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Topic: Worship

Showing 51 to 100 of 145.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-08-03 Symbolism of the Ezekiel's Temple: Caller comments on the parallel between the Samaritan woman, Ezekeil's Temple, the Shekhinah Glory, and the Holy of Holies? [Ezekiel 47].
2020-06-01 Steve Gregg's Exercise Program & High School Grades: What does your daily physical exercise consist of? What kinds of grades did you get in school?
"I Am" and its meaning: Does John 8:24 mean that you have to believe Jesus is God to be saved? [John 8:24, John 9:9].
Unitarians & Idolatry: Do the Unitarians think that worshipping Jesus is idolatry, since they don't believe that Jesus was God?
2020-05-27 Songs in Revelation: Is the book of Revelation full of worship songs [Revelation 14].
2020-05-13 Who Do You Worship: Who do you pray to, and who do you worship? [Ephesians 3:14, Matthew 6:9-13].
God's Name-Jehovah: Is it important that we know that God's name is Jehovah?
2020-05-07 Worship in Spirit and Truth: What is "truth", when the Bible says "worship in spirit and truth"...particularly in light of the varying opinions among believers and denominations? [John 4:24].
2020-03-09 Worship Service in Church: What form of worship should take place in church, when worshipping in Spirit & Truth? What should it look like on a Sunday morning as far as the raising of hands, singing, and so on? [John 4:19-24, 5:42, Isaiah 29:13].
2020-02-17 Compromised Songwriters: What are your thoughts on listening to worship music written or performed by those of groups that have some really compromised or nonscriptural doctrines or behavior? [James 1].
2020-01-20 Born Again: What does one do to be born again? [John 3:3, 9, 14, Colossians 2:13-14, Luke 15:24].
Worship in Spirit & Truth: What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth? [John 4:6-30].
2019-08-30 Hypocrisy in the Church: Do you think that God would find our way of worship an abomination, if we are being hypocritical? [Malachi 1:10].
2019-05-24 Wood, Hay, Stubble What if we have a pastor who has a church service that is designed to entertain? {1 Corinthians 3:15}
2019-05-17 Book Recommendations: Would you recommend some contemporary books for a Sunday school class to read through together?
2019-05-03 The Apostles: What is the difference when scripture talks about "The Twelve" and "all the apostles" Was Mathias chosen before the ascension? [I Corinthians 15].
Condolences to Non-believers: If a house of worship is of another faith, should we reach out with condolences? [Galatians 6:10].
2019-03-12 Strange Behaviors in Church: What do you think about all the strange behaviors taking place in the church in some circles (speakers that were “stoned with the Holy Spirit”, acting drunken, “tokin’ the ghost”, or giving “healing hugs”).
2019-01-02 Seeking the Kingdom of God: How do people seek the Kingdom of God? [Colossians 1:13, Matthew 5:16].
Loving God: How do we love God with all our hearts, soul, and mind? [James 1:17, I John 4:19].
2018-11-15 Spiritual Gifts in each Church: How come most churches don't follow the spiritual gifts that Paul laid out at the end of 1 Corinthians, especially 1 Corinthians 14:26?
2018-05-22 Divorce: Divorce is it not allowed at all? You are always committing adultery if you remarry someone who is divorced?
Adolph Hitler: Why would God allow an Adolph Hitler to happen?
Worshipping God all day in Eternity: why should we want to sit in heaven all day worshipping God?
2018-05-07 Magic Tricks for Children's Worship: What do you think of having magic performed for children in church?
2018-04-03 God's Sovereignty: God making us suffer forever, is Calvinism rather sadistic, thinking God will only save some, but the rest are going to burn forever & forever & ever?
Ecclesia: Ecclesia in the KJV was changed to church building instead of church assembly, just like they didn't like translating baptize to immersion, because King James did not believe Immersion for Baptism.
2018-03-07 Saturday to Sunday: When they Christians stop keeping the Sabbath & start meeting on Sunday?
2018-02-28 Leading Worship at an International House of Prayer: We would like to lead praise & worship music for an International House of Prayer and we are concerned people might think we endorse his teaching.
2018-02-15 Worship & Christian Music: What are your thoughts on contemporary Christian musicians?
2018-01-23 Husband & Wife Worshipping Together: Should a married couple always attend church together?
2017-12-20 Fellowshipping: Is not going to church affecting my salvation? [Hebrews 10:25]
2017-12-06 Fellowshipping with Believers: Are we sinning if we don't assemble ourselves together with fellow believers? [Hebrews 10:25]
Dead in Christ shall Rise First: The dead in Christ shall rise first, the pre-tribulation view. [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]
2017-11-20 Worshipping Jesus & God the Father: Did Jesus ever command to be worshipped? What is required for worship? Worshipping God through song?
2017-11-16 Pastor & Church Issues: The size of the church has been shrinking, & they are going to beam in another pastor's sermon virtually. Is that a good idea?
2017-11-10 Trinity Found in the Bible: Is Trinity in the Bible?
Attending a Church to be a Christian: Do you have to go to a church in order to be a Christian? [Hebrews 10:25]
2017-11-06 Not Celebrating the Holidays: I don't think we should celebrate Holidays because of pagan roots & it comprises the faith, so I don't celebrate them.
The Christmas Tree: Jeremiah seems to be talking about the Christmas tree & idol worship, don't you think? [Jeremiah 10:2-5]
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-10-19 Closed Communion: Hos is closed communion in churches that you visit even biblical?
2017-09-29 Worshipping supernatural or famous things: Bronze serpent, the lady touching the hem of Jesus' garment. People think they can have supernatural experiences by touching or worshipping relics or artifacts, people having wishing thinking.
Talking to the Dead: Are there any examples of talking to dead saints & other dead people? [1 Samuel 28]
2017-09-26 Keeping the Sabbath: Should we or can we go to church on Sundays?
Head Coverings: What about the covering of heads? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
2017-09-13 Worshipping on Sunday over Saturday: Why do we worship on Sunday instead of Saturday? (held over break) what happens after we die?
2017-09-13 Not having to Keep the Sabbath: What scriptures do you use to show we don't have to still observe the Sabbath? [Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:14-17, Hebrews 4]
2017-08-23 Sacrificing More than One Place: Was Israel was allowed to sacrifice in more than one place? [Deuteronomy 12:21]
2017-08-15 Setting up a Legitimate Home Church: What are the requirements to starting a home church & how should we be doing church?
2017-08-04 Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?
2017-08-02 Prideful in Church Attendance: Being prideful in church attendance, is it okay to have that kind of pride? [Matthew 7:1-2, Hebrews 10:25]
2017-06-08 Hindu Worships gods & Jesus: I've been talking to a Hindu who believes in worshipping many gods, & also claim that he worships Jesus, could that be true?
2017-03-29 Worshipping & Sacrifice during the Millennium & Keeping of Sabbaths: Worship & sacrifice during the millennium & the keeping Sabbaths & festivals in the future. [Jeremiah 14, Isaiah 66]
2017-03-21 Future Coming together of the Church: What is the future of the church as far as coming together? emergent church
2017-03-10 The Sabbath: Why don't people keep the Sabbath anymore?
2017-02-27 Not Liking Your Pastor: Aren't there places in scripture where it says to support your pastor instead of making a scene? Can't someone go somewhere else if they don't like him? there are so many options nowadays if they don't like him
2017-02-16 Sabbath & Sunday: I have some friends who maintain that we absolutely need to keep the Saturday Sabbath & when did we start keeping Sunday?
2017-02-15 Reformed Faith: What is your view of the reformed faith?
Closed Communion: What is your view of churches that won't let you take communion unless a member?
2017-01-11 Knowing God: Experiencing & Knowing God, not just having an intellectual knowledges about Him & having a routine in prayer & worship.
2016-10-07 Mega-churches: If I have reservations about our church, but my wife and kids are enjoying it (worship is like going to a concert, using a paraphrased Bible), what do you suggest?
Bethel Church in Redding: About Bethel Church's view of the continuation of the office of apostles and prophets, what teaching can you suggest? Recommended: topical lecture "Charisma and Character."
2016-07-05 The Emergent Church: What is the emergent church?
2016-06-22 Yodeling in Church: What do you think about yodeling happening in the church? Is it supposed to be a form of speaking in tongues?
2016-05-26 Lectures on Hell: Caller wants to know how to get a hold of information about hell for her cousin, who is very interested in it.
Jehovah's Witness classified as a Cult: Caller wants to know what actually makes them a cult.
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