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Topic: Worship

Showing 101 to 145 of 145.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-05-26 Charging for Ministry: Caller discusses about charging for the ministry, even to attend a Bible Study. They talk about what the Didache says about it.
2016-04-29 Sunday-Best for Church: DOes it say anywhere in the Bible that we have to dress up for church?
2016-04-01 Angels being told to Worship Jesus: Jesus as "the Son", part of the Trinity, but angels were commanded to worship Jesus. Why did they have to be told if Jesus was God? [Deuteronomy 32:43, Psalms 97:7, Hebrews 1:6]
2016-03-23 Bowing Down to People: Joseph's brothers bowing down to Joseph, or Nebuchadnezzar bowing down to Daniel, were those instances inappropriate, bowing down to them? [Genesis 42:6, Daniel 2:46]
The Prince of Persia: The Prince of Persia in Zachariah are both referred to as men & angels, that it is interchangeable. So he thinks Isaiah & Ezekiel is talking about the devil, Satan, once being Lucifer. [Zachariah 1, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
2016-03-07 2 Models of Church: Caller is torn between 2 models of a way church should be run. Does Steve have any thoughts?
2016-03-02 "Gather Together": In 2 Thessalonians 2, what does, "gathering together of believers" mean? (synagogue) [2 Thessalonians 2:1]
2016-01-12 A Professional Worship Leader: Hiring a professional worship leader, is that biblical?
2016-01-04 Differences in Belief in Church I Attend: How do I deal with teachings in my church that I disagree with but don't want to switch churches because of those differences?
2015-12-08 Hebrews Roots & Christians: Just because someone calls themselves a Christian does not mean they are a Christian.
Christmas & Easter: How come you never say celebrating Christmas & Easter is a false religion? [Jeremiah 10:1-5]
2015-11-09 Looking for a church: What kind've church would you look for?
Modern Day Pastors: Was there pastors in the early church like there are today?
Deacon, Overseer, & Pastors: So would pastors, overseer & deacon be the same synonym? [Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5]
2015-10-28 Discipleship: What is a good way to encourage discipleship in the church? [Matthew 28:20]
Church Community: The typical church service is all about the service, not connecting w/ one another, & people need to be taught how to go about doing life together.
2015-10-27 Calvinism: God provided the red heifer & the ashes to get ceremonial clean, but THEY had to actually do something to get clean. Isn't that the right way to think of our salvation, that God does provide everything for us to be able to receive Him, but it's ultimately up to us? [Numbers 19:9,13,10,21; 31:23]
Two or three gathered together: Is this passage of Scripture taken out of context, most thnking that where 2 or 3 people are gathered together, Jesus is there, but isn't this actually talking about church discipline? [Matthew 18:20]
2015-10-20 Going to Church on the Sabbath: How come we don't go to church on the Sabbath (Saturday) like the Seventh Day Adventists do? (Romans 14:5-6]
2015-10-12 Ekklesia - Calling out of or Congregation: Abraham was called out of his country, Israel being called out of Egypt, we are supposed to be as the new spiritual Israel called out of the world.
Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Is there another place in the Bible that references the Tree of the knowledge of good & evil? [Genesis 2:17, 3:1-24]
2015-09-15 Sabbath or Sunday: Are we supposed to worship on Sabbath (Saturday) or Sunday?
2015-09-02 Worship Songs in Church: Caller thinks there's too much vain repetition in worship songs we sing in church nowadays & it's too loud.
2015-06-30 Women Keeping Slient: Is the reason there's even a controversy is because of bad punctuation? [1 Corinthians 14:34-35]
2015-06-12 Ekklesia/Ecclesia in the Septuagint: Caller was listening to a debate Steve had w/ Tommy Bertoli, & wondered if Steve studied the word Ekklesia in the Septuagint. Were they deliberately using this word that applied to Israel before?
2015-06-01 Women Keeping Silent: It almost sounds like it's an absolute that women must remain silent in church, but before & after he says this, he has women speaking. [1 Corinthians 14:33-36]
2015-05-08 Church Membership: Pastor thinks that if they are going to participate in leadership roles of groups of missions, that they need actually join the church membership, & to do this, they want these people to go through a 2 month membership course instead of going to the regular church service.
2015-03-04 Humility: Does God expect us to grovel towards Him? [Matthew 15:22-28, John 21:15-17 Philippians 3:4]
2015-02-24 Charging for the Gospel: It's one thing to be charging for talent (a music show, a play), but what about charging for the gospel, to hear the actual gospel? I never thought I'd see the day.
2015-02-18 People Worshipping Themselves: It almost seems like people have made idols/images of themselves when they lose sight of God. [Acts 17:29, Romans 1:21-23]
Holy Spirit-Interpreting Scripture: Holy Spirit is somewhat subjective, but God Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, but some don't show evidence. [Romans 8:16]
2015-02-12 Attire in Church: Does it dishonor God to come to church in casual clothing? Is it biblical or mandated that we have to come in our best clothes?
2015-02-06 Expanding Church Building Project: Our church is thinking about expanding the physical church by purchasing more property, but wondering if that's a good idea since are many needy people.
2014-11-24 Feeling God's Presence: What does the Bible say about "feeling good" at a church service, like a tingling, goosebumps type feeling?
Anointing of God: What does the Bible say about the Anointing, that you have to pay price to receive an anointing?
2014-10-28 Worship Volunteers: Should I have to apply to be a Worship Volunteer & give character references?
2014-09-03 Institutional Churches Caller believes isolation is one Satan's greatest tools, so leaving the Institutional church might not be a good idea. [Hebrews 10:25]
2014-08-28 Denominations: Is there a denomination that aligns itself the most w/ what you believe?
Which Church: What church do you go to then every Sunday?
2014-04-23 Going to church in modern Times: When did going to church start becoming such a formality?
2014-03-27 7,000 men: How did God reserve to Himself 7,000 men who have not bow the knew to Baal? [1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4]
Arminianism & Semi-Pelagianism: What is the difference between Armininianism & Semi-Pelagianism?
2014-03-26 Worshipping the Holy Spirit: Is it wrong for us to worship the Holy Spirit?
2014-02-26 Commentaries: How come you didn't like a certain commentary a previous caller mentioned?
Sunday Worship: Following what you just said about not being influenced by outside sources other than the BIble itself, where do people get the idea that Sunday Worship is mandated?
2014-02-04 Sermon Format: How would you suggest I approach my pastor about the way he performs his sermons, instead of just highlighting 1 or 2 verses per sermon? [2 Timothy 4:2]
2014-02-04 Sermon Format: Followup to a caller concerned about the format of sermons.
2013-12-17 Every Knee Shall Bow: Is Paul is predicting that everyone is going to bow & admit that Jesus is Lord? [Philippians 2:11-12, Romans 14:11]
Universalism: So do you think everyone is actually going to end of worshipping God?
2013-12-09 Wine being non-Fermented grape Juice: What do you think about wine in the Bible only being grape juice? [Ephesians 5:18, 1 Peter 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26] (Audio of the caller is a little poor, but important questions.)
Musical Instruments & the Church of Christ: What do you think about the Church of Christ & having no musical instruments in the church?
2013-10-14 "Who Walk Not After The Flesh, But After The Spirit": Does this phrase belong, "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit", belong in Romans 8:1? I know it belongs in Romans 8:4, but the first verse too? [Romans 8:1-4]
No Musical Instruments in Church: Is there any validity to not having musical instruments in church like the Church of Christ proclaims?
2013-10-02 Calvinists Tending to be Cessationists: Does it seem that most Calvinists are cessationists, having an intellectual experience towards spirituality? Caller is going to go down & see John MacArthur's conference called, "Strange Fire".
"Worship Before thy Feet": What is this verse in Revelation 3 talking about? They won't be worshipping us, will they? [Revelation 3:9]
Nero fitting the bill of 666: If Nero did represent the calculation of 666, wouldn't that put the date of Revelation much earlier than 95 AD?
2013-08-05 Finding Fellowship with Deep Seeking People: Caller wants to find fellowship with people that really love Jesus deeply.
2013-07-29 Worship God in Truth & Spirit: What does it mean to worship God in Truth and spirit? Bad call connection. [John 4:23-24]
2013-04-23 Early Believers Worshipping Jesus: Since people didn't really understand that Jesus was God at first, but worshipped Him, anyway, should not have Jesus corrected their thinking? [Acts 10:25, Revelation 19:9-10, Revelation 22:8].
2013-02-07 Glorifying God: What does it mean to give glory to God?
2013-01-17 Baptist Church: Is it okay to go to the Baptist church?
Fasting to Overcome Addictions: Is it okay to fast to overcome sin & addictions?
2012-01-05 Other Denominations & the Church of Christ: What about attending various churches rather than one specific denomination?
Hearing the Holy Spirit: Aren't we able to hear from the Holy Spirit today, and He gives discernment?
Music in Church: Someone in the "Church of Christ" thinks instrumental music in church is wrong. What do you think?
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