. Can you point me to them? [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21]
2014-04-01 KJV & NIV: The NIV makes things clearer than the KJV sometimes (in reference to another call).
Spiritualizing Scripture: When's it okay or not okay to Spiritualize or Allegorize Scripture?
2013-12-26 Perfecting of the New Testament: Caller is reading John MaCArthur's book, "Strange Fire", & has got to the part where he talks about 1 Corinthians & the supposed perfecting of the canon of Scripture. What are Steve's thoughts. [1 Corinthians 13:10]
2013-05-09 When Babies Die: Do babies go to heaven, and what would their lives be like in heaven? Do they remain babies there, or grow up there?
Missing Books of the Bible Are there missing books of the Bible? [I Corinthians 5:9, Colossians 4:16].
2013-04-15 Inspiration of Scripture: How do you see the scriptures, Old & New Testaments, as the "inspired" Word of God?
Inspiration of the New Testament: I have heard from some that you, Steve Gregg, do not believe in the inspiration of the New Testament, however, I disagree. Can you clarify? [Luke 1:1-4].
2013-04-15 Inspiration of Scripture: Comment about the different way that Paul received his information in contrast to the other apostles.
2013-04-08 King James Version of the Bible: Were there 80 books, instead of the current 66, in the original King James Bible?
2013-03-05 Distortion of Grace Scripture: Was there something specific being distorted in 2 Peter, and also applied to today's distortions? [2 Peter 3:15, Romans 6:15, Titus 2:11-12, Jude 1:4].
"Other" Scriptures: What are the "other" scriptures being referred to in 2 Peter 3? [2 Peter 3}.
2013-03-01 Satan Knows the Authority of Scripture: Isn't Satan actually affirming the authority of the Bible by his using it when he tempted Christ? [Acts 19:15].
Jesus Being Called, "Master": Could you talk about Jesus allowing the disciples to call Him, "Master"? [Matthew 23:9, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44].
2013-02-22 Old & New Testament's Inspiration vs Authority: Could you do a synopsis of the difference of the kind of authority (and inspiration) of the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? [2 Peter 1:19, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, I Corinthians 7:12, I Timothy 4:1, Matthew 28:18].
2013-02-21 Understanding to Whom Scripture Applies: How does one determine whether a certain scripture applies to a specific person or group, or whether it is more universally to be understood? [Jeremiah 13:23, Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 17:9, Genesis 6:5].
2013-02-05 Applying same Scripture Different Ways: There really is no universal way to apply the same passage of Scripture for might mean something else to someone else. Do you think that might be true? (Spiritualizing Scripture)
God Speaking to us: Can God speak to us apart from the what He says in the Scripture? Is it possible He might ever tell us something CONTRARY to what the Scripture said?
2013-01-18 Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Why is the Bible so ambiguous about whether someone has eternal security once they become saved?
2013-01-16 Bibles Back in Schools: People are saying how we need to get rid of guns, but how come we never hear anything about putting the Bible back in school?
2013-01-16 No Bibles Anywhere in America: Isn't it hypocritical of the American government to say we can not preach or teach the Bible, but we must accommodate any other religion that is not Christian, such as Buddhism & Isla?.
Trinity: Can you explain the Trinity?
2013-01-03 Inerrant Scripture: Is the Bible inerrant? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2012-01-06 Bible Translations: Which Bible translation is more accurate than others and why do you think so? Rec: Young's Literal Translation, King James Versions, ESV, NASV, etc. [Matthew 24:35].
Inerrancy of Scripture: If we allow that some mistakes may have been made in some of the manuscripts, are we opening the door to a great error?
2012-01-06 Bible Translations: Which Bible translation is more accurate than others and why do you think so? Rec: Young's Literal Translation, King James Versions, ESV, NASV, etc. [Matthew 24:35].
Inerrancy of Scripture: If we allow that some mistakes may have been made in some of the manuscripts, are we opening the door to a great error?
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